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Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select OR LEP.

If an LEP student is also Special Education, make sure that the Special Education field indicates that on the OR Special Education page.



Limited English Proficiency

Must be Y for Yes, N for No, for SECC Fall and Spring collections, and can be blank or null for other collections. Signifies a child who is in the LEP program.

Limited Record Type Code

Select the applicable code from the following:

1A - Entered the ELD program and took proficiency test in the current academic year

1B - Continuing a prior year ELD program and took proficiency test in the current academic year

1C - Exited the ELD program and took proficiency test in the current academic year

1D - Re-entered the ELD program and took proficiency test in the current academic year 

1E - Did not test this year - Student did not participate in ELP assessment and may have been served by the EL program in the current year

2J - Potential English Learner

3H - Took proficiency placement test, second proficient and not eligible for ELD program services

4N - Took proficiency placement test but declined services

4O - Not enrolled during the testing window and declined services

4P - Student with a waiver for services who had previously been exited as an English learner

5F - Student who has an identified EL, but is no longer in monitored or current English learner status

5M - Student who exited ELD services in either the prior school year or two years prior to the current school year

CS - Covid Screener

EI - Erroneously Identified

SE - State of Emergency

Proficiency Test Name Code

Represents the name of the proficiency test that was being used to evaluate the student being reported.

00 - No test during academic year

05 - Student with a Disability

06 - ELPA Summative

07 - ELPA Screener

Proficiency Test Administration Date

Must be a valid date in the format mmddyyyy, where the mm is the two-digit month, dd is the two-digit day, and yyyy is the four-digit year.

Composite Scale Proficiency Level

Indicates the composite scale proficiency level of the student being reported. Required if a student took a LEP test. Must be 00 if Proficiency Test Name Codes 05 or 06 are used.

Program Model Type Code

Indicates the ELL instruction model used in the program in which the student was enrolled at the time of test administration.

00 - Not applicable to collection

12 - Two-way emersion

13 - Transitional Bilingual

14 - Developmental Bilingual

15 - Bilingual

21 - ELD Push-In

22 - ELD Pull-out

23 - ELD Class Period

30 - Sheltered Instruction

31 - Newcomer Program - Core Content

41 - Newcomer Program - ELD

51 - Not participating in a ELD program

60 - Monitor Year 1

61 - Monitor Year 2

62 - Monitor Year 3

63 - Monitor Year 4

70 - Former EL

Program Model Type Code 2

Indicates an additional ELD instruction model used in the program in which the student was enrolled at the time of test administration.

00 - Not applicable to collection

12 - Two-way emersion

13 - Transitional Bilingual

14 - Developmental Bilingual

15 - Bilingual

21 - ELD Push-In

22 - ELD Pull-out

23 - ELD Class Period

30 - Sheltered Instruction

31 - Newcomer Program - Core Content

41 - Newcomer Program - ELD

51 - Not participating in a ELD program

60 - Monitor Year 1

61 - Monitor Year 2

62 - Monitor Year 3

63 - Monitor Year 4

70 - Former EL

Program Model Type Code 3

Indicates an additional ELD instruction model used in the program in which the student was enrolled at the time of test administration.

00 - Not applicable to collection

12 - Two-way emersion

13 - Transitional Bilingual

14 - Developmental Bilingual

15 - Bilingual

21 - ELD Push-In

22 - ELD Pull-out

23 - ELD Class Period

30 - Sheltered Instruction

31 - Newcomer Program - Core Content

41 - Newcomer Program - ELD

51 - Not participating in a ELD program

60 - Monitor Year 1

61 - Monitor Year 2

62 - Monitor Year 3

63 - Monitor Year 4

70 - Former EL


Signifies the date on which the student Enrolls for the program



Selected if the student has had an interrupted formal education. This field is linked to the Interrupted Formal Education field on the OR Recent Arriver student page. A change to this setting on either page is reflected in both places.

Reading Domain

Select the reading expertise level of the student in the ELD program.

00 - No Level

01 - Beginning

02 - Early Intermediate

03 - Intermediate

04 - Early Advanced

05 - Advanced

Writing Domain

Select the writing expertise level of the student in the ELD program.

00 - No Level

01 - Beginning

02 - Early Intermediate

03 - Intermediate

04 - Early Advanced

05 - Advanced

Listening Domain

Select the listening expertise level of the student in the ELD program.

00 - No Level

01 - Beginning

02 - Early Intermediate

03 - Intermediate

04 - Early Advanced

05 - Advanced

Speaking Domain

Select the speaking expertise level of the student in the ELD program.

00 - No Level

01 - Beginning

02 - Early Intermediate

03 - Intermediate

04 - Early Advanced

05 - Advanced

The Limited English Proficiency line is a parent to the other LEP fields (Limited Record Type Code through Program Model Type Code 3) with an End Date link. The values of these fields are links that display the Programs window so you can enter and change values. When you enter an End Date in the Limited English Proficiency line, that End Date will also populate the other lines's End Date filed. You may change the end date for the other lines if necessary.

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