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Entry/Withdrawal Page (List)

Use this page to view a list of the entry/withdrawal records for a student. This page includes sections for the regular school year and summer school that list the student's entry/withdrawal history. Each section may include only one active record (a record that does not have a withdrawal date or code). The active record determines the student's current building, grade, and calendar.

Entry/withdrawal records store a history of the student's building, grade, and calendar information. When a student transfers buildings or changes grades or calendars, enter a withdrawal date and withdrawal reason code for the active record, then create a new entry/withdrawal record for the student.

If your district has program-tracked fields linked to entry/withdrawal, you can also see the student's enrollment information for the program fields. You can update fields for enrolled programs by clicking the appropriate School Year.


Because entry/withdrawal records store history, you should only delete records that are in error. Users must have the appropriate security resources to delete entry/withdrawal records.

View entry/withdrawal information

Withdraw a student

Re-enroll a student

Edit a student's entry/withdrawal record

Delete a student's entry/withdrawal record


Your district may restrict update capabilities by setting an Entry/Withdrawal Cutoff Date. This date protects building enrollment figures for state reports by preventing adding, changing, or deleting Entry/Withdrawal records up to and on the cutoff. For instance, if 9/4/2016 was the cutoff, then you would not be able to record entry or withdrawal prior to 9/5/2016, unless you have security to override the restriction.




Regular School Year Panel

This panel displays a table with the student's entry/withdrawal records. Click a School Year link to open the EntryWithdrawal details page with data from that record.

Summer School Year Panel

This panel displays a table with the student's Summer School entry/withdrawal records. Click a School Year link to open the EntryWithdrawal details with data from that record.

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