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Prepare Next Year Environment

Buildings that schedule students may already have their next-year environments created. For those that do not, for example elementary buildings, you must create their next-year environment prior to rolling Registration.

The following details must be cautiously read and performed.

If you are copying summer school information from one year to another and the summer school building is also a regular school year building, do not copy any Registration setups or State Courses. You may overwrite data for the regular year because these setups do not have a summer school flag.

  1. Select Administration from the main menu, select Utilities submenu, select Mass Entry & Update, and then select Copy Setups to copy the setups for the next school year. The selections used within your district determine which setups you need to copy.
  2. Select to copy the district setups (listed below) as needed for the district. You do not need to copy them for every building.
  3. Copy the building setups (listed below) as needed for every building that you need to define.
  4. Change your environment to the next school year. Refer to Set Environment for details on changing your environment.
  5. Create calendars for each building and student combination using the Calendar page (menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select Registration Setup submenu, select Calendars, and then select Calendar). Use Copy on the Calendar page to copy calendars for buildings that use the same cycle days.

    When the Registration Rollover is run, a new entry/withdrawal record is opened for every student who is processed by a criteria that keeps the student active. Unless the rollover criteria specifies the calendar to assign, the rollover will assign a student to the calendar assigned for the current year. Review the calendars needed and how student data will be rolled to verify that the correct calendars are defined prior to running the rollover.

  6. When you create the first calendar for the building and school year, default dates are loaded for Marking Periods. Review the dates on the Marking Periods page (menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select Registration Setup submenu, select Calendars, and then select Marking Periods). You must click Save to save the marking period; the page initially displays defaults which have not been saved.
  7. If the Attendance Intervals that you copied are date-specific, review the intervals on the Attendance Intervals page (menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select Attendance Setup submenu, select Setup, and then select Attendance Intervals).
  8. If any of your buildings process Progress Reports, add the appropriate progress report runs on the Progress Runs page (menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select Mark Reporting Setup submenu, select Setup, and then select Progress Runs).

Copy District Setups


  • Attendance Codes

Student Fees

  • Validation Tables

Mark Reporting

  • District Competency Groups
  • State Courses


  • Geo Code Plan Areas (*Both zones and plan areas are copied.)

Copy Building Setups


  • Configuration
  • Attendance Building Codes
  • Attendance Intervals
  • Attendance Periods
  • Day Views
  • Notification (*Copies Attendance Criteria Groups and Attendance Criteria Setup.)


  • Notification (*Copies behavior criteria setup for a building)

Student Fees

  • Groups
  • Items
  • Textbooks

Mark Reporting

  • IPR Runs
  • IPR View
  • Building Competency Groups
  • Competency Teacher Assignments
  • Gradebook Category Types
  • Average Setup
  • Credit Assignment
  • Mark Substitution
  • Report Card View
  • State Courses
  • Course Equivalency Setup
  • Course Equivalency


  • Activities
  • Tracks
  • Durations
  • Marking Period Weeks


  • Configuration
  • Master Schedule Builder Meeting Codes
  • Master Schedule
  • Intervals and Timetable
  • Scheduling Periods
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