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NY SSEC Report

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Reports submenu, select Reports, and then select NY SSEC Report.

The following sections provide detailed data source mapping information for the School Safety and the Educational Climate Summary Data Collection Form (SSEC) report. We also summarize initial setup and ongoing discipline entry prerequisites for the report.

Setup and Discipline Entry Prerequisites

  1. Confirm you have district-defined fields set up for collecting the following data:
    • At the discipline incident district-defined level, you need a checkbox indicating whether an incident occurred Before/After School (set up using the menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District District Defined, and then select NY SSEC Setup).
    • At the discipline incident district-defined level, you need a checkbox indicating whether an incident is Bias Related (set up using the menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District District Defined, and then select NY SSEC Setup).
    • At the discipline incident district-defined level, you need a checkbox indicating whether an incident involved Victims of a Violent Criminal act (set up using the menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District District Defined, and then select NY SSEC Setup).
    • At the building district-defined level, you need a checkbox indicating whether the building has a Police Officer Present (set up using the menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District District Defined, and then select NY SSEC Setup).
  2. Verify the correct district-defined screen and field numbers are mapped on the NY SSEC Setup district-level district-defined page for the fields described in Step 1 (menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District District Defined, and then select NY SSEC Setup).
  3. The SSEC Report relies on State Code Equivalent values set up in your Discipline validation tables (menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select General Setup submenu, select District, and then select Validation Tables. You must select New York State Reporting for Applications and Discipline for Validation Table).
  4. Make sure you have the following State Code Equivs mapped to local codes to account for new requirements in the report:
    • The Offense Actions table needs records mapped to these State Code Equivs: Community Service maps to COMMUNITY, Juvenile Justice or Criminal Justice System maps to JUVENILE, Law Enforcement maps to LAW, No Suspension because the student was removed for reasons such as death, withdrawal, or incarceration maps to NOSUSREM, and No Discipline Actions maps to NODISCFIRE.
    • The Weapons table needs a record mapping Multiple Firearms to the MULTIFIRE State Code Equiv.
    • The Police Actions table needs a record mapping the ARREST State Code Equiv to the appropriate local code.
  5. In addition to the district-defined fields from Step 1, the SSEC report uses data from these district-defined pages:
    • At the discipline incident level: NY DASA (menu path: select Interventions from the main menu, select All submenu, select Office, and then select Incident Detail. You must select Other Incident Information panel and then select NY DASA).
    • At the incident victim level: NY-Transfer (menu path: select Interventions from the main menu, select All submenu, select Office, and then select Incident Detail. You must select Victims panel, click View Detail, select Other Victim Information panel and then select NY-Transfer).
    • At the building level: NY-Persistently Dangerous (menu path: select Administration from the main menu, select Registration Setup submenu, select Building District Defined, and then select NY-Persistently Dangerous).
  6. Make sure that all Discipline Incidents have been entered. For more information on SSEC incidents, refer to Discipline Entry for SSEC Reporting.

NY SSEC Report Processing

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select Reports submenu, select Reports, and then select NY SSEC Report.

The SSEC Report option includes the following prompts:



School Year

Enter the school year for the discipline incidents to include in the report.


Select All or Selected to run the report for one or more buildings. The report output includes a separate form for each building you choose.

Date Range

Discipline Incidents in this date range will be included in the report.

Run Error Scan

Checked to analyze the data for errors. If unchecked, no data validation will be done.


You can filter based on the following records:

  • Student Demographic
  • Student Personal
  • Incident Victims
  • Incident Offender Actions
  • Incident Offenders
  • Incidents
  • Non-Students
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