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IL School Report Card

Regulatory > Reports > Reports > IL School Report Card

As a prerequisite to running this report, make sure you run the Day Totals Calculation through year's end for the attendance View Types you plan to select at the View Type and Chronic Absenteeism View Type prompts.

The average days of PE per week in Section 6 comes from assigning a Health and Wellness flag to the appropriate State Course codes. Refer to Health and Wellness Section Course Setup section below for details.

School YearSchool Year you are running for.
BuildingSelect codes from the field's drop-down list, or click Asterisk to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
CalendarChoose default calendar to use for calculations – Multiselect list of calendars.
Start DateRequired. Date.
End DateRequired. Date.
View TypeRequired. Dropdown of view types.
Absence CodesRequired. Codes used in your view to indicate absences.
Truant Absence CodesRequired. Codes used in your view to indicate truant absences.
Chronic Absenteeism View TypeSelect the Attendance View Type you defined for tracking IL School Report Card chronic absentees. As a prerequisite to running this report, make sure you run the Day Totals Calculation through year's end for the building's chronic absenteeism View Type. For View Type setup information, refer to Attendance View Setup - Chronic Absenteeism - IL School Report Card.
Dropout Withdrawal CodesRequired. Multiselect list of withdrawal codes.
Summer Graduation DateDate used for your summer graduation students (if you have one).
End of Year Graduation DateDate used for your regular graduates.
Free Reduced Lunch CodesList of codes indicating the student receives free or reduced lunch.
Student Mobility Begin DateThe date to be used to calculate student mobility.
Transfer In Entry CodesMulti select list of entry codes indicating a student transferred in.
Transfer Out Withdrawal CodesMultiselect list of regtb_withdrawal codes.
Include Parental Contact InfoCheckbox. 
District Defined Screen and FieldIf Include Parental Contact info above is checked, then prompt for district defined screen and field that it is stored in.  If above field is not checked, then do not display this field.

Selection indicating how the report will determine class size totals for Section 8, Elementary Class Size. Choose Homerooms if the report should base the counts on students' homeroom assignments, broken down by grade level. Choose Schedules if the report needs to base counts on students' schedules, again, categorized by grade level.

The Homerooms option applies if you run the report for a building where students lack schedules. This generally would be an elementary building set up for homeroom attendance.

AM (2nd) Period to UseRequired. Validation/dropdown on schd_period– only shows periods that are valid for all buildings selected.  This affects class size totals for grades 6, 7, and 8 in the report's Section 8, Elementary Class Size. It also serves as the basis for Section 10, High School Class Size, Second Period column.
PM (5th) Period to UseRequired. Validation/dropdown on schd_period– only shows periods that are valid for all buildings selected. This affects class size totals for grades 6, 7, and 8 in the report's Section 8, Elementary Class Size. It also serves as the basis for Section 10, High School Class Size, Fifth Period column.
Self Contained GradesMultiselect list with valid options 06 (Sixth grade), 07 (Seventh Grade), 08 (Eighth Grade). If a grade level is included in this field, it is not included in the 5th Period counts (items B and D) for the Elementary Class Size, Section 8.
Include Chronic Truant and Chronic Absenteeism Detail ReportCheckbox. This Detail report – will include a detail list of all the students who were included in the counts for the chronic truants and a separate list of the students included in Section 3's chronic absenteeism counts. The lists are in Alphabetical order by last name, first name.
Include 2nd and 5th Period Detail Report

Checkbox. The 2nd and 5th Period Detail report will list by teacher their courses and the students in those courses.  If a Course is taught by a Highly Qualified Teacher an * will appear in the left most column (before the Begin Period).

Only courses that meet during the Period you indicated in the School RC Prompts as your 2nd and 5th Period courses will be included.

Group Report by Building State CodeChecked if you have more than one building with the same State Equivalency Code and would like the data for these buildings to be grouped together.

