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Student Digital Access

This section of the documentation will review prerequisites necessary to create the Student Digital Access Details file, go over the process to create the files and give you the file layouts/mapping for the file.

Make sure Student Lite and School Entry/Exit data is up to date in SIRS before you submit for any other template.

Student Digital Access Prerequisites

Verify that student digital access details have been updated into the Digital Access Detail page (menu path: select Registration from the main menu, select Entry & Reports submenu, select Student District Defined, and then select Digital Access Details) prior to creating the Student Digital Access file.

Student Digital Access Processing

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Downloads submenu, select Downloads, and then select NY Student Download.


Value for Assessment File

School Year

The school year you are running the extract for (will default to the current school year).

Run Date

Select a date for the report to be run "as of". Extract will include students who were active from the beginning of the school year provided in the School Year prompt, until the date specified in this prompt.

Use Current Date

Selected if the Run Date should always be the current date. Use this if you run the Student Lite download on a scheduled basis and want to capture data as of the date the process runs.

Building Type

Select the Building Types you want to run the extract for. If you want all buildings, leave this field blank.

Use State Code Equiv. for Grade

Selected if you want to use the State Code Equiv instead of your local Grade in the file.

Have Previous Year Vector

Level 0 Validation

Selected if the download should apply the same data validation as does the SIRS Level 0 application. This is in addition to data validation already performed by the download for the Student Lite collection.

If you select this option, the download logs Level 0 validation errors, if any. Refer to the SIRS Level 0 Validation Errors for a listing of possible Student Lite messages related to this prompt.

Collections Panel

Use Student Digital Access section.

Populate Table

Check to populate the Student Lite download table.

Update Existing

Deletes records that are included in the previous download for the submission period, download, and filter criteria selected.* (For more information on clearing records, refer to Clearing Download Table Records for Deleted Data.

If you select this option, you will also be prompted to determine whether download table overrides should be cleared or retained.

Clear All (For School Year)

Deletes all records for the submission period and download selected. If you select this option, you will also be prompted to determine whether download table overrides should be cleared or retained.

Clear Overrides

Deletes any overrides that were entered on the Student Download Summary.

  1. Run the Student Downloads (menu path: select Regulatory from the main menu, select Downloads submenu, select Downloads, and then select NY Student Download).
  2. To locate the file, click Tasks/Reports on the Navigation bar. The file will be listed on the Tasks and Reports page's Reports panel.
  3. Review the log file for errors and check the generated file to fix data as necessary.
  4. Re-run the Student Download using the same prompts as in Step 1 as many times as you need to make sure that all errors are resolved.
  5. Run the Student Extracts (menu path: select Regulatory from the main menu, select Extracts submenu, select Extracts, and then select NY Student Extract).
  6. To locate the file, click Tasks/Reports on the Navigation bar. The file will be listed on the Tasks and Reports page's Reports panel.
  7. Review the log file for errors and check the generated file. When you have confirmed the export is correct, save it to your machine.


    Value for Assessment Fact File

    School Year

    The school year you are running the extract for (will default to the current school year).

    Location Code Length (Zero Pad)

    Enter Zero Pad length as needed. If left blank, then Location Code extract field length will be the same as it is in the download table.

    Column Headers

    Select to include a header row as the first line of the CSV output file that identifies each column.

    Extract Options

    Select Student Digital Access.

  8. Upload the file to Level 0.

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