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Teacher Course Assignment

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This section provides you information on how to download and extract the Teacher Course Assignments for both teacher's course entry and course exit collections when it is required to submit them to ISBE. This information allows the serving schools to add teachers to courses during a school year.

Teacher Course Assignment Prerequisites

  • Teachers must have staff state report ID.
  • Teachers should be teaching for grades 9 to 12.
  • The courses that a teacher teaches must have the state course code for a given school year.
  • A teacher's course start date and exit date should be entered to extract the teacher course entry and course exit information.
  • Only the teaching location RCDTS can submit the SIS teacher's information.

Create Teacher Course Assignments

Regulatory > ISBE > ISBE > IL Create Teacher Course Assignments

School YearThe school year for which you want to download and extract teacher course assignment data.
Start and End DateThe system will use these dates to compare to your Marking Period dates to determine what courses should be included in the download.

Checked if you want to download the teacher course assignments collection. 

Note: If you checked the Download field, the Teacher Course Assignments Entry [STAFCOURSE] field and the Teacher Course Assignments Exit [STAFCOURSE] field are checked by default and are non-editable.

ExtractChecked if you want to extract the teacher course assignments collection.
Update Existing RecordsChecked if you have previously Downloaded records, made changes and want to update the values in the download tables.
Log File TypeSelect PDF or CSV.
Teacher Course Assignments Entry (STAF COURSE)Checked if you want to download the start date of a course taught by a teacher. This field is checked by default when you check the Download checkbox.
Teacher Course Assignments EXIT (STAF COURSE)Checked if you want to download the end date of a course taught by a teacher. This field is checked by default when you check the Download checkbox.


  1. Run the Teacher Course Assignments Download using the following recommended prompts to find out if there are any data errors that you need to correct. 
  2. Review the error log that appears on your Tasks/Reports (IL Teacher Course Assignments Log) and fix data as necessary. 
  3. Re-run the Teacher Course Assignments Download (Regulatory > ISBE > ISBE > IL Create Teacher Course Assignments) using the same prompts as many times as you need to make sure that all errors are resolved.
  4. You may also go to the IL Staff Summary page to view the data that will be sent to ISBE.
  5. Run the Teacher Course Assignments Download using the prompts above, making sure that you have the Download checkbox checked.
  6. Run the Teacher Course Assignments Extract using the prompts above, making sure that you have the Extract checkbox checked.

Note: If you checked the Download field, the Teacher Course Assignments Entry [StafCourse] and field and the Teacher Course Assignments Exit [StafCourse] field are checked by default and are non-editable. In the Filter options, you can choose the criteria as Master Schedule (Course), Staff District (Staff ID), and Master Schedule Building) to download and extract the Teacher Course Assignments collection.

Purging Teacher Course Assignments Submission Files

Use the Purge ISBE Submission Files option to remove data from the ISBE download tables after you have created the State Files. It is up to your District how often and how much data you purge. Remember that you will not be able to view the ISBE data in eSchoolPlus from the IL Staff Summary page after you have purged it.

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