Calendar Page
Use this page to add, view, copy, and update calendar information. When you save, the system creates or updates calendar day records based on your entries in the fields on this page.
Calendars affect both attendance and the range of valid entry/withdrawal dates. After creating a calendar, update specific days as needed from the Calendar Day page.
If teachers in the building use Teacher Access Center to take attendance, all calendars in the building must have the same cycle day and alternate cycle day designated for a calendar day. For example, it would be invalid for the date 1/4/2016 to be defined as cycle day 1 in calendar R and cycle day 2 in calendar S.
View calendar and calendar details
- Select Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Calendar.
- Search for the calendar, then click its link.
- On the Calendar page, you can view the calendar's definition, dates, and cycle/membership information.
- To view calendar day details, click (View detail) to display the Calendar Day detail page.
- Mouse over a day on the Year at a Glance panel to display its information.
- Click on a day to display its detailed information on the Calendar Day panel.
To change information for a day, refer to the Calendar Day Page.
Add a new calendar
- Select Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Calendar.
- Click Add at the top right of the page.
- Complete fields as needed.
- Click Save.
Copy information from a calendar
You can copy the contents of a calendar to another calendar or create a new calendar from an existing calendar.
- Select Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Calendar.
- Click Copy at the top right of the page.
- Complete fields as needed.
- Click Save.
- If you selected an existing calendar in the Copy Calendar To field, respond to the confirmation prompt. Click Yes to overwrite the existing calendar and calendar days.
Change calendar information
- Select Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Calendar.
- Search for the calendar, then click its link.
- Change values as needed.
- Click Save.
Delete a calendar
You can only delete a calendar that is not in use.
- Select Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Calendar.
- To delete a record, select the row's Delete checkbox, then click Save. The checkbox only displays for records that are not in use.
- Click Save.
- To confirm the delete, click Yes on the confirmation prompt. Otherwise, click No.
Definition Panel
Field | Description |
Building | The building associated with the calendar. |
Calendar | The code identifying the calendar. Displays on screen and in reports. |
Description | The calendar's title or brief description. Displays in reports and screen. |
Dates Panel
Field | Description |
First Day of School | The calendar's start date. Tip Make sure the day of the week in the Cycle of First Day field matches this date. |
Last Day of School | The calendar's end date. Tip If your state requires withdrawing students on the day after the last day they attend classes, include extra days at the end of the calendar for this. |
Days Calendar Meets | Each checked box indicates that school typically meets on that day. |
Values Panel
Field | Description |
Default Membership Value | The default value to assign to all membership days for attendance credit when setting up a calendar. You can change this value later for individual days with the Calendar Day Detail option. You can also use the Mass Update Days option, which allows changing individual days for multiple calendars and buildings. When adding days to a calendar, the default value only applies to the newly added day. |
Days in Cycle | The number of days in the normal school cycle. Example: For schools with an AB cycle, enter 2. For schools with a 5-day cycle, enter 5. |
First Day of Cycle | The cycle code of the first day in the school calendar. If you are starting school mid-week, this may not be the first day of a normal school cycle. |
State Equivalency Code | The state-reporting code associated with this calendar, if any. |
Number of Calendar Days | System-calculated. The total days that school meets from the First Day to Last Day of School. |
Number of Membership Days | System-calculated. The total days in the calendar that count for membership. |
Set as Default Calendar | Checked if this is to be the default calendar. |