Use this procedure to delete a course from the Schedule Entry Grid page. The procedure navigates you to the Student Course page, where you can review the course and then delete it.
If the Student Search page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
Click Grid at the upper left.
On the Schedule Entry Grid page, click the description link of the course you want to delete.
On the Student Course page, click (Delete) at the upper right.
Click Yes in the confirmation dialog to delete the course and return to the Grid page.
Review the revised schedule to determine whether to replace the student's current schedule.
When you change a schedule, eSchoolPlus creates a modeled schedule and displays an alert at the top of the Schedule Entry Grid section with Keep and Discard options.
To keep the modeled schedule and replace the student's current schedule, click Keep.
To return to the student's current schedule and discard your changes, click Discard.
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