Registration Setup
Registration Validation Tables
Menu path: From the Administration menu, select the General Setup submenu, select District, and then select Validation Tables.
Fields | Description |
Academically Disadvantaged (FD110) | State Code Equiv must be defined if your district has selected to use Academically Disadvantaged field on the Personal page to report Disadvantagement or Both to use Academically Disadvantaged and Meal Status. |
Day Types | State Code Equiv must be defined Calendar Day Types. Any codes entered that are assigned a state code equiv with the prefix 'P360' will be referenced to the Day Types Crosswalk validation table under Ohio State Reporting. |
Diploma Type (FN100) | State Code Equiv must be defined. |
Disabilities (FD130) | State Code Equiv must be defined. |
Entries (FS080) | State Code Equiv must be defined. An inactive entry code 'XXXXX – **DO NOT USE – DO NOT REMOVE**' will be preconfigured by PowerSchool. This is used in Registration Configuration – Entry/Withdrawal Criteria to allow the Admitted From District and Withdrawn To District fields to be blank for school years prior to 2012. Do not delete this code or check the Active checkbox for this code. |
Homeless Status (FD150) | State Code Equiv must be defined. |
Languages | The Languages validation table has checkboxes to indicate which codes are used for Home Language and which are used for Native Language. The EMIS (State Code) for Native Language is in the State Code Equiv column. The EMIS (State Code) for Home Language is in the SIF Code column. This is necessary because in some cases the EMIS codes are different for Home and Native Language when the language is the same (example: Albanian Native Language code is ALB while Home Language code for Albanian is SQI). |
Meal Status (FD110) | State Code Equiv must be defined if your district has selected to use Meal Status field on the Personal page to report Disadvantagement or Both to use Meal Status and Disadvantagement. Include the code DC for direct certification. This is the value that will be loaded for students who have direct certification when a user runs the Run Upload option for the Direct Certification Upload. |
Races (GI090) | State Code Equiv must be defined. All 7 races must have state and federal code equivalents defined. Hispanic (H) and Multiracial (M) are no longer used, but still must be defined as they are used by the EMIS Download to map data for the GJ records. |
Withdrawals (FS100) | State Code Equiv must be defined. Make sure you check the Dropout Code box for codes 71 – 74. An inactive withdrawal code 'XXXXX – **DO NOT USE – DO NOT REMOVE**' will be preconfigured by PowerSchool. This is used in Registration Configuration – Entry/Withdrawal Criteria to allow the Admitted From District and Withdrawn To District fields to be blank for school years prior to 2012. Do not delete this code or check the Active checkbox for this code. |
Building Configuration
Menu path: From the Administration menu, select the Registration Setup submenu, select Building, and then select Building Definition.
Fields | Description |
Default Calendar | The EMIS Download requires a default calendar for each building that will be processed by the download. This includes any virtual or holding buildings. |
State Equivalency Code (DL050) | For all buildings that should be reported to EMIS, enter the IRN to report to the state, including any leading zero(s). |
Registration Configuration – Entry Withdrawal Criteria
Menu path: From the Administration menu, select the Registration Setup submenu, select Setup, and then select Registration Building Configuration.
Fields | Description |
Entry Withdrawal Combinations Criteria | You must define records in the Required Fields Criteria panel. This can be pre-populated by PowerSchool for your existing buildings. You will need to add the criteria when you add a new building. Criteria 1 is used for the OHIRN-1 (Admitted From District) field on the Entry/Withdrawal page. The criteria will enforce a required value for Admitted From District when a student is enrolled in your district from a city, local, exempted village school district, community school, ESC, STEM District, or nonpublic school. In the Entry Codes field, enter a comma-separated list of your local entry codes that correspond to EMIS Admission Reason (FS080) state codes:
Criteria 2 is used for the OHIRN-2 (Withdrawn To District) field on the Entry/Withdrawal page. The criteria will enforce a required value for Withdrawn To District when a student withdraws from your district to a city, local, exempted village school district, community school, ESC, STEM District, or nonpublic school. In the Withdrawal Codes field, enter a comma-separated list of your local withdrawal codes that correspond to EMIS Withdrawal Reason (FS100) state codes:
Menu path: From the Administration menu, select the Registration Setup submenu, select Setup, and then select Grades.
