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Class Level Membership Report

Regulatory > Reports > Reports > Class Level Membership Report

This section of the documentation will explain the prerequisites to running this report, explain the page prompts, and give the file mapping so that you know where in eSchoolPlus the data elements in the file are coming from.

The Class Level Membership Report data is used to determine Highly Qualified Teachers at the State. 

  • All students in membership KG through grade 12 will be reported.
  • Summer sessions will be included in the file
  • Classes for teachers who instruct students in subjects other than kindergarten (subject code 0702) or Elementary (subject code 0703) will be reported separately by subject.  One record for each class will be reported.
  • Only 1 KG (0702) or Elementary (0703) record can be reported for a teacher.  If a teacher has multiple KG (0702) or Elementary (0703) classes, only one 0702 or 0703 record will be reported for the teacher but the student count would be for the multiple classes.  As an example:  the teacher has the following:
    • 0702 – 15 students
    • 0702 – 10 students
    • 0703 – 12 students
  • In the output file, the teacher would have two records:
    • 0702 – 25 students (broken out by race)
    • 0703 – 12 students (broken out by race)

Any additional classes would be reported separately with the appropriate student counts.

CLM Prerequisites

  1. Verify that courses in the Master Schedule have the appropriate Subject Code and Grade Level. This data is entered on the MD Class Level Membership page.
  2. Verify that students are setup correctly for Class Level Membership specific information (504 Plan, Free/Reduced Lunch, LEP, Special Education Disabilities, and Title I).
  3. If your district does not use programs to track these items, go to the MD Class Level Membership page (Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > MD Class Level Membership).
  4. If your District uses programs to track these items, check the following:
    • Verify that students in your district's 504 plan have correct program vectors.
    • Verify that students are correctly in your district's FARMS program (Free/Reduced Priced Meal).
    • Verify that Limited English Proficiency (LEP) students are appropriately enrolled in your district's LEP program.
    • Verify that students with Special Education Disabilities are enrolled into your district's IEP/Special Ed program.
    • Verify that students receiving Title I services are enrolled in your district's Title I program.
  5. Verify that all staff who are considered Long Term subs are set up properly on the MD Class Level Membership page (Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Staff > District-Defined panel > MD Class Level Membership).

CLM Report Prompts



School Year

This prompt identifies which school year is being used for the report run.

Building List

This prompt identifies which building(s) to be included in the data extract.  If you click Selected, you may enter or select more than one building.  If you want to run the report for all buildings, click All.

As of Date

This prompt is to be used to identify the date for the selection of the students to be included in the counts found in the data extract.  Students are considered to be in a class if they have added the course prior to the prompted As of Date and have either not dropped the class or dropped the class after the As Of Date.

Minimum Class Size

This prompt is used to determine the minimum number of students that need to be in a class for the class to be reported.  Any classes with a total number of student LESS than the entered value will be excluded from the report.

Summer School Year

This prompt identifies in which year the Summer School sessions are held.

Verification Report

When selected, this prompt will generate a report in a CSV file format that you can use to verify that the data is correct prior to sending it to the State.

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