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eSchoolPlus Release

New Features

The following features have been added in the eSchoolPlus version release.

Product Area

Feature Title

Feature Description

Related Help Pages


District Configuration Utility

The following changes were applied to the District Configuration Utility on the Tenant Information window:

  • Fields were added to support each mobile app (Admin and Family) on each platform (iOS and Android). This included the ability to define separate Client ID, Client Secret, and Redirect URI values.
  • The original Native App Client ID and Client Secret fields were repurposed for use by Whiteboard exclusively.
  • To better support Whiteboard, a Port Range was added to allow districts to configure a specific set of ports that would be available through the firewall for use for performing authentication requests via the IDP on the user client machines.
  • The list of Identity Providers to choose from was expanded to explicitly distinguish between using Microsoft Azure and Microsoft AD FS. Other field defaults were adjusted accordingly.

Added a utility to populate the Global ID for users based on the login ID or email address. You can access this option from the District Information window.

District Configuration Utility Help
eSchoolPluseSchoolPlus API

Added endpoints to the eSchoolPlus API to support integration with Performance Matters:

  • Creates a new assignment in TAC
  • Updates existing assignment in TAC
  • Updates scores for an assignment in TAC
  • Gets the categories for a course from TAC
  • Gets the list of courses where the teacher can use Gradebook
  • Gets assignment data

Added an assessment scope to the APIs to access assessment-related APIs.

eSchoolPlusLearning Locations District-Defined Page and ProgramAdded district-defined page and program to store the student's learning location. The Screen Number is 29000. To access this page, users must be granted REG-MAINT-PSLL (Registration - Maintenance - Access Learning Location) security.
eSchoolPlusLearning Locations Validation Table

Added Learning Location validation table to allow the district to designate the location where the student is receiving instruction. For example, Virtually via Zoom, Physically in the classroom.

Table Name: regtb_learning_location

Registration Validation Tables
eSchoolPlusMobile AppsProvided single sign-on support for the eSchoolPlus mobile apps.

Performance Matters Integration

The Performance Matters and eSchoolPlus integration is planned for a future release for Performance Matters.

In support of that integration, the District Definition page was modified to add an option to enable the Performance Matters integration. When the user saves the configuration after enabling the integration, a window displays the Client ID, Secret, URL, and the API URL that must be shared with Performance Matters to complete the integration.

This integration should be enabled after the integration changes are released for Performance Matters.

District Definition
eSchoolPlusSupport Links

Support link options were moved to the Help menu accessed from the banner. The options will no longer display in the eSchoolPlus menu.

Existing links for support sites were modified to navigate to PowerSchool Community. Additional links were added so users can navigate to Live Chat Support and the eSchoolPlus Knowledge Base. When a user selects a support option, the user will be prompted to sign in to the PowerSchool Community.

WhiteboardSSOImproved to use a specified port range so the district can configure a specific set of ports that will be available through the firewall. Port Range is specified in the District Configuration Utility

Resolved Issues

The following issues are resolved as fixes to be released with 

Reference Number



ESP-28739Attendance EntryOn the Year View Attendance Entry page, the Change Source checkbox was not setting the Source in the Audit Log correctly when an absence record was deleted. This issue has been resolved.
ESP-35306Building Checklist

When the user had REG-SETUP-BUILDING Read Only security for the Building Checklist page, they were not able to select other buildings from the Building field because the field was not enabled for edit. This has been resolved.

ESP-38506Classwork Averages Report

The Classwork Averages report would error when including non-numeric marks. This has been resolved.

ESP-37777Copy Setups - HAC Building Configuration

When copying HAC Setups from one building to another, the HAC Building Configuration Auxiliary information was being copied. This has been resolved.

ESP-32596District Catalog

If there was invalid data on the District Catalog page, the save would fail and display an error. This has been resolved.

ESP-36485Enrollment Online - Upload Files

The page was not showing files after the user had uploaded them. The files were not displayed until the user submitted the form and logged back in. This has been resolved.


The Entry/Withdrawal page in Add mode would display an error when the district used Geo-Code and the user manually entered an unformatted date into the Entry Date field. Resolved the issue.