Health and Wellness Section Course Setup

The IL School Report Card uses State Course codes from the Course Catalog to determine which courses count as Physical Education classes when calculating the value for Section 6, Health and Wellness. Follow these steps to ensure you have the correct courses flagged for the report.

  1. Access each State Course code (Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > State Courses) identifying a course that you will count as a PE class for IL School Report Card Section 6, Health and Wellness. Select the Health and Wellness box on the State Course Detail panel.
  2. Verify the correct State Course codes are assigned to records in building course catalogs:
    • You can associate State Course codes to a building's local course codes using Administration > Mark Reporting Setup > Calculation Setup > Course Equivalency Definitions.
    • You can also assign a State Course code directly within course catalog records. If you use a district-wide course catalog, assign the State Course code using Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > District Course Catalog. Then, use the District Course Catalog Utility to update building courses based on State Course assignments at the district level (Scheduling > Utilities > Setup Utilities > District Course Catalog Utility).
  3. To update State Course assignments directly within building Course Catalog records, use Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses > Building Course Catalog. You may have some course-sections defined with a Health and Wellness State Course code that you do not want included in the School Report Card's Section 6 calculation. You can exclude a specific course-section from the IL School Report Card's Section 6 count at the Course Section level. Access the course-section's State Course Info page (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > State Course Info), and then select the Exclude from Health and Wellness box.

School Report Card Mapping

Note that the Class Size counts in Sections 8 and 10 are based on the first regular day of classes in May.



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Attendance days

The attendance days (sum of membership_value from The Day Totals Calculation (att_stu_day_memb) minus days absent) for the specified group of students for the date range being processed for the building.

  • ALL – include total attendance days for all students in the building.
  • Gender – Male – total attendance days for all reg.gender = 'M' students in the building.
  • Gender – Female – total attendance days for all reg.gender = 'F' students in the building.
  • Race/Ethnicity: total attendance days for ethnicities based on the student's Race code State Code Equiv:
    • White = 16
    • Black = 14
    • Hispanic = 11
    • Hawaiian/Pacific Islander = 15
    • Asian = 13
    • Am. Indian/Alaskan Nat. = 12
    • Multiracial/Ethnic = 17
  • LEP: Total attendance days for students with program tracked value = 'Y' for program with state code equiv 'ILLEP'. 
  • Migrant: Total attendance days for students with program tracked value = 'Y' for program with state code equiv 'ILMIG'. 
  • Homeless: Total attendance days for students with program tracked value = 'Y' for program with state code equiv 'ILISHOME'.
  • IEP: Total attendance days for students with program tracked value = 'Y' for program with state code equiv 'ILIEP'. 
  • Free/Reduced: Total attendance days for students with program value matching a code in the Free/Reduced code list of prompts for program with state code equiv 'ILFRL'. 

For program tracked data, only includes the days the student was actually coded.  For example, if you are running from 8/24/2017 – 6/4/2018 and a student had an IEP status 'Y' from 3/1/2018 - 5/1/2018, only includes totals for that 2 months for the students, not for the entire date range being processed.


Absence Days

The sum of att_code_value from Day Totals Calculation (att_stu_day_totals) for the specified group of students for the date range being processed for the building and the absence codes entered in the list of absence codes.

  • ALL – include total absences for all students in the building.
  • Gender – Male – total absences for all reg.gender = 'M' students in the building.
  • Gender – Female – total absences for all reg.gender = 'F' students in the building.
  • Race: total absences for ethnicities based on the student's Race code state code equiv:
    • White = 16
    • Black = 14
    • Hispanic = 11
    • Hawaiian/Pacific Islander = 15
    • Asian = 13
    • Am. Indian/Alaskan Nat. = 12
    • Multiracial/Ethnic = 17
    • American Indian/Alaskan Native = 01
    • Asian or Pacific Islander = 02
    • Hispanic = 04
    • Multi Racial = 06
  • LEP: Total absences for students with program tracked value = 'Y' for program with state code equiv 'ILLEP'. 
  • Migrant: Total absences for students with program tracked value = 'Y' for program with state code equiv 'ILMIG'. 
  • Homeless: Total absences for students with program tracked value = 'Y' for program with state code equiv 'ILISHOME'.
  • IEP: Total absences for students with program tracked value = 'Y' for program with state code equiv 'ILIEP'. 
  • Free/Reduced Price Lunch: Total absences for students with program tracked value matching a code entered in the Free/Reduced code list of prompts for program with state code equiv 'ILFRL'. 

