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Registration Page

Menu path: Select Registration from the main menu, select the Entry & Reports submenu, select Student Demographic, and then select Registration.

There are several fields on the Registration page which are reported for EMIS.

First Name (GI330)Enter student's first name.
Middle Name (GI340)Enter student's middle name.
Last Name (GI350)Enter student's last name.
Home Language (GI570)

Select the main language spoken at home by the student.

If this field is blank, *** will be reported.

Validated by the regtb_language table.

Native Language (GI270)

Select the "native" or first language of the student. This is often the language spoken at home but should denote the primary language spoken by the student at the onset of speech.

You must enter a value for this field.

Validated by the regtb_language table.

Gender (GI080)Select the student's gender.
Birth Date (GI070)Enter the student's birthdate.
County of Residence (FS370)

Program-tracked. Enter the student's county of residence.

Note: A start date is automatically entered for all students with existing counties of residence.

District of Residence (FS150)

Program-tracked. Refer to EMIS Student Standing Page and EMIS Student Standing Program for information about this field. 

Note: If your district uses GeoCode, the program tracking records will not update the District of Residence because GeoCode processing updates the field. Selecting the District of Residence Override checkbox on a Student’s Registration page will stop GeoCode processing from updating the field for that student.

District of Residence Override

When adding a student or changing their address, and the new District of Residence Override field is selected, the District of Residence field will not be affected by GeoCode.

Alternate BuildingProgram-tracked. Refer to EMIS Student Standing Page and EMIS Student Standing Program for information about this field. 
Alt Accountability Building (FN140)Program-tracked. Refer to EMIS Student Attribute – Date Page and EMIS Student Attribute – Date Programfor information about this field.
District Enrollment Date (FS070)

If EMIS Configuration is set to pull Admission date from here, then it will pull from here if entered; otherwise will calculate from Entry/Withdrawal.

Note: When historical Entry/Withdrawal data exists for the student, Admission Date should come from Entry/Withdrawal.

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