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ISBE Download Processing

Following are explanations of how the ISBE Download, Extract, or Purge processing determines which records to report for a particular submission file. All submissions are common to ISBE Download, Extract, or Purge processing unless categorically mentioned in the description column.

Submission FileDescription

Student Demographics File

(IL Student Demographics [STUDEMO])

This file includes the FTE value for the student's Entry/Withdrawal building. The download overrides this processing if the student has entries for the RCDTS Overrides student program in the Serving Building fields. Use these fields when you need to report dual enrollment with FTE split between buildings, in which case the student gets two Demographic file records.

The download reports the Serving Building overrides if they exist for the reporting period, along with FTE values for those buildings from the RCDTS Overrides program.

Student Exit Enrollment File

(IL Student Exit Enrollment [STUEXIT])

This file includes the student information required to remove a student from the ISBE SIS System. Use this report at the end of the year to remove any student that withdrew from the district. All non-excluded school enrollment records with an exit date on or after the reporting period start date and on or before the reporting period end date will be included in the report results. The student's enrollment exit date must be after the student's enrollment entry date to be considered in the IL Exiting Students report.

The "losing" school must create an exit enrollment record for the student before the "gaining" school can activate/report their new home enrollment record to ISBE via the IBSE SIS. If the updated IL Exiting Students report is run before the PowerSchool IL End of Year process (to pull all active future graduates), it will be necessary to manually populate the exit/withdrawal code field and enrollment exit status field (if the default permanent status does not apply).

Student Pre-ID Assessment File

(IL Student Pre-Id Assessment [STUPREID])

This file includes the IL Assessment Pre-ID report for the student assessment data submission to the ISBE SIS to obtain Assessment Pre-ID labels.

Kindergarten students are excluded from this file. These are students with an Entry/Grade Level of 15.

Student Discipline File

(IL Student Discipline [STUDISC])

This file creates records for the prompted school year only for discipline incidents where the Incident Code has a State Equivalent Code defined in Discipline Validation Tables.

The download also only reports an incident's Disciplinary Action if it has a State Code Equivalent in the Offense Actions validation table.

Student ELL Screener File

(IL Student ELL Screener [STUELLSCREEN])

This file includes the ELL students who are active since the beginning of the current school year specified by Term. It is used to create a data file of EL Screener information to submit to the ISBE SIS.

This file includes any student meeting all of the following criteria:

  • LEP Indicator value of Yes (checked) as of the Reporting Date. LEP Indicator is tracked on the ISBE ELL and ELL Screener page.
  • Values in the following ISBE ELL and ELL Screener page fields: ELL Screener Test Taken and ELL Screener Test Date.

Early Childhood File

(IL Early Childhood [STUEARLY])

This file is used to submit early childhood data to the ISBE SIS. This report contains information for currently enrolled students in grade level Pre-Kindergarten. The state uses this information to identify the pre-kindergarten students in your school district. Any student who has exited your district will not appear on the report.

Demographic + Early Childhood File

(IL Demographic + Early Childhood [DEMOEARLY])

This file includes the demographic and early childhood information for pre-kindergarten students actively enrolled in your district. The state uses this information to identify the pre-kindergarten students in your school district.

Early Childhood Outcome File

(IL Early Childhood Outcome [STUEARLYOUTCOME])

This file is used to submit early childhood outcome data to the ISBE SIS. This report contains information for special education students enrolled in any grade level below Kindergarten during the reporting period. The state uses this information to identify the early childhood special education students in your school district. Any student who was actively enrolled during the reporting period extracts on the report. You can generate this report at the school or district level.

Pre-K Followup File

(IL Pre-K Followup [STUPREK])

This file includes students based on the Included in Follow-up box from the ISBE Pre-K Follow-up page. The download includes each student with this box checked for the prompted download school year. The download compares the prompted Fiscal Year to the School Year entries on the student's ISBE Pre-K Follow-up page.

Homeless File


This file is used to submit homeless student data to the ISBE SIS. The school must be associated with a student included in the report and must not be excluded from state reporting.

504 File

(IL 504 [STU504])

This file generates the student's Section 504 plan data collection.

Student College and Career Readiness Indicator File

(IL Student College and Career Readiness Indicator [STUCCRI])

This file includes the college and career readiness data and information including GPA, testing, and other pertinent fields. Student must be in grade 9, 10, 11, or 12.

Gifted and Accelerated File

(IL Gifted and Accelerated [GIFTED])

This file generates the Illinois Gifted and Accelerated data collection. The student's enrollment must be within the report snapshot date and the student's entry date must be on or after the first day of the school term.

Early Childhood Programs File

(IL Early Childhood Programs [STUECPROG])

This file includes information regarding the Early Childhood Programs conducted.

Assessment Correction File

(IL Assessment Correction [STUASSCRCT])

This file is used to correct student assessment data in the ISBE SIS. The student is assigned an ISBE SIS state student ID number and the Student Tested field is not blank for the student.

Birth to 3 Programs File

(IL Birth to 3 Programs [STU_BTPROG])

This file includes information regarding a student's experiences from birth to 3 years old.

Birth to 3 Indicators File

(IL Birth to 3 Indicators [STU_BTINDICATORS])

This file includes information regarding the indicators used for a student in the IL Birth to 3 Programs.

Adjusted Cohort Year File

(IL Adjusted Cohort Year (9-12)[STUADJCOYR])

This file lists students who are active in prior school years and the year they first entered ninth grade.

Participant Demographic (9-12) File

(IL Participant Demographic (9-12)[STUPARTDEMO])

This file includes the demographic and enrollment information for currently enrolled students in grades 9 through 12. The student must be currently enrolled as of the submission date.

