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Missouri Staff Data

This section describes pages required to submit staff and course data required for Missouri state reporting.

Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Staff

Staff members assigned to teach a student are reported as part of the Course Assignment, Student Assignment, and Student Course Completion records. Additionally, the MO MOSIS Assessment Pre-Code file includes the staff information for the examiner.

All staff members who must be reported for MOSIS must have a SSN entered. The SSN field will not display for users who do not have security to view it.


Scheduling > Courses > Resources > Staff > click the Staff Name link to display the Staff Disrict Information page > click MOSIS Staff in the District-Defined panel
You do not need to enter a Position Code for teachers of courses.  If a staff member is the Primary Staff on the Master Schedule record and the Position Code field on this page is blank, the Teacher Code will be sent to the Course Assignment file.



Position Code

Select the appropriate position code for the staff member.

Assignment Comment

If applicable, enter a comment regarding the staff member's assignment.  This field appears in the MOSIS Course Assignment file. From the State's documentation: "Free-form notes used to indicate (1) job titles for Course 887900, (2) course titles for "Other" (xxxx99) courses, (3) supplemental assignment for Course 880000, (4) teachers assisted by an aide, (5) aides assisting a teacher or (6) other nonstandard info".  In the October submission, this is a conditional field and in the June submission it is optional.


 Number of students served in an educational setting other than a regularly scheduled class.

Course Assignments

Scheduling > Courses > Resources > Staff > click Building link for staff member > click the Course Assignments link in the District-Defined section
Enter records on this page for course assignments that needed to be reported to MOSIS for which there is not a scheduled course. This information will be included in the October MOSIS Course Assignment file.



Start Date

Enter the start date for the assignment.

End Date

Enter the end date for the assignment.

State Course Number

Select the State Course number.

Job Position

Enter the position code of educator's assignment.

Course Minutes

Enter the weekly instructional minutes for the course. 


Select the correct semester value to indicate when the course meets.


Select the Course Level/Sequence Number.


Enter number of students served in an educational setting other than a regularly scheduled class, if applicable.

Grade Level

Select the appropriate grade level for the course.

Delivery System

Select the appropriate Course Delivery System code.

Program Code

If the course is part of a program, select the appropriate value here.

CTE Program Type

If this course is part of a CTE program, select the appropriate CTE program type.

Combine Course

Enter the code to report for a course that should be reported with combined class indicator to indicate that two or more different subjects or course sequence levels are taught during the same period by the same teacher.
Enter the same code for the courses that are combined together.


If applicable, enter a comment regarding the staff member's assignment.  This field appears in the MOSIS Course Assignment file. From the State's documentation: "Free-form notes used to indicate (1) job titles for Course 887900, (2) course titles for "Other" (xxxx99) courses, (3) supplemental assignment for Course 880000, (4) teachers assisted by an aide, (5) aides assisting a teacher or (6) other nonstandard info".  In the October submission, this is a conditional field and in the June submission it is optional.

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