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Reporting CTE Follow Up Survey and CTE Industry Assessment Data

This section describes the process for the March submission from uploading ODE data for students you need to survey to building download records. The upload will load data to the EMIS CTE Follow Up Survey page and directly to the CTE Workforce Development Follow-Up (GV) download table. As surveys are completed, information can be recorded on the EMIS CTE Follow Up Survey page. At the end of the survey period, the district will run the Student/Course Downloads option to update the download table with survey information entered on the EMIS CTE Follow Up Survey page.

Uploading CTE Workforce Data from ODE

Note: The OH-GV Upload is defined to load data from the ODE file format as specified in Chapter 5 of the EMIS Manual. Do not use this upload to load data from a file that you received from your ITC.

  1. Move the file that you want to upload to eSchoolPlus to a directory which is easy to find.
  2. Change the name of the file to gv.txt.
  3. Right-click on the file and select to open it with Notepad. Verify that the file is fixed length and is readable. If there is an issue with the file, do not continue to the next step.
  4. From the Administration menu, select Upload File (AdministrationUtilities, Download & Upload, Upload File).
  5. Click Browse.
  6. On the Choose File window, navigate to the directory from Step 1. Double click on the gv.txt file.
  7. Click Upload Records. When the upload is complete, the file will be stored in your report directory.
  8. Select Administration, Utilities, Download & Upload, Run Upload.
  9. On the Run Upload page, select Interface ID OH-GV Upload. We recommend that you run in Verify mode before running in Update mode.
  10. Click Run.
  11. Check the Interface Upload Log for errors.
  12. Verify that student's information was loaded correctly by checking the EMIS CTE Follow Up Survey page and the EMIS Student Download Summary page.

Surveying Students and Recording Results

  1. Run the Career Tech Follow Up Survey report (menu path: Regulatory, Reports, Career Technical Follow Up) to generate survey forms to mail to students and/or to create a CSV file of student information including phone numbers. The reports will include students who have an EMIS CTE Follow Up Survey record for the fiscal year where the Survey Completed field is blank. For more information about the report, refer to the Career Technical Follow Up section.
  2. Enter survey results on the EMIS CTE Follow Up Survey page. For more information, refer to the Entering CTE Workforce Development Survey Follow Up procedure. Make sure to enter a date for the Survey Completed field when you enter results.
  3. If a student took an industry assessment after the end of year reporting period that should be reported in the CTE Industry Assessment record, enter the test scores for the OHIO-CTEIND - Ohio CTE Industry Assessment test using the menu path: Test Scores, All, Reports, Test History.
  4. You can run the Career Tech Follow Up Survey report periodically to see how many surveys have not been completed.

Understanding How the Download Processes the March Submission

Because the ODE provides your district with a file of the students that you need to report for the March submission, the system processes this submission differently than it processes other downloads. When you run the Student/Course Download option for the March Submission, the download will:

  • Update a student's CTE Workforce Development Follow-Up (GV) download record if the student's EMIS CTE Follow Up Survey record has a date entered in the Survey Completed field. If the download record has Override Download checked, then the download will not update the record.
  • Create CTE Industry Assessment records for tests reported in the OHIO-CTEIND – Ohio CTE Industry Assessment test where the student has a test date after the end of the prior school year. If the student has multiple records for the same industry assessment, only the most recent result will be reported.

When you run the EMIS Submission Files option, the submission file will include all students that were in the extract file received from the ODE regardless of whether survey results were entered.

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