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About Classroom Issues and Conduct Referrals

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Teacher Access Center (TAC) enables teachers to enter classroom and conduct-related issues that can be referred to disciplinarians or success plan coordinators in eSchoolPlus.

  • If the teacher refers a behavior issue, the assigned disciplinarians can use the Behavior Referrals Page to review the issue and escalate it to a behavior incident, where applicable.
  • If the teacher refers an academic issue which could require a student success plan, the assigned plan coordinator can use the Success Plan Referral Page to process the issue and where appropriate, escalate it to a student success plan reason.

Administrators who have a Staff ID can also enter conduct referrals using the eSchoolPlus Admin Mobile app.

A teacher can track the status of a referral in TAC's Conduct Referral List or Classroom Issues List page. When a referral's status changes in eSchoolPLUS, the change is reflected in the list page's Status field.

Processing Conduct-Related Issues in TAC

Classroom Issues apply to more routine issues tied to a course, homeroom, or activity, from missing homework and class participation to student behavioral concerns, such as talking or sleeping in class. Since these can usually be handled within the classroom environment, teachers can use TAC to enter and track issues for specific students, including any corrective actions they took. Teachers also have the option to refer more serious classroom issues to students' assigned disciplinarians or success plan coordinators, who can then administer them as conduct referrals in eSchoolPlus.

Conduct Referrals relate to issues that require the attention of disciplinarians, whether they occur in or outside of the classroom. Using TAC's Conduct Referrals option, a teacher can record an issue, identify the students, detail their involvement, and refer the issue to a disciplinarian in eSchoolPlus. A conduct referral is never referred to a success plan coordinator.

After creating a referral, a teacher can no longer change the issue, unless the referral is returned by the disciplinarian or plan coordinator.

Processing Conduct-Related Issues in Admin Mobile App

Staff members can use the Discipline option in the Admin Mobile app to record conduct-related issues while they are away from their desks. The app creates a conduct referral. Then, in eSchoolPlus, the conduct referral can be reviewed by a disciplinarian and escalated to create an incident. A conduct referral is never referred to a success plan coordinator.

To use the Admin Mobile app to create conduct referrals, the staff member needs to have a staff record and eSchoolPlus security to maintain incidents.

After creating a referral in the Admin Mobile app, the staff member can no longer change the issue, unless they have security to the eSchoolPlus Behavior Referrals page.

Processing Conduct-Related Issues Referred to Behavior

For an issue referred to Behavior, the disciplinarian assigned can use the Behavior Referrals page to:

  • Select a different disciplinarian, if necessary.
  • Change the roles of the students identified, or add roles if none are assigned. Three roles are available: Offender, Victim, and Witness. When appropriate, the disciplinarian can also exclude a student.
  • Generate a report for the students in an individual issue from the Behavior Referrals page. When necessary, the reports can be mailed to students' guardians as notifications. In addition, reports covering multiple issues can be generated from the Conduct Referral Search Page.
  • Return the issue to the teacher to suggest further action or request more information. If needed, the teacher can refer the issue back to the disciplinarian with the additional input.
  • Create a behavior incident for the issue. The disciplinarian will assign a Discipline Incident code and enter additional details for the students involved, whether as offenders, victims, or witnesses.
  • Mark the issue as resolved, either because no infraction was found or because a resolution could be reached without creating a behavior incident.

For more information, refer to Behavior Referrals Page and Behavior Referrals Procedures.

Processing Conduct-Related Issues Referred to Success Plans

For an issue referred to Success Plan, the plan coordinator assigned can use the SSP Referral page to:

  • Generate a report on the issue. When necessary, the report can be mailed to students' guardians as notifications. In addition, reports covering multiple issues can be generated from the Success Plan Referrals List page.
  • Return an issue to a teacher for more information or additional action. If needed, the teacher can refer the issue back to the plan coordinator with the additional input.
  • Mark the issue as resolved if the plan coordinator determines that no success plan is needed.
  • Create a success plan reason and assign it to an existing or new success plan.
  • Create a success plan reason without assigning it to a plan.

For more information on referrals to Success Plans, refer to Success Plan Referral Page.

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