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Copy Setups Page

Use the Copy Setups option to create data for additional buildings, for previous or future year environments, and for summer school environments. You can select which setups you want to copy and select to synchronize data if you want to delete existing setup records prior to copying the selected records.

Menu path: Select Administration from the main menu, select Utilities submenu, select Mass Entry & Update, and then select Copy Setups.

You should only copy between buildings that have the same setups. For example, you should not copy the Master Schedule from one building to another if the buildings have a different set of cycle days.

Copy Setups to a Building

Preparing Next Year Environment


Prompts Panel

Copy From Section




Select the building from which you want to copy setups.

School Year

Select the school year from which you want to copy setups.

Summer School

Select if you want to copy the setups from a summer school environment. Leave this box unchecked if you are copying a regular school year building.

Copy To Section



Building List

Select the buildings to which you want to copy setups. You can enter a comma-delimited list of buildings.

If you are copying setups to create a new building, you must define the building in the Building Definition table before you can copy setups to the building.

Select codes from the field's drop-down list, or click

(asterisk) to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.

School Year List

Select the school year to which you want to copy setups.

Summer School

Select if you want to copy setups to the summer school environment. Leave this box unchecked if you are copying to a regular school year building.

If you are copying summer school information from one year to another and the summer school building is also a regular school year building, only copy the options that have an S in the "Select this option to" column in the tables in the Setups to Copy Fields section. Otherwise, you may overwrite building data for the school year you are copying to.

Delete Existing Setups Before Copy

Select if you want to purge any existing data for the setups you have selected to copy prior to copying data.

Use this option with caution. Typically, you should only delete existing data for a setup if the existing data is incorrect and you want to delete all records in the table for the selected building, year, and summer environment and replace the data. You should verify that you have not copied additional records previously that use the existing information. For example, make sure that you do not copy data in a way that results in the cycle days for a building not matching the Master Schedule courses for the building.

Setups Panel

Any Section



Select this option to:

AllSelect if you want to copy all the following records listed.
NotificationsSelect if you want to copy the Building Notifications information.B - Copy to a building

OCR Building Setup

Select if you want to copy the OCR Building information.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to a different year

OCR District Setup

Select if you want to copy the OCR District information.

Y- Copy to different year

Room Catalog

Select if you want to copy the room catalog for a building.

When copying to a new building, you will get a conflict for the N/A room that is automatically added when a building is added.

B - Copy to a building

Staff Building Catalog

Select if you want to copy the staff catalog for a building

When copying to a new building, you will get a conflict for the N/A room that is automatically added when a building is added.

B - Copy to a building

Registration Section



Select this option to:


Select if you want to copy all of the Registration records listed.


Select if you want to copy the configuration for a building.

B - Copy to a building


Select if you want to copy the cycle days for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

S - Copy to/from summer building


Select if you want to copy the durations for a building.

If you copy the Master Schedule, you must also copy the durations.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

Marking Period Weeks

Select if you want to copy the marking period weeks for a building.

If you select this option, you are required to copy Durations.

If you copy the Master Schedule, you must also copy the weeks.

Y - Copy a building to different year

Marking Period Dates

Select if you want to copy the marking period dates for a building.

You cannot copy dates from year to year. You must set up dates for future years using the Marking Periods option for the appropriate environment.

B - Copy to a building

GeoCode Plan Areas

Select if you want to copy zones and plan areas to another year.

Y - Copy to next year


Select if you want to copy activities for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

Scheduling Section



Select this option to:


Select if you want to copy all of the Scheduling records listed.


Select if you want to copy the scheduling configuration for a building.

If you select this option, you are required to copy Intervals and Timetable and Scheduling Periods.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

Intervals and Timetable

Select if you want to copy the scheduling intervals for a building and the timetable for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

S - Timetable can be copied for summer school.

Scheduling Periods

Select if you want to copy the scheduling periods for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

S - Copy to/from summer building

Career Planner Configuration

Select if you want to copy the Career Planner Configuration.

B - Copy to a building

Course Catalog

Select if you want to copy the course catalog for a building.

For buildings that have a mark reporting configuration, the Course Catalog stores mark types, honor rolls, course levels. This information is copied for the course so you should copy the appropriate mark reporting options.

B - Copy to a building

Course Groups

Select if you want to copy the course groups for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Scheduling Parameters

Select if you want to copy the parameters to use when scheduling for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Master Schedule

Select if you want to copy the master schedule for a building.

You are required to copy Scheduling Configuration, Intervals and Timetables, Scheduling Periods, Tracks, Cycles, Durations, MP Weeks, and Gradebook Category Type records.

For buildings that have a mark reporting configuration, the Course Catalog stores mark types, honor rolls, course levels. This information is copied for the course so you should copy the appropriate mark reporting options.

When this utility copies a Master Schedule record where a Gradebook Category Type has been assigned, the appropriate Gradebook records will also be created for the course-section.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

Master Schedule Builder Allocations

Select if you want to copy the Master Schedule Builder allocations for staff, rooms, staff groups, and room groups.

If the building uses resource groups for Master Schedule Builder, you should copy resource groups as well.

B - Copy to a building

Master Schedule Builder Resources

Select if you want to copy the staff groups and room groups for Master Schedule Builder.

B - Copy to a building

Master Schedule Builder Meeting Codes

Select if you want to copy the meeting codes for Master Schedule Builder.

B - Copy to a building

Master Schedule Builder Course Setup

Select if you want to copy the course setup records for Master Schedule Builder.

