Menu path: Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration
PIMS Download options use the name and identified gender from the Registration page. If you need to change a student's name and/or gender for any reason, carefully review the following section before updating.
Fields | Description |
First Name | Required for PIMS reporting. |
Middle Name | Required for PIMS reporting. |
Last Name | Required for PIMS reporting. |
Generation | Required for PIMS reporting. |
Home Language | This is sent to PIMS in the Student/Student Snapshot template. |
Gender | Required for PIMS reporting. |
Gender Identity | If this field is available, you can select the gender identity if a student identifies with a gender identity that is different from the Gender selected. The Gender Identity is defaulted based on the selected Gender. Although you can remove the selected value so no Gender Identity is specified, you should verify if this field is required for the state reporting submissions before removing the value. |
Birthdate | The student's date of birth. |
Primary Homeroom | The Primary Homeroom field may be program tracked at your District. Click on the hyperlink to change the homeroom for a student, entering the end date for the old homeroom and the state date for the new homeroom. |
District of Residence | This is used in the SecureID file. |
District Enrollment Date | Required for PIMS reporting. |
State Enrollment Date | Required for PIMS reporting. |
US Enrollment Date | Required for PIMS reporting. The Years in US Schools data element (PIMS Student Submission) is calculated using the US Enrollment Date. If a student leaves the US and returns, the years spent in the US are cumulative. For example, if a student has been in a US School for 1 year, leaves for 3 years and returns for 1 year, the Years in US Schools will be calculated as 2. The Immigrant field must be selected in the Personal page (menu path: Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal) to calculate the Years in US Schools data element for the PIMS Student Submission. |
Grade | Required for PIMS reporting. Identifies the student's grade level. |
State Building of Residence | Required for PIMS reporting. |
Changing a Student's Registration Name and/or Gender
Follow these steps in any case where you change a student's name or gender on the Registration page. This applies to any situation where you need to change a student's identified gender or birth name.
Important: It is essential to synchronize the PA SecureID Application with any student name and/or gender change on the Registration page. Otherwise, you will get errors when you submit PIMS records for the student.
Make sure to follow the procedure below.
Recording Registration Page Identity Change for PIMS Reporting
Follow these steps any time you need to change a student's name and/or gender identification.
- If the student's name and/or gender change is not yet legally documented, you may wish to save the birth identity information using the procedure Recording Student Birth Name and/or Gender. These steps are optional.
- Select the menu path: Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Registration.
- If the Student Search page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
- Edit the student's name and/or gender as appropriate.
- Click Save.
- Run PA SecureID Download (menu path: Regulatory > Pennsylvania > Utilities > SecureID Download) to include the student or students with changed name and/or gender information.
- Upload the SecureID file to the PA SecureID Application on the ePDE Web Portal.
Recording Student Birth Name and/or Gender
If the student's name and/or gender change is not yet legally documented, you may wish to save the birth identity information using the Personal page's Legal/Birth fields. These steps are optional.
- Select the menu path: Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Personal.
- If the Student Search page displays, search for the appropriate student, then click the student's name link.
- On the Personal page, record the student's current legal name and/or birth gender as needed in the Legal/Birth Information panel.
- Click Save.
You may also clear the Legal/Birth Information panel on the Personal page. This is useful if you saved the information awaiting completion of the student's legal name and/or gender identification change. To clear the Personal page fields, follow the procedure Clear Legal/Birth Information panels.