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IL Report Configuration

Menu path: Administration > General Setup > District > District Defined > IL Report Configuration

Use this page to define default values and processing configurations for the following Illinois state reporting options:

  • The first four fields let you define default values for the General Aid Audit Report and IL General State Aid Claim Reports, specifically for these prompts:
    • Residency - Claim Codes
    • Curriculum - Claim Codes
    • Residency - Non Claim Codes
    • Curriculum - Non Claim Codes
  • The No Pass No Play Codes and Exclude Grades (EOY) prompts set defaults for these fields for the IL End of Year Report.
  • The prompts from Dropout Withdrawal Codes through Exclude Grades (RC) act as defaults for the IL School Report Card. Summer Graduation Date, End of Year Grad Date, and Student Mobility Begin also set defaults for this report.
  • Physical Exam Comp Source selection tells the IL Immunization Report how it should determine whether the student is non-compliant for his or her physical examination:
  • Immunizations - The student is considered non-compliant if overdue for a physical examination as tracked through the menu path Medical > All > Student > Immunizations.
  • Physical Exam Records - The student is considered non-compliant based on physical exams tracked through the menu path Medical > All > Student > Exams > Physicals panel. Specifically, the student is non-compliant if lacking a physical within one year of entering kindergarten, 1st grade, 3rd grade, or 9th grade.
  • Chronic Absent Min Days Enro determines the number of days a student must be enrolled in a building before he or she may be included in chronic absentee processing for the IL School Report Card, Section 3. A student cannot be considered a chronic absentee for a building where he or she has not met this minimum enrollment requirement. We provide a default value of 10 for this required field.
  • Chronic Absent Percent Enrolle determines the percentage of membership attendance days a student would need to be absent in order to be reported as a chronic absentee in the IL School Report Card, Section 3. For details on how chronic absenteeism is calculated, refer to the IL School Report Card Mapping section. We provide a default value of 10 for this required field.
  • Gifted Not Tested - Available represents the default code 03 when the Student was not tested (District does have an assessment for Gifted).

  • Gifted Not Tested - Not Avail represents the default code 04 when the Student was not tested (District does not have an assessment for Gifted).

Additional Information

The IL Report Configuration district page is updated for the following due to the removal of the Test Date mandatory field from reporting on the IL Gifted and Accelerated student page:

  • Removed the Gifted Stu Not Tested Default field.

  • Added the Gifted Not Tested - Available and Gifted Not Tested - Not Avail fields. Each field will store a comma separated list of grades that designation applies to for a default.

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