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Change Student ID

Use the Change Student ID page to change a student's ID or to combine two student record sets, if a student was added twice. When combining records, you can indicate the way in which duplicate records should be handled.


  • Make sure you enter the correct IDs when combining student records.
  • Student's photos use their Student ID for the photo's filename. If you change a Student ID, the photo filename must be updated to match the new Student ID, or the student's photo will not display. For more information, refer to Setting Up Student Photos.

Change a student's ID

  1. Select Registration > Utilities > Tools > Change Student ID.
  2. Search for a student, and click on the student's link to display the Change Student ID page.
  3. Check the Old Student ID to be certain you selected the correct student.
  4. In the New Student ID field, enter the new ID. Press the TAB key, or click on the next field.
  5. Observe the value that displays next to the New Student ID field.
    • If the New Student ID value is not assigned to another student, "New Student ID" displays.
    • If the ID is already in use, the student name associated with the ID displays. Make sure you want to change this student's information before continuing!
  6. In the Handle Duplicate Records field, select the appropriate value, based on the effects described above.
  7. Click Run.
  8. A warning displays. Click Yes to continue or No to cancel.
  9. If you combined students' records, go to the Entry/Withdrawal page, and update the entry/withdrawal records, as needed.
    After the process runs, use the Tasks/Reports options on the Navigation Bar to retrieve the mass update log.


Prompts Panel



Old Student ID

Identifies the student whose ID will be changed.

Old Student ID Name (unlabeled)

Identifies the student associated with the Old Student ID.

New Student ID

Enter the new Student ID.

New Student ID Name (unlabeled)

Identifies the student, if any, associated with the entered New Student ID field. This field displays after you enter a value in the New Student ID entry box and then click elsewhere on the page. If no student is currently associated with the entered New Student ID, this field displays the text, "New Student ID."

Handle Duplicate Records

Determines how duplicate records are handled.


Keep Old Student ID Information - to save the records of the old ID and delete the new ID records. On the Entry/Withdrawal page, both records are kept. These records should be checked and the incorrect record deleted. If records for the old ID do not exist, the records for the new ID are saved.
Keep New Student ID Information- to save the records of the new ID and delete the old ID records. Both records are kept for Entry/Withdrawal. These records should be checked and the incorrect record deleted. If records for the new ID do not exist, the records for the old ID are saved.

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