For program tracked data, only includes the absence days the student was actually coded.  For example, if you are running from 8/24/2017 – 6/4/2018 and a student had an IEP status 'Y' from 3/1/2018 - 5/1/2018, only includes absence totals for absences during that 2 months for the student, not for the entire date range being processed.


Chronic Truants

Sum of students who were chronic truants.  Uses the list of truant absence codes.  If total truant absences for the student>= 5% of the total student's membership for that date range, then include them in the count of truants. 

If Include Chronic Truant Detail Report is checked, then it additionally prints the student's information to the Detail report.


Chronic Absenteeism

This section shows counts for students identified as chronic absentees based on the Chronic Absenteeism View Type you selected when running the report. The report breaks the total into gender, race/ethnicity, and other program-tracked categories.

To be counted as a chronic absentee, a student must meet these criteria:

  • Enrolled in the reported building for at least 10 membership attendance days at any point in the school year.
  • Absent at least 10% of the days enrolled in the building. To determine this, divide Days Absent by the Membership Attendance Days. If this value is greater than or equal to 0.1, the student is counted as a chronic absentee.
  • An absence day is captured based on the Chronic Absenteeism View Type. It is any day where the student is absent for at least 50% of the day's scheduled minutes (Absent Minutes/Scheduled Minutes must be greater than or equal to 0.5).

The chronic absentee counts are categorized as follows:

  • ALL – include every student identified as a chronic absentee for the building.
  • Gender – Male – total chronic absentees for the building where reg.gender = 'M'.
  • Gender – Female – total chronic absentees for the building where reg.gender = 'F'.
  • Race: total chronic absentees for ethnicities with the following Race codes:
    • White = 05
    • Black = 03
    • American Indian/Alaskan Native = 01
    • Asian or Pacific Islander = 02
    • Hispanic = 04
    • Multi Racial = 06
  • LEP: Total chronic absentees with program tracked value = 'Y' for program with state code equiv 'ILLEP'.
  • Homeless: Total chronic absentees with program tracked value = 'Y' for program with state code equiv 'ILISHOME'.
  • IEP: Total chronic absentees with program tracked value = 'Y' for program with state code equiv 'ILIEP'. 
  • Free/Reduced Price Lunch: Total chronic absentees with program value matching a code in the Free/Reduced code list of prompts for program with state code equiv 'ILFRL'. 

For program tracked data, the chronic absentee is counted in any category where he or she has program enrollment at any point in the reporting year.

If you select the Include Chronic Truant and Absenteeism Detail Reports option, the Detail report shows each student identified as a chronic absentee.


Parental Contact

For the students being processed - If they have a district defined field set up then the screen and field number are entered in the prompts and then it gets the total number of students with a code <> 'N' and then gets the percentage of students.  (Total students being processed / total students with code <> 'N') – the total will show the percentage to the nearest one decimal place (example, 100 percent should be written as 100.0%).  If the prompt is not selected then the report prints N/A in the field for the total.



Student Mobility/Turnover

Transfers In: Count of students with Entry Withdrawal (reg_entry_with) entry codes that match those entered in the Transfer In Entry Codes prompt during the date range of Student Mobility Begin date from the prompts through the End date from the prompts.

Transfers Out: Count of students with Entry Withdrawal (reg_entry_with) withdrawal codes that match those entered in the Transfer Out Withdrawal Codes prompt during the date range of Student Mobility Begin date from the prompts through the End date from the prompts.



