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Early Childhood

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Early Childhood Prerequisites

  1. Make sure that data for Early Childhood students is accurate on the MI Early Childhood Page.
  2. Verify that Entry/Withdrawal information is correct for Early Childhood students.
  3. If necessary, make sure that the student's Fiscal Entity Type and Code are correct on the MI SDS Page.
  4. Verify that Early Childhood students' Homeless, LEP and Meal Status (SNE) data is accurate.

Early Childhood Submissions

The Early Childhood Collection is submitted via three separate single-certification collections:

  • Early Childhood- Fall
  • Early Childhood- Spring
  • Early Childhood- End of Program

For SDS Download and SDS Submission for Early Childhood- Fall, Spring, and End of Program, follow the procedure given for Creating the Early Childhood Files. 

Creating the Early Childhood Files

Select Regulatory > MI SDS Reporting > MI SDS Reporting > SDS Downloads and run the SDS Download using the following recommended prompts to find out if there are any data errors that you need to correct. 


Value for Early Childhood File

School Year

Ending year of current school year

Submitting Entity


Building List

Select All by clicking Asterisk to select all codes

Submission Type

Early Childhood

Date of Count

Refer to the CEPI Calendar.

Start Date

Refer to the CEPI Calendar.

End Date

Refer to the CEPI Calendar.

View Type

Select your State Reporting View

Absence Codes

Leave this blank

Run with Student UIC

Select All Students

Scan for Data Errors


Scan for Setup Errors


Run Download

Checked to populate the download table.  When you check this, the Clear Existing box is checked automatically for you and you cannot uncheck it.

Clear Existing

Checked if you want to clear the download table.

Clear Overrides

Checked if you want to overwrite manual changes made to the download table data entered on the download summary page. Unchecked to retain overrides set within the download records.

Log File Type

Select CSV to get an Excel file of errors or PDF to get the errors in a pdf file.

  1. Review the error log (MI SDS Download Log) and fix data as necessary. 
  2. Re-run the download using the same prompts as in Step 1 as many times as you need to make sure that all errors are resolved.
  3. Use the SDS Student Summary or MI State Download Search pages to view the data that will be sent to the State to spot-check some students and review students that may have exceptions in their data.
  4. Run the download using the prompts above, making sure that you have the Run Download checkbox selected.
  5. Select Regulatory > MI SDS Reporting > MI SDS Reporting > SDS Submission Files to create submission files using the following prompts in the table below.
  6. You will get a file called "MI SDS Early Childhood ….xml". Click on the file and save it to your PC. The file name will include the School Year and the Date/Time you ran the file before the xml extension.
  7. Upload the file to the MSDS website and follow their instructions.


Value for Early Childhood File

School Year

Ending year of current school year

Submitting Entity


Building List

Select All by clicking Asterisk to select all codes

Submission Type

Early Childhood

Date of Count

Refer to the CEPI Calendar.

Run with Student UIC

Select All Students

Log File Type

Select CSV to get an Excel file of errors or PDF to get the errors in a pdf file.

XML Components Included in the Early Childhood Collection

Refer to the Michigan Component File Layout document for information about the fields included in a component. For help accessing this file, refer to eSchoolPlus Michigan State Reporting Documentation.

XML Components Included


EC (Early Childhood) Programs Component


Homeless Demographics Component


Title III LEP and Immigrant Component


Personal Core Component


Personal Demographics Component


Program Participation Component


SNE Component


Submitting Entity Component


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