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Generate Transcript Data Warehouse Page

Use this option to generate the data warehouse that stores the transcript information printed on transcripts. You must generate the data warehouse before you can print transcripts.

The Print Transcripts page includes an option to generate the data warehouse when you print the transcripts. However, you may want to generate the data warehouse separately if transcript data warehouse information is used in reports created by your district.

The transcript data warehouse stores data based on the transcript setups defined as a view for Transcript Type for the selected Group Courses By option. If there is a transcript view defined for the student's grade, the view for that grade is used. Otherwise, the default view is used.

Generate Transcript Data Warehouse

  1. Run calculations as needed to prepare student transcripts. Refer to Preparing to Print Transcripts Procedure.
  2. Select Mark Reporting > Utilities > Build Transcript Data > Generate Transcript Data Warehouse.
  3. Specify the calculation options.
  4. Click Run.
  5. Use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation bar to view task status and retrieve reports.


Prompts Panel




Select the building for generating the data warehouse.

Group Courses By

Select how courses should be grouped on the transcript. The options available are based on the transcript views defined.

Course Area GPA Type

If you want the Transcript to group courses based on a different GPA type from the GPA type selected in the Transcript View Setup, select the GPA that you want to print at the end of a course group.

Only GPA types that are issued on the selected course grouping for the transcript setup will be available. For example, if you are defining a transcript that groups courses by term, you can only select a GPA that is issued by term.

Print Courses Without Marks

Checked if you want to print all of the student's courses regardless of whether the courses have received a mark, comment, or absence. Otherwise, leave it unchecked to print only courses in which the student received at least one mark, comment, or absence.

Do Not Print Dropped Courses Without Marks

Checked if you want to prevent printing dropped courses that do not have marks or absences entered. Dropped courses that include marks or absences will be printed on transcripts whether the box is checked or not.

This field can only be accessed if the Print Courses Without Marks box is checked.

Earliest Withdrawal Date for Inactive Students

The earliest withdrawal date for the inactive students that you want to print. Students withdrawn after this date will be included in the data warehouse.

Print Course Info

Select whether the transcript should print the local course information or state course information. This field only displays for buildings which define state courses for local courses, but do not use the Course Equivalency Calculation option to build mark reporting records for state courses.


Regular Course Description - to print the course code and description from the Master Schedule.
State Course Description - to print the course code and description for the state course defined for the local course.

This option displays if the building has a Course Equivalency Setup defined and the Transcript Data Warehouse Information field is set to R - Include Regular Courses Only.

This option does not apply to districts that use the Course Equivalency Calculation option to report state course information on the transcript.

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