School Year

The number of days school was in session (days_in_membership) for that building and calendar from reg_calendar.



Health and Wellness

Average number of days per week of PE per student

This count is based on student schedules and courses set up for Health and Wellness reporting. See Health and Wellness Section Course Setup for details on assigning the Health and Wellness flag to courses.

To determine the building's average days per week of PE per student:

  1. The report takes each course-section assigned a Health and Wellness State Course code, except for those excluded from processing. For each course, it finds the number of days per week the course meets and multiplies by the number of students in the course.
  2. The report sums this product for all Health and Wellness course-sections in the building.
  3. The report then divides the total PE days per week by the reported building's total enrollment, resulting in the average days per week for each child.



Elementary Class Size and Teacher Quality – Number of Sections/Classes (K-8)

Sum of Courses (for the specified grade level) in the current building being processed.  The report bases the calculation on your selection for the IL School Report Card page's Use prompt. Totals are based on May 1st or the first regular day of classes in May.

If you chose to base class size on the student's Homeroom, the report totals the building's homerooms that include at least one student from the grade level.

If you chose to base class size on Student Schedules, your report uses the following logic to know which students are in the course - a total of the Master Schedule (Schd_ms) courses where at least one student from the grade level attends (the program looks at schd_stu_course to know which students are in the course and then checks the schd_stu_crs_dates and make sure the date_added < = the May date and the date_dropped is>the May date or null.  The program also looks at Entry Withdrawal (reg_entry_with) to know the grade of the students as of the May date.

  • Does not include any courses with a Study Hall flag = 'Y'. 
  • Does not include courses with Core Course flag = "N" – (Scheduling Center>Master Schedule>State Course Info Screen) (schd_ms_user.screen_number = 880 and field_number = 1) – NOTE:  The default for being a Core Course is "Y" – so unless the field has specifically been changed to "N" – it will be counted as a Core Course.

Note: If a course or homeroom has students in both 3rd and 4th grade in – it would be counted in the totals for the 3rd grade slot and the 4th grade slot.

All info is as of the first regular day of classes in May (so the date is calculated from the Calendar Days (reg_cal_days table) – it gets the first cal_date after (or equal to) 5/1 of current year that has take_attendance = "Y" for that building. 

Grades 6, 7, and 8 show two fields for each grade, A and B. Field A. shows the number of courses for the grade level based on the AM (2nd Period) to Use you selected when you ran the report. Field B. shows the number of courses for the grade level based on your PM (5th Period) selection. 

Field B. will not show a count for a grade-level you defined as a Self-Contained Grade in the report prompts.


Elementary Class Size and Teacher Quality – Total Enrollment in these Sections/Classes (K-8)

Sum of the students for the building/grade level in the courses or homerooms that we counted above, depending on whether you selected Homeroom or Student Schedule for the IL School Report Card's Use prompt.

Same idea as in 6 above except this is the count of the students in the courses instead of just counting the number of courses.

Again, everything is calculated based on May 1st or the first regular day of classes in May.

All info is as of the first regular day of classes in May (so you'll need to figure out that date from the reg_cal_days table – get the first cal_date after (or equal to) 5/1 of current year that has take_attendance = "Y" for that building).

Grades 6, 7, and 8 show two fields for each grade, C and D. Field C. shows grade level enrollment based on the AM (2nd Period) to Use you selected when you ran the report. Field D. shows the grade level enrollment based on your PM (5th Period) selection.

Field D. will not show a count for a grade-level you defined as a Self-Contained Grade in the report prompts.


Total number of core classes in school

The total # of courses for all grades in the building (from 8 above).