ESP-37824Geo Code Plan Areas

The Unsaved Changes label was appearing when the user clicked on the Street Number field on the Geo Code Plan Area page when no changes were made. This has been resolved.

ESP-35004GPA Calculation

When a student had a non-scheduled course where they were resolved out of the last marking period of the course, the GPA Calculation was still looking for a grade in the marking period that the student had been resolved out of. Therefore, the calculation was not considering the course to be complete.
This has been resolved.


If the comment on the Student Immunization page was 255 characters in length and contained the # symbol, an error would occur when the page loaded. This has been resolved.

ESP-38053Incident Detail

On the Incident Detail page, if the user changed the value in the Police Action field, the data in the Responsible Administrator field was being cleared out. This issue has been resolved.

ESP-39378Registration Assignment

When the Registration Assignment page displayed a list of students, special characters were added for students who had an apostrophe in their name. This prevented the Registration Assignment from being able to run. This has been resolved.

ESP-37567Schedule Entry

Performance improvements to the validation logic that handles checking student schedules for overlaps.


The Scheduler was sometimes receiving timeout errors. This has been resolved.


TAC Attendance

Enhanced validation during the saving of TAC attendance.

ESP-28696TAC Competency Grid View

The TAC Competency page in Grid View mode was not handling once a year mark types for course competencies. The page will now handle all the mark types associated with course competencies.

ESP-37141TAC Email

Several issues were addressed:

1.) If the teacher selected "Both" mode and selected a student, but did not expand their guardians, the guardians were not sent the email when they should have been.

2.) If the teacher selected the Select All checkbox for a course, but then fully expanded down to the guardian level for one student and cleared the checkbox for a single guardian, the Select All checkbox at the course level remained selected, so that guardian was still sent an email. This has been resolved so if a teacher clears the checkbox for a student or guardian, then Select All checkbox is also cleared on the levels above it.

3.) Depending on the sequence of selecting and unselecting checkboxes, teachers could get into situations where the Select All checkbox was checked, but not all rows below it were also checked.

ESP-33411TAC Gradebook Setup

Teachers were unable to select individual marking periods in the Category Setup. This issue occurred if the teacher saved the preferences for the page while they had limited access to make changes for a course with a Gradebook Category Setup. The saved preferences included the editable state of the MP fields. This would cause an issue when changes were later made by an administrator to allow the teacher to edit category settings for the course because the saved preferences prevented the user from editing the marking period.

Resolved to ignore the user preference saved value for the editable state of marking periods and always use the state determined by the MR Building Configuration settings.

ESP-33674TAC Student Drawer

Teachers were not seeing the full schedule for all marking periods. This has been resolved.

ESP-38236Transcript View Setup

The Transcript View Setup for the summary type was issuing an error that indicated there was a Duplicate Print Title that prevented the user from editing the view. This has been resolved.

ESP-32299Validation Tables

The description field of validation tables allowed script to be entered. After saving, scripting would cause the page to not work, but it was not executing the script. Any script tags will now be cleared out on save of the data and script will no longer cause issues on re-display. If nothing was entered outside of the tags, it will save the description as blank. This field should be completed appropriately by the district and not left blank or it will cause issues when trying to choose that choice in a multi-select text box.

State Reporting

This release includes changes for the following states:

  • California
  • Connecticut
  • Florida
  • Illinois
  • Louisiana
  • Massachusetts
  • Maryland
  • Michigan
  • New Jersey
  • New York 
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Texas
  • Virginia
  • Washington

You can access all State Reporting Release Notes from PowerSource.

Security Changes

This release includes the following changes for Security resources:

Feature Change

Security Resources

Learning Locations

Assign this resource to users who should be able to access the Learning Location district-defined page.

Database Updates

The following table lists eSchoolPlus database changes for the release. 

There are no Cognos model updates required for the 20.4 release, but there are updates available to include the Learning Locations information. To request an update, enter a case.

Base Database Table Changes

Table Name



Added table to validate the Learning Location field

Tasks Database Table Changes

Table Name



Modified columns:
Changed the field names NATIVE_APP_* to WHITEBOARD_*
Increased *CLIENT_SECRET fields to 255 characters to accommodate encrypted values

Added columns:


Set the value of the new IDP field for any existing record based on the value in the IDP_URL field

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