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Calculate ADA for Emergency Days

Regulatory > Reports > Reports > IL Calculate ADA For Emergency Days

BuildingSelect codes from the field's drop-down list, or click Asterisk to select all codes, then remove any that do not apply.
View Type

Select the Attendance View Type the calculation uses to determine which Day Totals records are considered when counting ADA absences on the membership attendance dates averaged to yield the Emergency Day ADA values.

If you are processing multiple buildings, make sure the View Type you pick applies for each building.

Absence CodesSelect the Absence Codes to count when determining ADA absences for the membership attendance dates averaged to yield the Emergency Day ADA values.
Field to use for Claimable

Select the Demographic field you use to identify a student as claimable for state attendance reporting. Your selection determines which table is referenced for the Claimable Codes prompt.

Select either the Curriculum field from the Academic page or the Residency field from the Personal page. 

Claimable Codes

Select the codes identifying a student as claimable for state attendance reporting.  Available codes are based on the field you choose in the Field to use for Claimable prompt.

The calculation uses the codes you identify here to limit the students counted on the membership attendance dates averaged to get the Emergency ADA Membership and Absence values.

RecalculateChecked if the calculation will run for all the selected buildings' Emergency Dates, overwriting any existing values. Leave the box unchecked if the calculation should run only for dates not yet calculated.
Filter CriteriaYou can further filter the buildings that get calculated based on fields in the Building Configuration or any building district-defined field.

Emergency Day ADA Calculation System Processing

The following is a listing of the data points included in Emergency Day ADA Calculation processing and an explanation of how ADA Membership and Absences are derived for a building's Emergency Dates.

The calculation goes through these steps:

  1. Determine the buildings to process. The calculation limits Buildings based on your selection for the Building List prompt and then any additional Filter criteria you define.
  2. Determine the Emergency Dates for a building. First, see which dates are set up as Emergency Days in the Emergency Day ADA building district-defined page. The calculation then verifies these dates are set up correctly for the building's Default Calendar.
  3. See if Recalculate box is checked. If the Recalculate box is checked, then the calculation processes all Emergency Days for the building. If the Recalculate box is not checked, the calculation only processes an Emergency Day if it has not already been calculated.  It would calculate for a date with no ADA Membership and Absences values on the Emergency Day ADA building district-defined page.
  4. Find the membership attendance dates to use for calculating the Emergency Day's ADA values. The Emergency Day's ADA Membership and Absences are the three-day average values of membership and absences for the three membership attendance dates immediately before the Emergency Day. The calculation finds the three dates in the building's default calendar that have these settings:
    • Membership Day box checked
    • Membership Value greater than zero
    • Attendance Day box checked
    • Include in Totals box checked
  5. If there are fewer than three of these dates prior to the Emergency Day, use as many available dates that meet the above criteria.
  6. Determine students who are claimable for state reporting attendance. The system limits processing to students considered claimable for state attendance reporting. A claimable student has one of the Claimable Codes you identified for the student Demographic field you chose as the Field to use for Claimable on the IL Emergency Day ADA calculation page.
  7. Calculate average Aggregate Daily Attendance Membership for dates from Step 4. To get ADA membership for a date, total the Membership Values for the claimable students from the Student Attendance Membership Days database view (att_stu_day_memb). Total the ADA membership for the attendance dates, then divide by the number of dates. Generally the calculation divides by 3, but remember if fewer dates are identified in Step 4, then the calculation simply divides by the number of days it totaled. The result is the ADA Membership value for the Emergency Day. This shows on the building's Emergency Day ADA district-defined page.
  8. Calculate average Aggregate Daily Attendance Absences for dates from Step 4. Use the View Type and Absence Codes from the calculation prompts to determine which Student Attendance Day Totals records get referenced for absence data. To get ADA absence data for a date, total the Absence Values for the claimable students. Total ADA absences for the relevant attendance dates, then divide by the number of dates. The result is the ADA Absences value for the Emergency Day. This shows on the building's Emergency Day ADA district-defined page.
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