ISBE SIS Birth Date Validation
If you ever have a student with a Date of Birth validation error in the ISBE SIS, use the Exclude Students from State Reports student district-defined page to indicate the student should not get selected for processing by the eSchoolPlus Extract ISBE Submission Files option. Assign the student the ILEXTRACT Reports code.
The ISBE SIS enforces data validation for the Student Demographics file based on a student's Date of Birth. Following are the validations the SIS performs:
- Based on Date of Birth, the student must be aged at least one day and less than 23 years.
- If the student's Grade Level value is 00 - Birth to 3, the student must be less than 3 years old; also, the student's Date of Birth must be on or before the Enrollment Date.
- If the student's Grade Level value is 14 - Pre-K, the student must be (1) at least 3 years old as of the Enrollment Date and (2) less than 6 years old as of September 1st of the current school year.
- If the student's Grade Level value is one of the K-12 codes, the student must be at least 3 years old and less than 23 years old as of the Enrollment Date.
You will get a submission error for any student in conflict with at least one of these rules.