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Download ISBE Submission Files

Menu path: Select Regulatory from the main menu, select ISBE submenu, select ISBE, and then select IL Download ISBE Submission Files.

Use this option to download the ISBE file data into temporary tables in the database so that you can view them from eSchoolPlus prior to sending the file to the State.

Fiscal YearThe school year you are running the download for (will default to the current school year).
Reporting DateYou can schedule the date on which you want to run the report. Defaults to the last date it was run for or to today's date if it has never been run before by the user logged in.
Use Current DateSelect if you want to run the report for the current date.
Include Withdrawn Students

Select a radio button (required if running Exit Enrollment):

  • Withdrawn on or after Reporting Date – this will use the date entered in Reporting Date and any students withdrawn on or after that date will be included in the Exit Enrollment File.
  • Withdrawn on or before Reporting Date – this will use the date entered in Reporting Date and any students withdrawn on or before that date (within the current school year) will be included in the Exit Enrollment File.
  • Withdrawn Between (Date Range) – if you choose this option – enter a start and end date – all students who have withdrawn within this date range will be included. Note that if you do not enter a date range, but choose this option, it will only include withdrawn students who withdrew on the Reporting Date.

To be included in the Exit Enrollment download, students require a Withdrawal Date meeting the parameter you define here.

This option is not used if you are running the Discipline File. The Discipline File always looks at all the Discipline information for the prompted school year regardless of when the student entered or withdrew.

Include Students

Select a radio button:

  • With State ID – this will include only students with State ID in the selected files.
  • Without State ID – this will include only students who have not yet been assigned a state ID in the selected files. Pre-ID only includes students with state ID; if you select this option with pre-ID, your file will be empty.
  • All Students – this will include all students (both with and without a state ID) in the selected files. Pre-ID only includes students with state ID; if you select this option with pre-ID, you will still only get students with a state ID.
View Type

Select the Attendance View that you want to use to get the attendance data in the Student Attendance file.

Before you use the ISBE Download to create Student Attendance records, make sure to run the Day Totals Calculation for the appropriate buildings using the View Type you created for ISBE reporting. The ISBE attendance download completes with different combinations of attendance codes, but at least one of the following four attendance codes must be selected to complete the download.

Excused Absence CodesSelect the Absence Code that indicates excused absences. This is the code you set up in your ISBE Attendance Views as the Convert Code for excused absences.
Unexcused Absence CodesSelect the Absence Code that indicates unexcused absences. This is the code you set up in your ISBE Attendance Views as the Convert Code for unexcused absences.
Medically Homebound CodesSelect the Absence Code that indicates Medically Homebound. This is the code you set up in your ISBE Attendance Views as the Convert Code for days medically homebound.
Hospitalized CodesSelect the Absence Code that indicates Days Hospitalized. This is the code you set up in your ISBE Attendance Views as the Convert Code for Days Hospitalized.
Update Existing RecordsSelect if you have previously Downloaded records, made changes and want to update the values in the download tables.
Log File TypeSelect PDF or CSV. If you want to be able to open the error/warning log file in a spreadsheet program, select CSV.
IL Attendance Out of District Data Integrity Report

Select this prompt to create a report showing cases where the following discrepancies exist between a student's RCDTS Overrides program's Serving School entries and the RCDTS Serving Schools listed on the student's IL Out of District Attendance page:

  • A Serving Building with FTE that has no Out of District Attendance recorded. The report does not list the student's Entry/Withdrawal building since its attendance is tracked through student Day Totals.
  • Out of District Attendance recorded for an RCDTS Serving School that has no matching Serving School FTE entry in the RCDTS Overrides student program.
IL CCRI CalculationSelect if you want to run the CCRI calculation before the download is run or with the IL Student College and Career Readiness Indicator (STUCCRI) submission file.
Submission Files

Select each submission file that you want to download data. Only the selected submission file will be downloaded.

Refer to the ISBE Download Processing page for more details on the individual submission files.

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