Create Staff Date Tracking Records
Districts should do this once at the beginning of each school year. For the remainder of the school year, users will manually maintain master schedule staff date tracking records. The security resource for this utility is SCHD-UTILITIES-GENCRSSTFF. Districts should limit who has this security so users don't accidentally run Generate Course Staff Date-Tracking Data with Delete = Y.
This utility creates the Master Schedule > Primary and Secondary Staff > Staff Date Tracking records for existing course-sections. If you run it with Create = Y, it will create records for both Primary and Secondary staff. It creates records for the school year you are currently accessing. So if you are logged into year 2019, the Generate will only create Staff Date Tracking records for the year 2019 master schedule.
If you run the option with Delete = Y, it will only delete records for the courses in your search/filter as shown in the Filter Results panel. For example, suppose you already created Staff Date Tracking records for Building 80. If you run the Generate option with Delete = Y for search criteria where Building = 80 and Course = 100, it will only delete records for Building 80, Course 100.
Filter Criteria: PowerSchool recommends running the utility for one building at a time using Area = Master Schedule, Field Name = Building, Condition = (equals), Value (enter the building number).
Procedural Example
Below is an illustration showing how your field and Filter criteria selections affect the Staff Date Tracking records the utility creates. In this example, we run the utility with the following settings:
- Delete Existing Course Staff Date-Tracking Records: Unchecked
- Create Course Staff Date Records: Checked
- Start Date: Select Use the first date of the first marking period the course-session meets
- Inst Resp Weight: Enter 100 for Primary Staff
This will mass load 100% Instructional Responsibility Weight for all Primary teachers. After you make field selections and define Filter criteria, click Load to review the records you want to update. You can remove records from the Filter Results by selecting the appropriate records in the Delete column and then clicking the Filter Results panel's Delete button. When you are satisfied with the listed course-section sessions, click Run.
You may also run the utility to update Instructional Responsibility Weight for Secondary Staff. Adjust the search criteria as needed to mass load Instructional Responsibility Weight for the desired course sections.
If you've already created staff date tracking records for this year, you may use the Utilities > Mass Update > Course Staff to mass update some fields. Use it with caution.
- Make sure you do NOT mass update more records than intended. It cannot be undone.
- Mass loading an End Date may result in no active staff for that course and could cause Master Schedule errors, i.e. - "at least one open vector required for Primary Staff."
- The security resources for this Course Staff mass update utility are SCHD-UTILITIES-COURSEUPD (to see menu item), SCHD-MAINT-MASTERSCHD (to run it for Area = Master Schedule Staff Dates), and PA-MAINT-CRSSTAFF (to run it for Area = Course Staff Information).