If you select this option, you are required to copy the Master Schedule Builder Meeting Codes and the Course Catalog.

B - Copy to a building

Attendance Section



Select this option to:


Select if you want to copy all of the Attendance records listed.


Select if you want to copy the attendance configuration for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

S - Copy to/from summer building

Attendance Periods

Select if you want to copy the attendance periods for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

S - Copy to/from summer building


Select if you want to copy the attendance notification groups and criteria for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

S - Copy to/from summer building

Attendance Codes

Select if you want to copy the attendance codes used for the district.

Once you have copied attendance codes for an environment, you do not need to copy them for every building. If you want to copy the building associations for attendance codes, copy the Attendance Building Codes.

Y- Copy to different year

S - Copy to/from summer school environment

Attendance Building Codes

Select if you want to copy the absence codes associated with a building.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

S - Copy to/from summer building

Attendance Intervals

Select if you want to copy the attendance intervals for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

S - Copy to/from summer building

Day Views

Select if you want to copy the views created for attendance for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

S - Copy to/from summer building

Discipline Section



Select this option to:


Select if you want to copy all of the Discipline records listed.


Select if you want to copy the configuration for a building.

B - Copy to a building


Select if you want to copy the discipline notification setups for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

S - Copy to/from summer building

Home Access Center Section



Select this option to:


Select if you want to copy all of the Home Access Center records listed.


Select if you want to copy the Home Access Center building configuration for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Medical Records Section



Select this option to:


Select if you want to copy all of the Medical Records records listed.


Select if you want to copy the Medical Records building configuration for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Mark Reporting Section



Select this option to:


Select if you want to copy all of the Mark Reporting records listed.


Select if you want to copy the configuration for mark reporting for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Mark Types

Select if you want to copy the mark types for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Level Table

Select if you want to copy the level table for a building.

B - Copy to a building


Select if you want to copy the mark reporting comments for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Comment Types

Select if you want to copy the types of comments for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Absence Types

Select if you want to copy the types of absence for mark reporting for courses for a building

B - Copy to a building

Mark Substitution

Select if you want to copy the mark substitutions for the average calculation for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

Building Competency GroupsSelect if you want to copy competencies that are defined by building.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to a different year

IPR Runs

Select if you want to copy the IPR run dates for a building.

You cannot copy IPR runs from year to year. You must add the IPR runs to the appropriate environment using the IPR Runs option.

B - Copy to a building

Credit Assignment

Select if you want to copy the assign credit setup for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

Average Setup

Select if you want to copy the average setups for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

Honor Roll and RC Eligibility

Select if you want to copy the honor roll and report card eligibility setups for a building.

If you copy this option, you are required to copy the Comments, Comment Types, and Absence Types.

B - Copy to a building

District Competency GroupsSelect if you want to copy competencies that are defined by district.Y - Copy to a different year

IPR Eligibility

Select if you want to copy the IPR eligibility setups for a building.

If you copy this option, you are required to copy the Comments, Comment Types, and Absence Types.

B - Copy to a building

Competency Grading Scale

Select if you want to copy the grading scales for competencies.

If your schools use district competency groups, all buildings with the same building type must have the same set of grading scales.

B - Copy to a building

Gradebook Scale

Select if you want to copy the Gradebook scales for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Gradebook Category Type

Select if you want to copy the Gradebook Category Type definitions for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to a different year

Competency Teacher Assignments

Select if you want to copy the teacher assignments for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to a different year

IPR View

Select if you want to copy the IPR view setup for a building.

If you select this option, you are required to copy Attendance Intervals and Day Views.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

Report Card View

Select if you want to copy the Report Card view setups for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

Transcripts View

Select if you want to copy the transcript view setups for a building.

If you select this option, you are required to copy Attendance Intervals and Day Views.

B - Copy to a building

State Courses / District Course Equivalency

Select if you want to copy the state course codes along with the course category value for a year.

The utility copies state course header records from the current year to next year (not from building to building).

Y - Copy to a different year

Course Equivalency Setup

Select if you want to copy the course equivalency setup for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

Course Equivalency

Select if you want to copy the course equivalency definitions for courses for a building.

If you select this option, you are required to copy the Course Catalog.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

Gradebook Marks / Comments

Select if you want to copy the alpha marks and comments for Gradebook for a building.

B - Copy to a building

Student Fees Section



Select this option to:


Select if you want to copy all of the Student Fees records listed.


Select if you want to copy the Student Fees configuration for a building

B - Copy to a building

Validation Tables

Select if you want to copy the Category, Payment, Student Status, Subcategories, Unit

Y - Copy to a different year


Select if you want to copy the textbooks for a building.

If you select to copy this option, you are required to copy Validation Tables.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

S - Copy to/from summer building


Select if you want to copy the fee groups for a building.

If you select to copy this option, you are required to copy Validation Tables, Textbook, and Items.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

S - Copy to/from summer building


Select if you want to copy the fee items for a building.

If you select to copy this option, you are required to copy Validation Tables.

B - Copy to a building

Y - Copy a building to different year

S - Copy to/from summer building

Student Success Plan Section



Select this option to:


Select if you want to copy all the Student Success Plan options.


Select if you want to copy the configuration information.

B - Copy to a building

Texas State Reporting Section



Select this option to:


Select if you want to copy all the Texas State Reporting options.

Withdrawal Form Configuration

Select if you want to copy the withdrawal form configuration information.

Instructional Program CrosswalkSelect if you want to copy the instructional program crosswalk information.
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