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Pull Out Minutes Format

Administration > Registration Setup > Building District Defined > PA State Information

Pull Out Minutes Format

This is used by the field 11 calculation. This determines if pull-out student Minutes are per week or per cycle in Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Student Linking: Minutes.

  • W (by week) means Student Linking > Minutes is how many minutes per week (Mon-Fri) the student is pulled out.  Use this option if the building has 5 cycle days (i.e. – Monday through Friday). The total # of weeks the course meets = (total # membership days for the course) / 5.
  • C (by cycle) means Student Linking > Minutes is how many minutes per cycle the student is pulled out.  Use this option if the building doesn't have 5 cycle days (i.e. – if it uses A/B days or cycles 1-6). The total # of cycles the course meets = (total # membership days for the course) / (# of days the course meets per cycle) i.e. – if a building has 6 cycle days and a course meets days 1,3 and 5, the total number of cycles would be (total # of membership days for the course) / 3; if a building has 6 cycle days and a course meets days 1 through 6, the total number of cycles would be (total # of membership days for the course) / 6.

Example: Week vs. Cycle for a Building with Cycle Days <> 5

  • The building has 6 cycle days (days 1-6)
  • Algebra I meets period 4, all cycle days 1-6, all Marking Periods M1-M4
  • In the Timetable, period 4 has Period Length = 44 minutes each cycle day
  • The pull-out student has a Student Linking > Minutes entry = 44
  • The Keystone Eval Date = 5/12/14, so the course "ends" on 5/9/14 for PVAAS purposes
  • In Calendar Setup, 5/9/14 is Membership Day 159, SO:
  • The course meets 32 total weeks: 159 total membership days / 5 = 31.8
  • The course meets 27 total cycles: 159 total membership days / 6 cycle days = 26.5

W (by week) calculation for field 11:

  • The Student is pulled out 44 minutes (1 day) per week.  Her Student Linking > Minutes = 44. 
  • TOTAL minutes for the course:  (44 minutes/day * 5 days/week) * 32 weeks =  7040 total minutes
  • Her total pull-out minutes for the course:  44 minutes * 32 weeks  =  1408 pull-out minutes
  • Field 11 = 20% calculated as follows: 1480 pull-out minutes / 7040 total minutes = .2 = 20 %

C (by cycle) calculation for field 11:

  • The Student is pulled out 44 minutes per cycle.  Her Student Linking > Minutes = 44. 
  • TOTAL minutes for the course:  (44 minutes/day * 6 cycle days) * 27 cycles = 7128 total minutes
  • Her total pull-out minutes for the course:  44 minutes * 27 cycles  = 1188 pull-out minutes
  • Field 11= 17% calculated as follows: 1188 pull-out minutes / 7128 total minutes = .166 =  17%
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