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EMIS CTE Follow Up Survey (GV) Page

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select EMIS CTE Follow Up Survey (GV).

The fields on this page allow you to record information collected from the Career-Technical Education Workforce Development survey. Many of these fields are reported as part of the CTE Workforce Development Follow-Up Record (GV) record. On this page, you will enter follow up information for the students that the ODE has identified as CTE students who should be surveyed. The initial record for a student is created by running the upload utility to load extract data sent to your district from the ODE.

For more information about uploading CTE Workforce Development information, refer to Uploading CTE Workforce Data from ODE.

Survey Completed

Enter the date that the survey was completed. 

If you want to report the information entered on this page, you must enter a date. This information is not reported to EMIS, but it is used to determine whether information on this page should update the student's CTE Workforce Development Follow-Up Record (GV) when the Student/Course Downloads option is run. 

School Year ODE Req. SurveyFiscal year in which student was included in the ODE's CTE Workforce Development extract. This value is uploaded from the extract file; do not edit it.
State Licensing Test Taken

Select the appropriate status to indicate if the student took a test, and if so, whether the student passed the test. 

Note: To report testing information in the CTE Industry Assessment record, you must enter test information in Test Scores for the OHIO-CTEIND (Ohio CTE Industry Assessment) test.

Name of Test

Select the test that the student took.

Note: To report testing information in the CTE Industry Assessment record, you must enter test information in Test Scores for the OHIO-CTEIND (Ohio CTE Industry Assessment) test.

License/Certificate Obtained (GV680)Checked if the student earned a state-recognized industry certificate/license in the program area that is selected.
Name of LicenseEnter the name of the license. 50 characters.
Earned GED

Checked if the student earned a GED. 

This value is used in combination with the Diploma Date in the CTE Workforce Development Follow-Up Record (GV) to determine the value to report for the Diploma Element (GV630).

  • If a diploma date exists, then D - Diploma reported in a prior reporting period will be reported.
  • If this field is checked and there is no diploma date, then G - Earned a GED diploma will be reported.
  • If this field is unchecked, there is no diploma date, and you indicated the survey was completed, then N - No, has not earned a diploma will be reported.
Apprenticeship Program (GV620)Select the status to indicate whether the student completed an apprenticeship program, and if so, whether the apprenticeship was in the program area selected.
Name of ApprenticeshipEnter the name of the apprenticeship. 50 characters.
Military (GV650)Select the status to indicate whether the student is in the military, and if so, whether the student is in the military in the area of the program area selected.
Type of DutySelect whether the student is on active duty or in the Reserves or National Guard.
Enrolled in College

Select the status to indicate whether the student is enrolled in college, and if so, whether the student is enrolled in the program area selected.

This value is used in combination with the Formal Advanced Training field to determine the value to report for the Postsecondary Education or Advanced Training Element (GV670).

  • If either field is set to Y1, then Y1 - Yes, enrolled in postsecondary education or advanced training related to CTE program will be reported.
  • If either field is set to Y2, then Y2 - Yes, in postsecondary education or advanced training not related to CTE program will be reported.
  • If both fields are set to NO, then NO - No, not enrolled in postsecondary education or advanced training will be reported.
Formal Advanced Training

Select the status to indicate whether the student is enrolled in formal advanced training, and if so, whether the student is enrolled in the program area selected.

This value is used in combination with the Enrolled in College field to determine the value to report for the Postsecondary Education or Advanced Training Element (GV670).

  • If either field is set to Y1, then Y1 - Yes, enrolled in postsecondary education or advanced training related to CTE program will be reported.
  • If either field is set to Y2, then Y2 - Yes, in postsecondary education or advanced training not related to CTE program will be reported.
  • If both fields are set to NO, then NO - No, not enrolled in postsecondary education or advanced training will be reported.
Employed (GV640)Select the status to indicate whether the student is employed, and if so, whether the student is employed in the area of the program area selected.
Job TitleEnter the job title. 50 Characters.
CommentsEnter any comments that the student made for the survey. 50 characters.
CTE Flagged Course (GV340, GV370, GV400, GV530, GV560)

Select the number of the CTE Course that you want to report as the area where the student was a concentrator. 

The CTE Program of Concentration Flag for the selected CTE Course will be reported as Y. The CTE Program of Concentration Flag for all other courses will be reported as N. If you do not select a number, N will be reported for all courses.

