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Add Courses from Schedule Entry Grid

Use the Schedule Entry option to add courses to a student's schedule. The following procedure provides the steps for adding courses from the Schedule Entry page in Grid mode.

You also can add courses to a schedule from the Schedule Entry page in List mode, using the Student Course page. For the procedures, refer to Add Courses.


If you need to re-enroll a student in a course that was dropped, refer to Re-Add a Course That Was Dropped.

Add courses

  1. Select Scheduling > Student Schedules > Student > Schedule Entry.
  2. If the Student Search Page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
  3. On the Schedule Entry List page, click Grid at the upper left.
  4. On the Schedule Entry Grid section, Add on the far right, or click in an open timeslot within the grid.
  5. On the Master Schedule Search window, enter the Date Added.
  6. Select the following checkboxes as needed: Display Schedule Conflicts and Override Prerequisites.
    If you displayed the search window by clicking in the grid, the Search Results section will display courses for the appropriate scheduling period and marking period. If the course you want is listed, proceed to Step 9. To search for other courses, continue with Step 7.
  7. In the Selections section, enter criteria to search for the course you want, then click Load.
  8. In the Search Results section, click on the course to highlight it, then click OK to select it.
    The window closes, and you return to the Schedule Entry Grid.
  9. Review the revised schedule to determine whether to replace the student's current schedule.
  10. When you change a schedule, eSchoolPlus creates a modeled schedule and displays an alert at the top of the Schedule Entry Grid section with Keep and Discard options.
    • To keep the modeled schedule and replace the student's current schedule, click Keep.
    • To return to the student's current schedule and discard your changes, click Discard.
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