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Entry Withdrawal Page

Menu path: Registration > Entry & Reports > Student Demographic > Entry/Withdrawal

Accurate maintenance of Entry/withdrawal information is critical to correctly reporting student enrollment for EMIS. This section provides best practices for withdrawing students. Follow your district policies when entering and withdrawing students.

Refer to Reporting Contiguous Dates for information about entering contiguous dates for Entry Date and Withdrawal Date.

BuildingFor EMIS reporting, the IRN number of the student's enrollment building is reported in several records.
CalendarSelect the applicable calendar code for the student.
Grade (FD090)Select the student's grade to report.
Entry Code (FS080)Select the appropriate entry code to report the student admission reason based on the state code equivalency.
Entry Date (FS070, FS060)

If the Entry Code is equivalent to one of the codes specified in the District Re-Entry Codes, this date will be reported as an Admission Date for the student to indicate that the student had left the district and has now re-entered the district.

If entry/withdrawal record includes changes to the building or grade fields, the entry date will be reported as the Effective Start Date for the new record.

Admitted from District (FS350)
Enter the District Code for the IRN from which the student came. This field is required for Entry Codes that have a state code equiv of:
  • 3 - Student transferred from a nonpublic school in Ohio
  • 6 - Transferred from another Ohio public/community school

If there is no valid IRN number, use the code 999999.

Refer to Registration Setup for specific local codes designated by the district.

This field is part of the OHIRN – EMIS Admitted-Withdrawn IRN Program.

Withdrawn to District (FS360)

Enter the District Code for the IRN that the student is now attending. This field is required for Withdrawal Codes that have a state code equiv of:

  • 41 - Transferred to another Ohio school district
  • 42 - Transferred to a private school
  • 45 - Transferred by court order/adjudication

If there is no valid IRN number, use the code 999999.

Refer to Registration Setup for specific local codes designated by the district.

This field is part of the OHIRN – EMIS Admitted-Withdrawn IRN Program.

Withdrawal Code (FS100)The reason for the most recent withdrawal from the school district is reported in the Student Standing record.
Withdrawal Date (FS090)The withdrawal date will be reported as the Effective End Date for students who withdrew from your district and for records where changes were made to the building or grade fields.

Additional Information

The open vectors on a student’s OH616 and/or OH617 programs as per the configuration or selection on the EMIS OH616 and OH617 Withdrawal page will close when a student is withdrawn from the Entry/Withdrawal page.

  • The withdrawal code selected on a student’s withdrawal must have a State Code Equivalent defined in the validation table for the open vectors to close as mentioned.

  • If the prompts End OH616 on Leave District or End OH617 On Leave District are selected on the EMIS OH616 and OH617 Withdrawal page, all open vectors in the OH616 and OH617 programs respectively will be closed regardless of which individual fields are selected to close.

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