Change Course Information from Schedule Entry Grid
Following are the basic steps for changing a schedule course for a student on the Student Course page. This page can be accessed from the Schedule Entry Grid page by clicking a course description link.
For information on removing a course from the student's schedule, refer to Delete Courses from Schedule Entry Grid.
Changing Course Information
- Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry.
- If the Student Search page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
- On the Schedule Entry List page, click Grid at the upper left.
- On the Schedule Entry Grid page, click the description link of the course you want to change.
- On the Student Course page, change the course's fields as needed.
- Click Save, then click Back to return to the Grid page.
- Review the revised schedule to determine whether to replace the student's current schedule.
- When you change a schedule, eSchoolPlus creates a modeled schedule and displays an alert at the top of the Schedule Entry Grid section with Keep and Discard options.
- To keep the modeled schedule and replace the student's current schedule, click Keep.
- To return to the student's current schedule and discard your changes, click Discard.