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Discipline Entry for SSEC Reporting

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The Report of Incidents Concerning School Safety and the Educational Climate measures school discipline incidents based on a variety of characteristics, including the type of offense committed, type of offenders and victims involved, bias-based characteristics infringed upon, weapons involved, and disciplinary actions taken.

Specifically, review this checklist when entering a discipline incident. It covers each part of the incident record affecting SSEC reporting:

  1. On the Incident Detail page, assign the incident building, offense code, and location. If applicable, mark the incident as Gang Related.
  2. Enter the offenders for the incident on the Incident Detail Offenders panel.
  3. On the Offender Detail page's Notified panel, use the Police Action field, if needed, to indicate any police action taken toward the offender for this incident (menu path: From the Interventions menu, choose All, choose Office, and then select Incident Detail. In the Offenders panel, click View Detail, and then select the Notified panel.)
  4. Add or update offender disciplinary actions using the Offender Detail page's Actions panel.
  5. Use the Offender Detail page's General panel if the offender had any weapons or drugs/alcohol.
  6. Enter the victims for the incident on the Incident Detail Victims panel.
  7. Where appropriate, update the NY-Transfer victim-level district-defined page to record information for a student's district transfer request.
  8. Use the incident-level district-defined page NY DASA to indicate categories of bias-based violation, when applicable.
  9. Your district may have an additional incident-level page defined for SSEC report data. This page should include the following three settings:
    • Checkbox indicating whether the incident took place outside normal school hours (checked if the incident occurred before or after school).
    • Checkbox indicating if the incident included a bias-related violation (checked if this was a bias-related incident).
    • Checkbox indicating if the incident included a victim of a violent criminal act (checked if the incident resulted in a criminal act of violence against a victim).

You only need to update this information when it applies to the incident (menu path: From the Interventions menu, choose All, choose Office, select Incident Detail, and then select the Other Incident Information panel.)

The following sections provide more detail on how to enter the discipline information used in SSEC reporting.

Incident Detail Page – Incident Panel Fields

Menu path: From the Interventions menu, choose All, choose Office, select Incident Detail, and then select the Incident panel.

The following Incident Detail page fields apply to the SSEC report:

  • Building – School associated with the discipline incident. The SSEC report produces a separate form for each building.
  • Incident – Code categorizing the incident in terms of the offense committed. The SSEC report organizes based on the overall Incident Code from the Incident Detail header rather than the offender-level codes on the Offender Detail page's Offenses tab.
  • Location – Indication of where the incident occurred, such as on campus, off campus, or on school transportation.
  • Gang Related – Checked if the incident is considered gang related.

Offender Entry – Incident Detail Page – Offenders Panel

Menu path: From the Interventions menu, choose All, choose Office, select Incident Detail, and then select the Offenders panel.

You can enter discipline offenders as students or non-students.

To enter a student offender:

  1. Click Add on the Offenders tab and select Student.
  2. In the Offender Name field, use the Search option to find the student.
  3. Click Save on the top of the Incident Detail page.

To enter a non-student offender:

  1. Click Add on the Offenders panel and select Other Non-Student.
  2. In the Offender Name field, use the Search option to find the student.
  3. Click Save on the top of the Incident Detail page.

Offender Action Entry – Offender Detail – Actions Panel

Menu path: From the Interventions menu, choose All, choose Office, and then select Incident Detail. In the Offenders panel, click View Detail, and then select the Actions panel.

On the Offender Detail Actions panel, select the Action Code identifying the disciplinary action taken for the offender.

Use the Scheduled Duration to record how long the disciplinary action lasts, specifically for a suspension or transfer to an alternative education environment.

If the actual duration is different than the scheduled duration, make sure to record the Actual Duration of the discipline action. Part 5 of the SSEC report tracks action durations.

Victim Entry – Incident Detail Page – Victims Panel

Menu path: From the Interventions menu, choose All, choose Office, and select Incident Detail, and then select the Victims panel.

You can enter incident victims as students or non-students.

To enter a student victim:

  1. Click Add on the Offenders tab and select Student.
  2. In the Offender Name field, use the Search option to find the student.
  3. Click Save on the top of the Incident Detail page.

To enter a non-student victim:

  1. Click Add on the Offenders panel and select Other Non-Student.
  2. In the Offender Name field, use the Search option to find the student.
  3. Click Save on the top of the Incident Detail page.

NY-Transfer Victim-Level District-Defined Page

Menu path: From the Interventions menu, choose All, choose Office, and then select Incident Detail. In the Victims panel, click View Detail, select Other Victim Information panel, and then select NY-Transfer.

Use the NY-Transfer fields to record the following student victim school transfer information as it relates to the discipline incident:

  • Request to Transfer – Checked if the student requested a transfer to a different district as a result of the discipline incident. This includes a request to enter a charter school.
  • Accepted Transfer – Checked if the student accepted a transfer to a new district or charter school.

If saved information no longer applies for a student, follow these steps to delete the NY-Transfer record:

  1. Access the NY-Transfer victim district-defined page.
  2. Select the Delete NY-Transfer box.
  3. Click Save.

NY DASA Discipline Incident-Level District-Defined Page

Menu path: From the Interventions menu, choose All, choose Office, and then select Incident Detail. In the Other Incident Information panel, select NY DASA.

Use this page to identify the protected DASA characteristics subjected to offense in the associated discipline incident. This information is tracked in Part 1 of the SSEC report. Check the box next to each appropriate category, then Save.
For definitions of these categories, the New York State Education Department provides an online resource: SSEC Report Glossary.

If saved information no longer applies for a student, follow these steps to delete the NY DASA record:

  1. Access the NY DASA incident district-defined page.
  2. Select the Delete NY DASA box.
  3. Click Save.

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