You have several options for removing courses from a student's schedule when using the Schedule Entry page. You can drop or clear courses from the student's schedule, or you can navigate to the Student Course page, which enables you to delete individual courses.
If you drop a course with a date on or after the start of school, a dropped course record is saved. You can indicate when the last marks should be entered. If the add and drop dates are the same, the system considers the student to have been in class for one day.
If you do not want any record to be kept of a scheduled course, use (Delete) on the Student Course page or drop the course with add and drop dates that fall before the first membership day in the default school calendar.
If the student has Attendance, Report Card, Progress, or Gradebook information, you must have the appropriate security resource to delete a course.
If your building allows prorated fees, the Prorate Course Fees window opens to prorate fees for the courses dropped or deleted when you click Keep or Discard on the Schedule Entry page. The prorate program refunds 100% of the course fee for courses that are deleted or dropped prior to a course's first class.
On the Schedule Entry page, click the Description link of the course to be dropped.
On the Student Course page, enter the Date Dropped in the Date Range Detail panel's Course Dates section. To keep a record, the drop date must be on or after the first membership day of the school year. Note Do not update the marking periods to indicate that the student was not in the course for the marking periods after the course-section was dropped.
If needed, in the Mark Reporting section, change the value in the Last MP field to indicate the marking period when the last mark was issued.
Click Save, then click Back to return to the Schedule Entry page.
To drop another course, repeat Steps 3-6.
When you change a schedule, eSchoolPlus creates a modeled schedule and displays an alert at the top of the Schedule List panel with Keep and Discard buttons.
Click Keep to drop the courses and save the model as a real schedule.
Click Discard to delete the model and restore the student's previous schedule, including the dropped courses.
On the Schedule Entry page, click the Description link of the course to be dropped.
On the upper right of the Student Course page, click (Delete), then click Yes in the confirmation dialog to return to the Schedule Entry page. Deleting a course removes all record of it.
If needed, repeat Steps 3-4 to delete another course.
When you change a schedule, eSchoolPlus creates a modeled schedule and displays an alert at the top of the Schedule List panel with Keep and Discard options.
To keep the modeled schedule and replace the student's current schedule, click Keep.
To return to the student's current schedule and discard your changes, click Discard.
Delete courses using Clear option
If the student has Attendance or Mark Reporting (Report Card, IPR, or Gradebook) data for a course, you must have the appropriate security resource to delete the course.
To delete specific courses, in the course's Action column, select the checkbox of each course to delete.
To delete all courses, in the course's Action column, select the checkbox in the header. This selects the checkbox for all courses.
Click Action, and then select Clear.
In the confirmation dialog, click Yes to clear the selected courses.
When you change a schedule, eSchoolPlus creates a modeled schedule and displays an alert at the top of the Schedule List panel with Keep and Discard options.
To keep the modeled schedule and replace the student's current schedule, click Keep.
To return to the student's current schedule and discard your changes, click Discard.
To clear a course that is not in the student's enrollment building, use the Clear Immediate option, as described in the next procedure.
Clear courses using Clear Immediate option
The Clear Immediate option enables you to clear courses that are not in the student's enrollment building. If you delete courses using this option, the changes to the student's schedule are not modeled, and you cannot undo the action.
If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
On the Schedule Entry page:
To delete specific courses, in the course's Action column, select the checkbox of each course to delete.
To delete all courses, in the course's Action column, select the checkbox in the header. This selects the checkbox for all courses.
Click Action, and then select Clear Immediate.
In the confirmation dialog, click Yes to clear the selected courses.
When you change a schedule, eSchoolPlus creates a modeled schedule and displays an alert at the top of the Schedule List panel with Keep and Discard options.
To keep the modeled schedule and replace the student's current schedule, click Keep.
To return to the student's current schedule and discard your changes, click Discard.
This procedure permanently deletes cleared courses, but it offers the advantage of clearing courses that students may be taking in buildings other than their buildings of enrollment.
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