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Geo Code Plan Areas Error Scan Page

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Use the Geo Code Plan Areas Error Scan page to scan student and contact data if you use Geo Code for assigning buildings. The error scan detects incomplete addresses and invalid buildings for both the current and next school years. You can use the error scan to assign students already in your database to the appropriate plan area.


If a student's address matches more than one plan area or a plan area that has multiple buildings of residence for the student's grade, the Geo Code Building Assignment Page cannot assign a residence building or enrollment building for the student.

Similarly, in Enrollment Online, parent forms cannot display a suggested building if more than one building is found for a student's address and grade. As a result, when the form is accepted, the registrar will have to assign a building of residence.


Before assigning next year buildings, you should confirm that the Registration District Configuration page is set to assign next year buildings based on plans for the correct school year. For example, if your district has re-districted some addresses for the 2016 school year and you want to assign next year buildings based on the revised plan areas, the configuration must indicate that you are assigning the next building based on the 2016 plan year.

Run the Geo Code Error Scan

  1. Select Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Geo Code Plan Areas Error Scan.
  2. Specify the report options.
  3. Enter a filter to select the records to process.
    When checking for complete addresses, you may want to filter on the Student/Contact Relationships, and select a Contact Type of G - Guardian to scan only the Guardian records.
  4. Click Run.
  5. After the process runs, review the reports to view the scan's results.
    To locate the reports, click Tasks/Reports on the Navigation bar. The reports will be listed on the Tasks and Reports page's Reports panel, and each will begin with, "GeoCode Error Scan."


Prompts Panel



Process Inactive Students

Checked if you want to include inactive students in the process.

Validate Plan Areas Assigned to Addresses

Checked if you want to validate that the Plan Area Numbers currently associated with each student and contact are correct.

If you select to fix errors, this option will assign Plan Areas to students and contacts who do not have them. If the address does not match any Plan Areas, the record is noted in the log file, but no Override information is set.

After running the report, if errors are found, the GeoCode Error Scan VPA file on the Tasks and Reports page displays messages for this scan.

Log Incomplete Addresses

Checked if you want to Log the contact ID and contact name for any contacts that do not have House Number and Street fields populated.

After running the report, if errors are found, the GeoCode Error Scan VPA file on the Tasks and Reports page displays messages for this scan.

Validate Current Year Building of Residence

Checked if you want to validate that the Building of Residence currently on the student's record matches the Building of Residence for their Plan Area.

If you select to fix errors, and the Building of Residence is set to something other than the student's current enrollment building, the override fields will be set as specified in the Override Building of Residence and Override Reason fields.

After running the report, if errors are found, the GeoCode Error Scan CYBOR file on the Tasks and Reports page displays messages for this scan.

Validate Next Year Building of Residence

Checked to validate that the Building of Residence for next year currently on the student's record matches the Building of Residence for their Plan Area.

If you select to fix errors, and the Building of Residence is set to something other than the next year building assigned to the student, the override fields will be set.

After running the report, if errors are found, the GeoCode Error Scan NYBOR file on the Tasks and Reports page displays messages for this scan.

Fix Errors for Selected Options

Checked if you want the error scan to assign Plan Areas to students who do not have them or to set the Building of Residence for the current or next school years.

Override Building of Residence

If you select to have the error scan fix errors, you must select the status to use if the student's record is updated because the building does not match the Building of Residence in the Plan Area.


L - Locked - indicates the student is assigned to a building other than the building of residence and the override was set by a user.
R - Needs Review - indicates the student is assigned to a building other than the building of residence and user review is necessary (this is the system-assigned default).

Override Reason

If you select to have the error scan fix errors and specify that the Override Building of Residence should be set to L - Locked, select a reason code to be placed on the student's record if the building does not match the Building of Residence assigned by the Plan Area.

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