Use this page to define which local courses are taken to fulfill a state course. For more information on course equivalencies, refer to Overview of State Course Equivalencies.
Note that you can also assign a local course to a state course and sequence using the Course Catalog.
If needed, enter criteria on the search page for a Simple or Advanced Search, and then click Load.
On the Search Results panel, click the state course's link.
Change values as needed.
To add a local course:
For 1-Part Courses, click Add on the 1-Part Course section.
For sequences of multiple part courses, click Add for the appropriate sequence.
To delete a local course from a sequence, click the x button next to the course code.
Click Save.
Run the Course Equivalency Definition Listing
Use the Course Equivalency Definition Listing to review the local courses associated with state courses. This report lists all course equivalency definitions for the school year. It does not limit results based on the filter you have defined on the search results page.
Click (Additional options), then select Run Report. When the report is done executing, it opens in another tab within your browser.
General Panel
Building for the course equivalency definition.
State Course
State course code that is being associated with local course codes.
Needs Recalculation
Indicates if the course equivalency records for this state course need to be recalculated.
No - indicates the course equivalency records do not need to be calculated. Yes - indicates the course equivalency records do need to be calculated. You can manually set this field to Yes if you know the records need to be recalculated. Error - indicates that there is an error condition. If this field is set to Error, then an error description displays below the field. For example, this field may be set to Error with a message that indicates the state course is associated with local courses that are not in the Master Schedule.
Courses Panel
Sections will display for the selected options in the Local Course Combinations field of the Course Equivalency Setup. For example, if One Part and Two Parts are selected, then a 1-Part Courses section and a 2-Part Courses section display. For more information, refer to Course Equivalency Setup Page.
In each sequence, list the courses that fulfill that part of a state course. The sequence number determines which part of the state course will be fulfilled by the local courses. For example, for a 2-part course, any course listed in the Sequence 1 Courses column fulfills the first part of the state course. Any course in the Sequence 2 Courses column fulfills the second part of the state course. Local marks are transferred to the appropriate part of the state course, based on the mark types listed in the Course Equivalency Setup.
To add local courses:
For 1-Part Courses, click Add on the 1-Part Course section.
For sequences of multiple part courses, click Add for the appropriate sequence.
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