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Attendance View Setup Page

Use this page to set up how attendance day totals should be calculated for a building. The Day Totals Calculation uses this page to convert attendance for the day as specified in the view. For example, you can set up an 8-period day, so that 3 or more class absences convert to a single daily absence code for the day or to two half-day absence codes.

The Interval Totals Calculation uses the specified converted codes from the Day Totals Calculation to total into the appropriate intervals by code, district group, or state group, as determined in the Attendance Interval page.

Add an attendance view

  1. Navigate to the menu path: Administration, Attendance Setup, Setup, and then select Attendance View Setup.
  2. Click Add to display the Attendance View Setup page.
  3. On the View Information panel, complete the fields to define the building's view.
  4. On the View Criteria panel, complete as many rows as needed to define the criteria that apply to this view.
    If you selected Students Qualify for First Criteria Fulfilled in the View Information panel's Criteria Relationship field, the first row should include the most stringent criteria, and each additional row should be progressively less stringent.
  5. Click Save.

Copy the view to a new view

After you set up a view, you can apply the same criteria in creating a new view, for example, to add a similar view for another building.

  1. Retrieve an existing view by navigating to the menu path: Administration, Attendance Setup, SetupAttendance View Setup and then click the View Type link.
  2. Click Copy on the upper right of the Attendance View Setup page.
  3. As needed, make changes to the view setup. You can add a view for the same building as the one you copied, but you must assign a different code in the View Type field.
  4. Click Save.


You can copy attendance view setups to multiple configurations simultaneously, instead of one configuration at a time when the Building and View Type combined values are unique.

Change an attendance view

  1. Navigate to the menu path: Administration, Attendance Setup, SetupAttendance View Setup and then click the View Type link to display a view.
  2. Change the view's values as needed.
    Other changes:
    • To delete a row on the View Criteria panel, select the row's Delete checkbox.
    • To change the order of criteria rows, position the mouse pointer on a row's Criteria Number field, press and hold the left mouse button, drag the row to the desired position, then release the mouse button to drop the row in place.
  3. Click Save.

Delete an attendance view

  1. Navigate to the menu path: Administration, Attendance Setup, Setup, and then select Attendance View Setup.
  2. On the Attendance Views Search page, select the Delete checkbox for each attendance view you want to delete.
    The checkbox only displays for records that are not in use.
  3. Click Save, then click Yes to delete the records.

Run the Attendance Views List report

  1. Navigate to the menu path: Administration, Attendance Setup, Setup, and then select Attendance View Setup.
  2. On the Attendance Views Search page, click the Additional Options icon.
  3. Select Attendance Views List Report.
    The Attendance Views List Report window displays to show the system's progress in generating the report. When processing is complete, the report displays in pdf format in a new tab in your browser window.
    You can use the pdf's Print option to print the report or the Save option to save it to your computer. The report also can be accessed using the Tasks/Reports tab on your Navigation bar.



The following descriptions are only for fields that require special considerations.

View Information Panel



Criteria Relationship

Select the relationship between the criteria lines.

  • Students Qualify for Each Criteria Fulfilled - The student receives a record in the totals table for each criteria the student met for a day.
  • Students Qualify for First Criteria Fulfilled -The most stringent criteria should be entered first, and less stringent later. For example, criteria for full-day absences should be entered first and half-day absences later.

Calculate Totals as

Select whether total calculations are based on the number of minutes absent or the number of periods. Also determines how the total scheduled and unscheduled are shown for the student.


  • Minutes
  • Periods

Days In Criteria

Select whether totals for the criteria are by cycle days or days of the week.

  • Cycle Days - If you use cycle days, you can make separate entries for alternate cycle days, if they have different requirements.
  • Days Of The Week

Sum into Intervals

Select the intervals that can receive totals for this view. For example, if you want this type of total each month, choose the intervals for the months of the school year.

Include Passing Time

Select this checkbox to use the Master Schedule Include Passing Time field to determine if the total should include minutes from a course and the passing time between courses.

This field is only applicable if the Calculate Totals field is set to Minutes.

Max Passing Time

Enter the maximum passing time between periods to include when calculating minutes for a day. For example, enter 5 if the maximum passing time between periods you can report is 5 minutes. If the timetable has more than 5 minutes of passing time between two periods, then 5 minutes will be used instead of the timetable's passing time.

This field is only applicable if you selected the Include Passing Time checkbox.

MBS Buildings

If attendance totals for students in your building should include attendance from courses taken in another building, select the buildings. At least one MBS (Multiple Building Scheduling) building must be selected if you select the All Periods option for any criteria.

If students in your building do not take courses in other buildings or if the attendance for courses taken in other buildings should not be included in attendance totals, leave this field blank.

View Criteria Panel

To add a criteria line, enter values in the blank row.


To scroll vertically within the View Criteria panel to view more options, use the vertical scroll bar.

To change vertical scrolling to scroll within the page, click the Additional Options icon on the View Criteria panel, and then select Scroll on Page.

To change back to grid scrolling, click the Additional Options icon on the View Criteria panel, and then select Scroll in Grid.



Criteria Number

Criteria are processed in numeric order. To change the order, click the number tab in this field and drag and drop the criteria line.


Select a calendar to limit which students are processed by this criterion. Only students assigned to this calendar for the day can meet the line of criteria.

Leave blank if the Day Totals Calculation should not reference the student's calendar.

For example, if you have different criteria for kindergarten students, you might enter the specific calendar for these students and put them in the first criteria in the list.

Learning Location Type

Select a learning location type to limit which students are processed by this criterion. Only students assigned to this learning location type for the day can meet the line of criteria.

Select Unassigned if the criterion applies to students who are not assigned to a learning location type.

Leave blank if the criteria line applies to any learning location type.


If you use Learning Location Types as part of your criteria and your view is set to students qualify for every criteria met, make sure to define your criteria so that students will meet only the desired criteria rules. This is especially important if you have some criteria rows that specify the Learning Location Type and others that have a blank for Learning Location Type which will apply to students in any learning location type.

If the school has set up mixed days where students change learning locations during the day, this field and the Critieria Relationship field determine how day totals records are calculated for students who have a mixed day.


Select the days to be checked for the calculation. The list of values will include either cycle days or days of the week based on the Days In Criteria field in the View Information panel.


Select the attendance codes to include in this criterion.


Select the periods to check for the selected attendance codes in running the Day Totals Calculation.

  • All Periods - Select this option if the view should take into account all periods, including those for courses students are taking at the MBS Buildings selected on the View Information panel. Also, the attendance periods that apply to the MBS Buildings must have their Use in Views boxes selected on the Attendance Periods page.
  • Scheduled Periods - Select this option if the view should include all scheduled periods for the day for the student's home building.
  • Selected Periods (untitled) - Select the periods.


The fewest number of periods or minutes to include the absences in the criterion. The Calculate Totals As field determines whether the criteria is using the number of periods or minutes.


The highest number of periods or minutes to include the absences in the criterion. The Calculate Totals As field determines whether the criteria is using the number of periods or minutes.

For example, if the criterion was for half-day absences, this could be a number less than half the minutes or periods in a day.

Consecutive Absences

Select if the absences must be in consecutive periods in the day. Otherwise, the criterion can be met by absences that occur at any time in the day.

Same Type

Select if the criterion is only met if all of the absences have the same code.

Convert Code

Select the Attendance code to use in place of the selected codes. For example, you may want all codes related to excused absences, such as codes for medically excused and college visits, to be converted to a code of Excused.


Enter the value to return when the student meets this criterion for a day, for example, 1 for a full day or.5 for a half-day. Decimal/5,2

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