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MI State Download Search

Regulatory > Summary > Download Search > MI State Download Search

To use the Student Downloads Search

  1. Select Regulatory > Summary > Download Search > MI State Download Search.
  2. On the Search page, select the Record Type you want to view.
  3. You may further define your search by using the Search Criteria panel. The available criteria will vary depending on the Record Type.
  4. Click Load.
  5. Review data in the Search Results panel.

To edit source data using the Downloads Search

  1. Select Regulatory > Summary > Download Search > MI State Download Search.
  2. On the Search page, select the Record Type you want to view.
  3. You may further define your search by using the Search Criteria panel. The available criteria will vary depending on the Record Type.
  4. Click Load.
  5. In the Search Results, click on the hyperlink of the field you want to edit to open a pop-up window for the appropriate screen. Note that not all fields will be hyperlinked. The screen that opens is dependent upon where the field is located in eSchoolPlus. For example, the Birth Date field will open the Registration page.
  6. Make edits to the desired fields and click Save. If there is no data for a field, you will see an Add button. Click this button to open the pop up window.
  7. After editing the source data, you will need to re-run the affected download. 

To create a CSV file 

  1. Click Export to Excel located at the top right corner of the Search Results panel. 
  2. On the Report Options pop up window, use the Column Setup fields to indicate how you want to arrange specified columns within the report. The applicable columns available to setup will vary by each selected record type selected. Enter the name you wish to use for the report. A default name will populate. 
  3. Click OK to create the file.
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