Grades K-08 only (state code equiv grade K for kindergarten)

Only include 06-08 if they are included in the Self Contained grade list – otherwise break apart like grades 9-12 in section 10 below


Number of core classes taught by highly qualified teachers

Count of courses taught by highly qualified teachers: 

Courses to include: 

  • All courses for the currently processed building, with the following exceptions:
    • Does not include any courses with a Study Hall flag = 'Y'. 
    • Does not include courses with Core Course flag = "N" – (schd_ms_user.screen_number = 880 and field_number = 1)

Highly Qualified Teachers:

  • To check if the teacher is qualified for a course – compares the schd_ms_qualify.qualification to the reg_staff_qualify.qualification for that schd_ms_session.primary_staff (use  schd_ms.section_key and staff_id / primary_staff to join the different tables together)
  • If the staff_id has the specified qualification for the core course, then they are highly qualified – so include in 8F counts.

Grades K-08 only (state code equiv grade K for kindergarten) 

Only include 06-08 if they are included in the Self Contained grade list – otherwise break apart like grades 9-12 in section 10 below

Schd_ms_session.primary_staff is not duplicated in the schd_ms_staff table – so get the staff from schd_ms_session instead.


Number of core classes not taught by highly qualified teachers

Same as above except include teachers who are NOT qualified to teach the course

(If the staff_id does not have the specified qualification for the core course, then they are not highly qualified – include them in 8G counts)

Grades K-08 only (state code equiv grade K for kindergarten)


Amount of Time devoted to Math, Science, English, and SS grades 3,6,8

Leave blank.

Currently no way to calculate this – the districts said not to include this section – they will just enter it on their own, so skipping section 9.


High School Dropouts

Calculate if a student is a dropout by checking if they withdrew sometime between the start and end date range entered with a withdrawal code that matches a code in the Dropout Withdrawal code list from the prompts.

Grades 09-12 only. 

If a student has a dropout code but returned later in the year, they should not be included in the counts.  




NOTES about Graduates (for High Schools Only) section:

  • Subcategories (All, Gender, Race, LEP, etc.) should be selected using the same method in #1 above)
  • B should be equal to or less than (A - C + D)
  • Students who change categories (Free Reduced, LEP, etc.) are included in the following way:
  • A student who is LEP during <school year> - 4 (in A) and not LEP anymore in B <school year>, would be counted as an LEP for A, but would be included in the Transfer Out column for LEP in C.


Fall <School Year – 4> Freshman

Count of students with grade 09 in reg_entry_with during date range 8/15/<prompted school year – 5> and 6/30/<prompted school year – 4>.  Do not include students who had grade 09 vector prior to 8/15/<prompted school year – 5> (Translation: Do not include students who were in grade 09 the prior year also).

The number of students enrolled for the first time in the 9th grade prior to Sept 30 of prompted school year – 5.


<School Year> Graduates

Count of students with reg_academic.graduation_date between 7/1/<prompted school year – 1> and 6/30/<prompted school year>.

It's looking for a graduation date filled in on the Academic Page, so make sure to enter these for your Graduates.

The number of students who have a graduation date entered for this school year (between July 1, <school year – 1> and June 30, <school year>)


Transfers Out/Died

Count of students included in A above who have a withdrawal code after 9/30/<prompted school year -5> matching the withdrawal code(s) in Transfer Out Withdrawal code list from prompts and do NOT have a reg_academic.graduation_date between 7/1/<prompted school year – 1> and 6/30/<prompted school year>.

The number of students from the <school year -5> who transferred out after Sept 30, <school year – 5> to another school


Transfers In

Count of students with a reg_academic.graduation_date between 7/1/<prompted school year – 1> and 6/30/<prompted school year> who are NOT included in 9A above who have entered after 9/30/<prompted school year – 5> matching the entry code(s) in Transfer In Entry code list from the prompts.

The number of graduates from 9B who were not members of 9A.  Include students who transferred in from another school, students with or without disabilities and students who graduated in fewer or more than 4 years.


High School Class Size and Teacher Quality

Only includes grades 09-12 in #10 information below.

All information for #10 is as of the first membership date in May <prompted school year> for grades 09 – 12 only. 


