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eSchoolPlus Release

Multi-Tenant Cloud Customers Only

As of this deployment, the Start page used by eSchoolPlus multi-tenant Cloud customers is no longer supported for eSchoolPlus. 

AreaDescriptionLearn more
Account Management

Account Management menu options will be available for our Cloud customers to manage user accounts for Active Directory. You will no longer be required to enter information on the Start page and rely on the Cloud team to add the user accounts. 

Assign the Account Management security resource to users who should have access to manage user accounts.

Account Management for Multi-Tenant Cloud
Start Page Application Links

Users should create bookmarks for the application links that they are currently accessing from the Start page before the page is deprecated. The Start page will be deprecated after all other applications that rely on the Start page have migrated to the new Account Management method.

Resolved Issues

The following issues were resolved in this release.

Reference Number



ESP-60976Entry/Withdrawal - Course Drop

When withdrawing a student in Entry/Withdrawal and choosing to drop schedule, if the course date was before the entry date of the course, the course was being deleted correctly, but if that course had been part of a trail, it was not deleting the trail. This has been resolved.

ESP-67490eSchoolPlus and Schoology Integration

The integration relied on the eSchoolPlus user name matching the Schoology user name. Resolved to support more options for the Schoology user name.

The integration now supports matching the Schoology User Name to the following values from eSchoolPlus:

  • Username
  • State Staff ID
  • Staff ID
  • First part of their email

To match the Schoology User Name on one of the values besides Username, the eSchoolPlus SIS Attendance App must have the following string added to the Custom Parameters: 


ESP-66999eSchoolPlus and TAC Authentication

eSchoolPlus and TAC have been modified so the tenant alias that was used to log in to the application through an identity provider is stored as a cookie so the list of databases can be properly determined if a user’s session times out before their authentication ticket times out.

ESP-62891Medication Log and Medication Requirements

Medicine codes selected on the Medication Log and Medication Requirements pages were showing as invalid when viewing the page if the codes were now inactive. Modified so those codes and descriptions show correctly for historical records, while not allowing the inactive codes to be selected for new records.

ESP-65986OneRoster - Enrollment endpoint

Added performance improvements to the OneRoster Enrollment endpoint.

ESP-67139Plus360 API

Added a performance enhancement for the Plus360 API.

ESP-66769Plus360 API - eSchoolPlus ProgramStatus endpoint

The ProgramStatus API endpoint was allowing invalid data into the Withdrawal Reason field. This has been resolved.

ESP-66033Plus360 API - StudentProgramStatus endpoint

When a program was exited/closed, the underlying program tracked field was not being update. This has been resolved.

ESP-64939Schedule Entry List

On the Schedule Entry page, when adding a course with multiple sessions and one of the sessions has a conflict that the user resolves, the other session of the course is set to have the student resolved out of all parts of the session. This has been resolved so the other session is not resolved out.


On the Staff Building List, if the user clicks the Delete icon on the header, the Delete checkbox on the building row was not being selected, though the row displayed a strikethrough. This has been resolved. Now clicking the header delete icon will select or clear all of the applicable staff building rows.

ESP-66823Trends Reports

The Trends By Period (Detail), Trends By Period (Summary), Trends By Course (Detail), and Trends By Course (Summary) reports have been modified to properly separate students with multiple entry/withdrawal records in the same building during the time period the report is being calculated against. Previously, duplicate attendance dates appeared on these reports if there were multiple entry/withdrawal records due to them being calculated for each entry/withdrawal record.

ESP-65584Upload/Download Definition

Added REG_USER_PLAN_AREA to the Affected table list.

ESP-65546Upload/Download Definition

Added TAC_ISSUE_ACTION and TAC_ISSUE_RELATED tables to the Affected table list.

ESP-63804Validation Tables

When setting the State Code Equivalent field value to 'FALSE’, the value was getting changed to N when saving. This has been resolved.

State Reporting

This release includes changes for the following states:

  • California

  • Florida
  • Illinois
  • New York
  • Ohio

  • Pennsylvania
  • Texas

  • Virginia
  • Washington

Release notes are available in your state's eSchoolPlus online documentation site.

Database Changes

The following changes are included in this release:

Base Database Table Changes

The database changes are related to improving the flexibility of how the eSchoolPlus API gets validation tables for future integrations.

Table Name



New table

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