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June Cycle – Student Referrals Collection Prerequisites

The Student Referrals collection tracks the number of referrals received by the reported student in the following categories:

  • Office discipline referrals – number of problem behaviors resulting in student's referral to the administrative office for discipline.
  • Assistance referrals – number of referrals to general education teams within the school reviewing an academic or behavior concern before considering special education referral.
  • Special education referrals – number of referrals to special education for initial evaluation.
  • Outside agency referrals – number of referrals to community agencies or services for support provided by the outside agency's personnel.

This section gives the setup and student entry steps needed to get these referral counts.






Add records to the following Missouri State Reporting validation tables, including Code, Description, and State Code Equiv value:

  • Special Ed Referral Codes – used on the MOSIS Special Ed page, Special Ed Referral field.
  • Assistance Referral Codes – used on the MOSIS Referrals page, Assistance Referral field.
  • Referral to Outside Agency Codes – used on the MOSIS Referrals page, Referral to Outside Agency field.


On the MOSIS Referral Discipline Reportable Actions page, define the Discipline Action codes to report in the Student Referrals collection.
The MO MOSIS Download creates an Office Discipline Referral record for each incident that has one of the selected Action codes in the current year.

Student Entry



Use the MOSIS Special Ed page, Special Ed Referral program, to track each time a student gets an initial special education services referral.
The download counts each current year program row as a separate referral.


Use the MOSIS Referrals page to track a student's Assistance Referrals and Referrals to Outside Agencies, if any.
Add a separate program row for each referral that applies.


Enter discipline incidents as needed. If a student is assigned one of the actions that is selected in the MOSIS Referral Discipline Reportable Actions page, then the download counts the action as a student's Office Discipline Referral.

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