Use this for state reporting element FD090. State Code Equiv must be defined. Note that the Next Grade field in this table is used to report the next grade level (FN080) for students
Mass Update Days
Menu path: From the Administration menu, select the Registration Setup submenu, select Calendars, and then select Mass Update Days.
This screen can be used to enter Instruction Time for a designated calendar on a particular day. Select the date, building, and calendar type for which the change is necessary. Check the box for Instructional Time and enter the minutes you wish to mass update for the students with the selected Calendar type for the selected dates. Check the Update box next to Instruction Time. Click Run to process the changes for all students with the designated calendar for the selected date.
Programs Setup
Menu path: From the Administration menu, select the Registration Setup submenu, select Setup, and then select Program Setup.
PowerSchool creates programs for your district to meet state reporting requirements. You cannot change the definition of the programs.
OH616 - EMIS Student Standing
Field | Label | State Code Equiv | Source Table | Validation Table | Linking |
1 | Tuition Type | OH616TUIT | reg_user | ohtb_tuition_type | N/A |
2 | District Relationship | OH616REL | reg_user | ohtb_dist_relation | N/A |
3 | Assigned Bldg Area IRN | OH616AREA | reg_user | reg_building | N/A |
4 | How Received | OH616HOW | reg_user | ohtb_how_received | N/A |
5 | How Received IRN | OH616HIRN | reg_user | reg_district | N/A |
6 | Sent Reason 1 | OH616SNT1 | reg_user | ohtb_sent_reason | N/A |
7 | Sent Reason 2 | OH616SNT2 | reg_user | ohtb_sent_reason | N/A |
8 | Sent to Irn 1 | OH616IRN1 | reg_user | reg_district | N/A |
9 | Sent to Irn 2 | OH616IRN2 | reg_user | reg_district | N/A |
10 | Sent to % of Time 1 | OH616PER1 | reg_user | N/A | N/A |
11 | Sent to % of Time 2 | OH616PER2 | reg_user | N/A | N/A |
12 | Percent of Time | OH616PER | reg_user | N/A | N/A |
13 | District of Residence | OH616RES | reg | reg_district | N/A |
16 | County of Residence | FS370 | reg | regtb_county | N/A |
41 | SSID | OHSSID | reg_personal | N/A | N/A |
50 | Alternate Building | ALTBUILD | reg | reg_building | N/A |
OH617 - EMIS Student Attribute
Field | Label | State Code Equiv | Source Table | Validation Table | Linking |
1 | Foreign Exchange Grad Plan | OH617FEX | reg_user | ohtb_foreign_ex | N/A |
2 | Immigrant Status | OH617IMM | reg_user | N/A | N/A |
3 | Attendance Pattern Override | OH617ATT | reg_user | ohtb_att_pattern | N/A |
4 | Homeless Unaccompanied Youth | OH617HUY | reg_user | N/A | N/A |
5 | LEP Status | OHLEP | reg_user | ohtb_lep | N/A |
6 | Preschool Poverty Level | OH617PLVL | reg_user | ohtb_poverty_lvl | N/A |
8 | Homeless Status | OHHOME | reg_personal | regtb_homeless | N/A |
9 | Meal Status - Disadvantagement | OHDISM | reg_personal | regtb_meal_status | N/A |
10 | Academic Disadvantegment | OHDISA | reg_personal | regtb_academic_dis | N/A |
11 | Migrant | OHMIG | reg_personal | N/A | N/A |
12 | Section 504 Plan | OH504 | reg_personal | N/A | N/A |
14 | Retained Status | FN070 | reg_user | ohtb_retained | N/A |
15 | Math Diagnostic Code | FN360 | reg_user | oh_v_math_diagnostic | N/A |
16 | Reading Diagnostic Code | FN370 | reg_user | oh_v_reading_diagnostic | N/A |
17 | Writing Diagnostic Code | FN380 | reg_user | oh_v_writing_diagnostic | N/A |
40 | Accountability IRN | OH618ACC | reg | reg_building | N/A |
OHACC - Student Acceleration Programs
Field | Label | State Code Equiv | Source Table | Validation Table | Linking |
1 | Writing Acceleration | FB070W | reg_user | N/A | N/A |
2 | Reading Acceleration | FB070R | reg_user | N/A | N/A |
3 | Math Acceleration | FB070M | reg_user | N/A | N/A |
4 | Social Studies Acceleration | FB070C | reg_user | N/A | N/A |
5 | Science Acceleration | FB070S | reg_user | N/A | N/A |
OHARC - EMIS Archived Programs
Field | Label | State Code Equiv | Source Table | Validation Table | Linking |
1 | District of Residence | FB070W | reg_user | reg_district | N/A |
2 | Student Status | FB070R | reg_user | ohtb_stu_status | N/A |
3 | Percent of Time | FB070M | reg_user | N/A | N/A |
