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Emergency Day ADA

Administration > Registration Setup > Building District Defined > Emergency Day ADA

Use this page to enter any calendar dates where attendance was not taken for a building due to an emergency but for which ADA needs to be calculated through the Calculate ADA for Emergency Days option. Based on finding a date defined here, the calculation updates Membership and Absence values by taking the average of the three previous membership attendance dates in the building's default calendar.

Emergency Day

Select a date where attendance was not taken for the building due to an emergency. The Calculate ADA for Emergency Days option uses the three membership attendance dates prior to the Emergency Day, averages Membership and Absence values for the building, and updates this page with the results.

To be considered an Emergency Day by the calculation, the date needs to be set up as follows in the building's default calendar:

  • Membership Day box checked
  • Membership Value of 0
  • Attendance Day box unchecked
  • Include in Totals box unchecked

Calculated average of Aggregate Daily Attendance membership for the building over the three membership attendance dates prior to the defined Emergency Day. This value is included in the IL End of Year Report's Section F., Other School. It is included based on the prompted date range and shows in the total Membership Days for the building.

This value is also used in the IL General Aid Claim Report – Summary to determine Days of Attendance. This shows in the report's second section.


Calculated average of Aggregate Daily Attendance absences for the building over the three membership attendance dates prior to the defined Emergency Day. This value is included in the IL End of Year Report's Section F., Other School. It is included based on the prompted date range and shows in the total Absence Days for the building.

This value is also used in the IL General Aid Claim Report – Summary to determine Days of Attendance. This shows in the report's second section.

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