Use this page to define the relationship between state courses and local courses. This setup determines which marks are transferred to the state course, and whether the state course or local course information prints on transcripts, report cards, or is used in graduation requirements and credit calculations. For more information on course equivalencies, refer to Overview of State Course Equivalencies.
If the detail page displays for a building other than the one you want, use Search to select another building.
Change values as needed.
To add a mark type, enter information in the blank row in the Mark Types Setup panel.
To delete a mark type, select its (Delete) box.
Click Save.
General Setup Panel
Absence to Upload
The absence types that should be included on report cards or transcripts.
You are not required to define absence types for course equivalency records. Your district reporting needs will determine whether you need to upload absences for course equivalency records.
Local Course Combinations
Determines the number of local course parts needed to equate to one state course. This field determines which sections display on the Course Equivalency Definitions page where you define the local courses that are equivalent to the state course.
For example, if you have semesterized courses, students might take English 1A and English 1B, which would equate to a state course of English 1.
Check each one that applies to your district. Choices are:
One Part - allows entry where the relationship between state and local course is one-to-one. Two Parts - allows entry where a combination of 2 local courses equate to one state course. Three Parts - allows entry where a combination of 3 local courses equate to one state course. Four Parts - allows entry where a combination of 4 local courses equate to one state course.
Copy Subject Areas to State Courses
Checked if the Graduation Requirements Calculation should default to have subject areas for the local courses copied to the state course. If this box is checked, the Push Subject Areas Up To State Courses checkbox on the Graduation Requirement Calculation page will default to selected. When a user runs the Graduation Requirement Calculation, the user can clear the Push Subject Areas Up To State Courses checkbox if they do not want to copy the subject areas from the local courses to the state course.
Course Retake Rule
Select the mark to post to the state course, when a student has taken the same local course multiple times.
B - Use Best Mark in State Course R - Use Most Recent Mark in State Course
Report Cards Data Warehouse Information
Indicates whether state courses or local courses should be used when generating the MR data warehouse.
B - Include State and Non-Linked Regular Courses - to print all state courses, plus any local courses that are not linked to any state course on the report card. R - Include Regular Courses Only - to print only local courses on report cards. S - Include State Courses Only - to print only state courses on report cards.
Transcript Data Warehouse Information
Indicates whether state courses or local courses should be used when generating the Transcript data warehouse.
B - Include State and Non-Linked Regular Courses - to print all state courses, plus any local courses that are not linked to any state course on the transcripts. R - Include Regular Courses Only - to print only local courses on transcripts. S - Include State Courses Only - to print only state courses on transcripts.
Assign Course Credit Calculation
Indicates whether state course attempted credits or local course credits should be used when assigning earned credit.
A - Use State Courses and Re-assign Credit to Regular Courses - to use the attempted credits from state courses, but then have the earned credit divided between the relevant local courses. S - Use State and Non-Linked Regular Courses - to assign credit for all state courses, plus any local courses that are not linked to any state course. R - Use Regular Courses Only - to assign credit for only local courses.
Mark Types Setup Panel
State Mark Type
Select the mark type to populate for state courses.
Local Mark Type
Select the mark type that should be posted to the state course mark type or leave this field blank to calculate the state course's mark based on the average of the local course marks. Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click (asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
To transfer a local course's mark to the state course, specify the mark type to transfer in the Local Mark Type field. Then the Course Equivalency Calculation (Mark Reporting > Utilities > Calculations > Course Equivalency Calculation) will transfer the local course's mark to the state course's mark type. For example, if you have 2 local courses that map as a two-part sequence to a state course, the local courses may be semesters of the state course. You might have the Final mark from each local course transferred into the state course's Semester mark.
To average marks from two local courses to calculate a state course final mark, do not select a mark type in the Local Mark Type field. Use the Average Setup option (Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Average Setup) to define how the local mark types are averaged into the state mark type.
If your state course mark type is a type that is issued once per year, the Local Mark Type is inaccessible. You must calculate the average of the local marks into the state mark type.
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