Total number of core classes/sections in school

  • 2nd Period
  • 5th Period

All courses for the currently processed building, with the following exceptions:

  • Does not include any courses with a Study Hall flag = 'Y'. 
  • Does not include courses with Core Course flag = "N" – (Scheduling Center>Master Schedule>State Course Info Screen) (schd_ms_user.screen_number = 880 and field_number = 1) – Note: The default is "Y" – so be sure to mark the course with a "N" checkmark to indicate it is NOT a core course.
  • Combines courses taught by same teacher on same period – for example – if course 110 section 1 and section 2 are both taught by the same teacher on the same period (on the same days/marking period) then it would only be counted as one course, not 2. 

Only gets the courses that meet 2nd or 5th period (the periods that they entered in the report prompts for 2nd and 5th).

Looks at schd_ms_session.start_period and end_period to know which periods a course meets



Total enrollment in these core classes (10A above)

  • 2nd Period
  • 5th Period

To know which students are in the courses included in 10A above - totals up the schd_stu_course and joins in schd_stu_crs_dates to make sure the date_added < = the May date and the date_dropped is>the May date or null.  

Combines enrollment totals for the combined courses taught by same teacher on same period – for example – if course 110 section 1 and section 2 are both taught by the same teacher on the same period (on the same days/marking period) then it would only be counted as one course, not 2 and the enrollment totals would include the students from both courses. 

Only gets the courses that meet 2nd or 5th period (the periods that they entered in the report prompts for 2nd and 5th).

Look at schd_ms_session.start_period and end_period to know which periods a course meets.


Number of core classes taught by highly qualified teachers

  • 2nd Period
  • 5th Period

Count of courses taught by highly qualified teachers: 

Courses to include: 

  • All courses for the currently processed building, with the following exceptions:
    • Does not include any courses with a Study Hall flag = 'Y'. 
    • Does not include courses with Core Course flag = "N" – (schd_ms_user.screen_number = 880 and field_number = 1)
    • Combines courses taught by same teacher on same period – for example – if course 110 section 1 and section 2 are both taught by the same teacher on the same period (on the same days/marking period) then it would only be counted as one course, not 2. 

Highly Qualified Teachers:

  • To check if the teacher is qualified for a course – compare the schd_ms_qualify.qualification to the reg_staff_qualify.qualification for that schd_ms_session.staff_id (use  schd_ms.section_key and staff_id to join the different tables together)
  • If the staff_id has the specified qualification for the core course, then they are highly qualified – so include in counts.

Only gets the courses that meet 2nd or 5th period (the periods that they entered in the report prompts for 2nd and 5th).

Look at schd_ms_session.start_period and end_period to know which periods a course meets.


Number of core classes NOT taught by highly qualified teachers

  • 2nd Period
  • 5th Period

Count of courses not taught by highly qualified teachers: 

Courses to include: 

  • All courses for the currently processed building, with the following exceptions:
    • Does not include any courses with a Study Hall flag = 'Y'. 
    • Does not include courses with Core Course flag = "N" – (Scheduling Center>Master Schedule>State Course Info Screen) (schd_ms_user.screen_number = 880 and field_number = 1)
    • Combines courses taught by same teacher on same period – for example – if course 110 section 1 and section 2 are both taught by the same teacher on the same period (on the same days/marking period) then it would only be counted as one course, not 2. 

Highly Qualified Teachers:

  • To check if the teacher is qualified for a course – compare the schd_ms_qualify.qualification to the reg_staff_qualify.qualification for that schd_ms_session.staff_id (use  schd_ms.section_key and staff_id to join the different tables together)
  • If the staff_id has the specified qualification for the core course, then they are highly qualified. For this count, only include the course-section if the teacher lacks the qualification.

You are only getting the courses that meet 2nd or 5th period (the periods that they entered in the report prompts for 2nd and 5th).

Look at schd_ms_session.start_period and end_period to know which periods a course meets.

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