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SecureID Download

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, choose Pennsylvania submenu, choose Utilities, and then select SecureID Download.

The SecureID process in eSchoolPlus begins with downloading a file containing student records that can be uploaded to the PA SecureID Application on the ePDE Web Portal. The state application uses a student's name, birth date, and school codes to generate random, unique, and unidentifiable PA SecureID number.

An updated file including a PA SecureID for each student record is then provided back from the portal. The updated file is then uploaded to the student records in eSchoolPlus. The appropriate PA SecureID number is inserted into the state ID field of the Personal page in eSchoolPlus.

The PA SecureID assigned to the student will stay with that student for as long as that student remains in a Pennsylvania school.

Run SecureID Download

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, choose Pennsylvania submenu, choose Utilities, and then select SecureID Download.

The PA SecureID Download process will select whatever students meet the criteria in your filter.

The School Year will default to the current school year and the Run Option defaults to Now. In addition, Filter criteria display based on the previous download, if any. Clear or change the criteria as needed, then click Run.

To limit processing based on students without SecureIDs, use the following filter:


Field Name



State Report ID

is blank

PA SecureID Files

The SecureID Download will create the PA SecureID log and the PA SecureID Submission file in your report directory. Both files are briefly defined next.

Log File

The log file will include prompt information and any warnings or errors that the download may have found with the data.


Display Name

File Name

Log File

PA SecureID Download Log


Output File

The output file is the text file you upload to the PDE website to request SecureIDs. You should save the file to the desired directory, from which you can upload it to the State.


Display Name

File Name

Output File



Run State ID Upload

The Run Upload option handles the file returned from the Pennsylvania Department of Education with PA SecureID values that need to be inserted into eSchoolPlus. 

Uploading the PASecureID File

The file in eSchoolPlus must be named PASecureID.txt and reside in the navigation bar's Tasks/Reports menu > Recent Reports to be processed by the Run Upload option. The file CANNOT be on a local C: drive.
Upload the file to the Tasks/Reports menu as follows:

  1. Select Administration from the main menu, choose Utilities submenu, choose Download & Upload, and then select Upload File .
  2. On the Upload File page, browse to find the file, then click Upload Records. When the upload is complete, eSchoolPlus indicates that the file has been placed in your directory.
  3. Click Tasks/Reports menu to see the file in your Recent Reports list.

Updating eSchoolPlus With the PASecureID File

  1. Select Administration from the main menu, choose Utilities submenu, choose Download & Upload, and then select Run Upload.
  2. In the Interface ID drop-down, select 500 - PA SecureID Upload.
  3. Select User's Report Directory as the Import Directory. The file must be named PASecureID.txt and must appear in the navigation bar's Tasks/Reports menu, Recent Reports listing to be processed by the upload utility.
  4. In the Filter section, enter criteria as needed.
  5. Click Run to upload the PA SecureID numbers to the eSchoolPlus Personal page's State ID field.
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