RSSP (Regional Safe School Program) Collection File

(IL RSSP Collection[STURSSP])

This file includes a student's Reason for Referral value as of the download Reporting Date for the RSSP file. This program is tracked on the student ISBE RSSP page.

Student Address File

(IL Student Address[STU_ADDRESS])

This file is used to submit data to the ISBE SIS for students who are actively enrolled as of the report Snapshot date. Based on the runtime parameter selected, the report can be generated for IEP students only or for all students.

Service Provider Collection File

(IL Service Provider Collection[STU_SERVPRO])

This file is used for submitting data to the ISBE SIS for students with IEP's whose Service Provider RCDTS differs from the Serving School RCDTS.

Immigrant Collection File

(IL Immigrant Collection[STUIMG])

This file includes students in the Immigrant file based on your filter criteria when you run the option. It does not use any additional filters behind the scenes to limit students based on US Enrollment Date or Birth Country.

In terms of your submission of the Immigrant file into the Student Information System, ISBE needs records for every student who meets these criteria:

  • Received an SID within three years of your Reporting School Year.
  • Does not have a Country of Birth assigned.

So, for 2015-16, this would mean students issued an SID on or after 08/01/2012 who also lack Country of Birth.

You may submit records for all students, regardless of Country of Birth or the provision date for the student's SID.

DLM-AA Pre-ID Collection File

(IL DLM-AA Pre-ID Collection[STUDLM])

This file includes any student with a value of DLM in the Test to be Taken field, ISBE Pre-ID page. Students also need an ESOL Participation value on the ELL and ELL Screener page. To exclude a student, you can select ILDLM on the Exclude Students from State Reports page.

Student EL File

(IL Student EL [STUEL])

This file includes students with an ELL Program value of Yes as of the Reporting Date. This is tracked in the ISBE ELL and ELL Screener page's ELL Program field. This program is also linked to the ESL field on the Personal page.

Attendance File

(IL Attendance [STUATTEND])

This file includes the student attendance totals, including days present, excused and unexcused absences, and days medically homebound and days hospitalized. The information can be reported for a single month or a range of dates that covers multiple months. By default, the report looks at the Attendance Recording Method that is set up for the school to determine whether to pull values from daily or meeting attendance. Alternatively, you can select a specific attendance method (mode).

Only regular school attendance is reported, summer school attendance is not included.

Seal of Biliteracy Awards File

(IL Seal of Biliteracy Awards [STUBILIT])

This file includes data on students who have earned or are projected to earn the State Seal of Biliteracy. The report can be run for either projected current-year graduates or prior-year graduates. The student must be graduated or in grade 12 and the student's Seal or Commendation record must not be blank.
If the student is a prior-year graduate, the Status of the student's Seal or Commendation must be Awarded. If the student is in grade 12, the Status must be Applied.

Student Restraint and Timeout File

(IL Student Restraint and Timeout[STURESTO])

This file includes the Student Restraint and Timeout submission data. This collection tracks Restraint and Timeout details under student discipline category.

This file includes a record for each school. The file includes counts of incidents at each school for various attributes related to restraint and seclusion discipline actions.

Student Detention Center File

(IL Student Detention Center[ILDETEN])

This file includes the data of students serving Detention Centers only for Current School Year (2021-2022) or Previous School Year (2020 - 2021).

ISCS Information File

(IL ISCS Information[STU_COURSE])

This file includes the student Course Catalog level data including the state ID, state course code, course credit, and final grade mark type for a term.

Available in IL Extract ISBE Submission Files.

College Course Assignment File

(IL College Course Assignment[STU_COLLEGE])

This file includes the College Course assignment data including the course code, subject area, course grades, and course credit for a term.

Available in IL Extract ISBE Submission Files.

Student Course Collection File

(IL Student Course Collection[STU_OUTCOURSE])

This file includes the student Course Collection data including the course description, subject area, course grades, and course credit.

Available in IL Extract ISBE Submission Files.

Pre-K Student Course Assignment File

(Pre-K Student Course Assignment [PREK_STU_COURSE])

This file includes the Pre-K Student Course Catalog level data including the state ID, state course code, course credit, and final grade or course end dates for a term.

Available in IL Extract ISBE Submission Files.

Teacher Assignment File

(IL Teacher Assignment[STAFCOURSE])

This file includes the Teacher assignment data including the staff state ID, staff details, course code, staff or employer Region County District Type Schools (RCDTS) code, and staff attendance for a term.

Available in IL Purge ISBE Submission Files.

PARCC Pre-Id File


This file includes the student PARCC data including the PARCC student ID, student details, scheduled courses, PARCC test codes, test location, and state assessment site.

Available in IL Purge ISBE Submission Files.

Additional Information

The IL Student Demographics [STUDEMO] download and extract is modified to report the Alternate Assessment Indicator field. The value reported will be "01" (Yes) if the student has a value of "05" (DLM) in the Test to be Taken field on the ISBE - Pre ID district-defined screen. Otherwise, a value of "02" (No) will be reported.

The IL 504 [STU504] download would previously check if a student had an IEP. This scenario would issue an error and exclude the student. It was verified with the state that it may be uncommon, but a student could have both, a 504 plan and an IEP. The download no longer excludes the student in this situation.

The IL Gifted and Accelerated [GIFTED] download now includes the following error-checks due to the removal of the Test Date mandatory field from reporting on the IL Gifted and Accelerated student page:

  • Error-checking added for grades without designation.

  • Error-checking will exclude students without Gifted Testing value, since it is a required field.

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