4 | Attending District IRN | FB070C | reg_user | reg_district | N/A |
5 | Attending IRN Indicator | FB070S | reg_user | ohtb_indicator | N/A |
6 | Accountability IRN | reg_building | |||
7 | State Equivalent Grade Level | reg_grade |
OHIRN - EMIS Admitted-Withdrawn IRN
Field | Label | State Code Equiv | Source Table | Validation Table | Linking |
1 | Admitted From District | FS350 | reg | reg_district | A |
2 | Reading Acceleration | FS360 | reg | reg_district | A |
Menu path: From the Registration menu, select the Entry & Reports submenu, select Office, and then select Activity Setup.
You can define activities for the programs that are reported as part of the Student Program record. Note that you are not required to use the Activities option to define programs; you can also assign students to a program using the EMIS Programs page.
Fields | Description |
Description | Enter a description for the local Activity. This is a required field. |
Advisor | Select the staff member who will act as an advisor for the activity. This is a required field. |
EMIS Programs | Enter the program code to report. If using the Activity Setup option to report Student Program records, you must assign an EMIS Program code to the local Activity Code. |
Start Date | For each student, you must enter the start date to report for the Student Program record. |
End Date | To report an end date for the Student Program record, enter an end date. The Start and End Dates do not display by default. To view the Start and End Dates, click the Additional options button on the Participants panel and select View Start-End Dates. |
Student Group Definitions
Menu path: From the Administration menu, select the Registration Setup submenu, select Setup, and then select Student Group Definitions.
OCR reporting relies on Student Search Group Definitions to identify the students to include for student counts. There must be a group for each race, 504, IDEA, LEP, and Gifted. Each of these groups must have the corresponding OCR Group Used For value selected. A search group detail stores the filter that will be used to select the students to process the calculated fields or “questions” in the OCR report, mostly the School report.
PowerSchool has predefined the 'Search Group Used For' codes that will be used for the OCR Report. You must verify that you have Student Group Definitions defined for the 'Student Group Used For' codes PowerSchool provides. These can be found in the OCR documentation.
To add a Student Group Definition, click (Add), enter the details, and click Save.
Fields | Description |
Group Code | Enter the Group Code to identify a Student Group Definition. Note that the Group Code field will not allow special characters such as, ? % & * | or a space. This is a required field. |
Description | Enter the description of the student group definition. This is a required field. |
Group Used For | Select the Group Used For code associated to create a record for this Student Group Definition. Verify that you have a Group Code set up defining filter information for each of these Group Used For codes. |
The Group Used For codes that are described as Snapshot Date will apply to fields in the LEA/District Form and the School Form where eSchoolPlus uses the E/W Date to Sample Enrollment (OCR District Setup). The Group Used For codes that are described as End of Year will apply to fields where the reports filter using OCR District Setup's School Year Start Date and School Year End Date.
Mass Withdraw Students
Menu path: From the Registration menu, select the Utilities submenu, select Tools, and then select Mass Withdraw Students.
The open vectors on OH616 and OH617 programs for fields indicated on the EMIS OH616 and OH617 Withdrawal page will close when using the Mass Withdraw functionality to withdraw students.
The withdrawal code must have a State Code Equivalent defined in the validation table for the open vectors to close as mentioned.
If the prompts End OH616 on Leave District or End OH617 On Leave District are selected on the EMIS OH616 and OH617 Withdrawal page, all open vectors in the OH616 and OH617 programs respectively will be closed regardless of which individual fields are selected to close.