Other Follow-up Status (GV660)If no status is being reported for the student, select the code to indicate that the status is not known or why the student was not surveyed.
Prog. Of Conc. 1 (do not edit)Displays the description of the course code that was reported for CTE Program of Concentration Code 1 in the ODE CTE Workforce Development extract. This value is uploaded from the extract file; do not edit it.
Prog. Of Conc. 2 (do not edit)Displays the description of the course code that was reported for CTE Program of Concentration Code 2 in the ODE CTE Workforce Development extract. This value is uploaded from the extract file; do not edit it.
Prog. Of Conc. 3 (do not edit)Displays the description of the course code that was reported for CTE Program of Concentration Code 3 in the ODE CTE Workforce Development extract. This value is uploaded from the extract file; do not edit it.
Prog. Of Conc. 4 (do not edit)Displays the description of the course code that was reported for CTE Program of Concentration Code 4 in the ODE CTE Workforce Development extract. This value is uploaded from the extract file; do not edit it.
Prog. Of Conc. 5 (do not edit)Displays the description of the course code that was reported for CTE Program of Concentration Code 5 in the ODE CTE Workforce Development extract. This value is uploaded from the extract file; do not edit it.
CTE Course 1 (do not edit)This field is no longer used. It is used only for historical purposes to view information prior to 2012.
CTE Fiscal Yr 1 (do not edit)Displays the fiscal year that the student took the course reported as CTE Program of Concentration Code 1 in the ODE CTE Workforce Development extract. This value is uploaded from the extract file; do not edit it.
CTE Course 2 (do not edit)This field is no longer used. It is used only for historical purposes to view information prior to 2012.
CTE Fiscal Yr 2 (do not edit)Displays the fiscal year that the student took the course reported as CTE Program of Concentration Code 2 in the ODE CTE Workforce Development extract. This value is uploaded from the extract file; do not edit it.
CTE Course 3 (do not edit)This field is no longer used. It is used only for historical purposes to view information prior to 2012.
CTE Fiscal Yr 3 (do not edit)Displays the fiscal year that the student took the course reported as CTE Program of Concentration Code 3 in the ODE CTE Workforce Development extract. This value is uploaded from the extract file; do not edit it.
CTE Course 4 (do not edit)This field is no longer used. It is used only for historical purposes to view information prior to 2012.
CTE Fiscal Yr 4 (do not edit)Displays the fiscal year that the student took the course reported as CTE Program of Concentration Code 4 in the ODE CTE Workforce Development extract. This value is uploaded from the extract file; do not edit it.
CTE Course 5 (do not edit)This field is no longer used. It is used only for historical purposes to view information prior to 2012.
CTE Fiscal Yr 5 (do not edit)Displays the fiscal year that the student took the course reported as CTE Program of Concentration Code 5 in the ODE CTE Workforce Development extract. This value is uploaded from the extract file; do not edit it.
Service Program PlaceSelect if the student is in a service program and if the program is related to CTE.
Work-Based Learning HoursEnter the cumulative hours related to the program of concentration for the student.

Entering CTE Workforce Development Survey Follow Up Information

Before you can follow up with Career-Technical Education students, data from the ODE must be uploaded to eSchoolPlus.  Refer to Reporting CTE Follow Up Survey and CTE Industry Assessment Data for more information about the CTE Workforce Development Survey procedure

  1. Select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select EMIS CTE Follow Up Survey (GV). 
  2. To search for the records for the current year, you can use the following filter:
    • Area: EMIS CTE Follow Up Survey, Field Name: Survey Completed, Condition: Is blank
    • Area: EMIS CTE Follow Up Survey, Field Name: School Year ODE Req. Survey, Condition: =, Value: 2014 (where 2014 represents the current fiscal year)
    • Note that this filter does not include current status because the students you need to enter survey data for will not be active.
  3. On the CTE Follow Up Survey page, you must enter a date for the Survey Completed field if you record any survey results. Also, make sure that you select the number of the course to report as the student's concentrator area in the CTE Flagged Course field.
  4. If the student has test information that should be reported as part of the CTE Industry Assessment test, use the menu path: Select Test Scores from the main menu, select All submenu, select Reports, and then select Test History to enter test information for the OHIO-CTEIND - Ohio CTE Industry Assessment test.
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