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Scheduling Setup

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ADA Reporting - Calendar or Curriculum

Your District can use Calendars or Curriculum in eSchoolPlus to separate students for ADA reporting purposes. If your District withdraws a student and re-enrolls him/her when his/her J18/J19 category changes, then you would use Calendars. If you do not withdraw and re-enroll students in this situation, then you can use Curriculum and should see the Curriculum Tracking Program Setup section in Registration Setup. Whether you use Calendars or Curriculum, you should have the following set-up for proper California Attendance reporting in addition to other categories for local use:

  • Continutation Education
  • Opportunity Schools
  • Home and Hospital
  • SE – Special Day Classes
  • SE NonPublic
  • Community Day School
  • Independent Study

CA Course Information - District Level  

Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > CA Course Information 
Information from this page is used for the CALPADS Course extract. It should only be used for scheduled Elementary courses where this information is the same for all of the courses. Leaving the Building Groups field blank will mean that all courses in all buildings will have this information for courses in the Course extract. If you are not just an Elementary District and want to use this feature, you must set up a CA Building Groups for your Elementary Buildings. Refer to CALPADS Setups > CA Building Groups.

WARNING: Do not populate any data on this page if you do not want to mass default CA Course Information in the CALPADS Course extract.



Building Groups

Select the Building Group that these values are valid for.  If you want to set the values for more than one Building Group, see the CA Building Group Note for CA Course Information Page section of the User Guide.

Multiple Teacher Status

If this course has more multiple teachers, select the appropriate code for the type of multiple teacher instruction is being done.

Include in Extract

This field is no longer used.

State Course Code

Enter the State Course Code for the course here.

Subtopic Area

Enter a subtopic area for the course if applicable.

NCES Course Classification

Select the NCES Course Classification for the course.

Course Term

Select the type of term that the course meets.

Course Sequence – Term

If a course is not a full year course, select the sequence.

Course Sequence  - Year

If this section is part of a multiple-year course, select the appropriate year here.

Academic Course Level 1

If the course is an ESL or ABE course, select the appropriate Level 1 value here.

Academic Course Level 2

Select the appropriate course level from the list.

Course Type

If the course is part of a CTE pathway, ROC/P or Technical Education program, select the appropriate course type.

UC/CSU Approved Course

Enter the type of course that this section fulfills in the UC/CSU system.

UC/CSU Language

If the section meets a UC/CSU language requirement, enter a value to indicate what language here.  For example, you may enter G or GERMAN for all of your German courses.  Since students need two years of the same language, this field is used to determine if the student has met this requirement.

US/CSU Elective

Indicates if the course can be counted as a UC/CSU elective. The US/CSU Elective box is checked by default.

Course Mark Type

Select the type of mark that the course will use.

Course Credit Type

Select the type of credit that this course uses.

Course Section Program

If this course section is part of an ROC/P program, indicate that here.

NCLB Core Course

Required when the teacher is highly qualified.  Select the appropriate NCLB Core Course type for this course.

CTE Technical Preparation

If this section is part of a CTE pathway, indicate that here.

Education Service

If this course is an ELL or SDAIE course, indicate that in this field.

Instructional Strategy

Select the appropriate instructional strategy that this course employs if appropriate.

Independent Study Indicator

If this course is an independent study check this box.

Distance Learning

If this is a distance learning course, indicate that here.

Education Program Funding

If this course is part of a Specialized Secondary Program or a California Partnership Academy program, indicate that here.

CTE Course Section

If the course is part of a CTE program, indicate if it is at your district or an ROC/P.

Language of Instruction Code

Indicate the language of instruction for the course.

CALPADS Fall 2 Reporting Note: In order for a course to be reported in the CALPADS Fall 2 files, the following fields are required:

  • State Course Code
  • Course Term

Additionally, you may need to populate the following fields for CALPADs Fall 2 reporting:

  • Multiple Teacher Status
  • Academic Course Level 2
  • UC/CSU Approved Course—if this field has a value it will translate to a Y in the CALPADS file
  • NCLB Core Course
  • English Learner Indicators: Education Service, Language of Instruction Code and Instructional Strategy
  • CTE Technical Preparation
  • Independent Study Indicator
  • Distance Learning
  • Education Program Funding
  • CTE Course Section

Passing Time in California

For Non-Alternative Building students, if you allow students to be scheduled for less than 240 minutes per day, you should follow these instructions to set up your system to properly account for their scheduled time and attendance. For Alternative Buildings, this Passing Time setup will be used for their positive attendance calculation.

Passing Time Details 

The Day Totals Calculation has been modified to address passing time based on a Student's Schedule and a Student's Period Attendance. The beginning period for a Student's schedule doesn't have passing time before the period. The ending period for a Student's schedule doesn't have passing time after that period. Passing time is not included in scheduled minutes and present minutes when passing time falls between courses where one of them should not include passing time. Passing time is not included in scheduled minutes and present minutes when the student does not move from one course to another.  Present minutes also does not include the passing time both before and after an absent period.

In California, the Passing Time in the timetable is the amount of time that students are not in class. Since the State only allows a certain amount of passing time between courses to be included for positive attendance, you will indicate that number in the Max Passing Time field of the Attendance View. The Day Totals Calculation was changed to also calculate a student's scheduled time including passing time. This data will be used to determine the 240 minutes (part-time) students.  

Passing Time Setup Checklist 

  1. Update Master Schedule records to indicate if a course/section can be considered to be one half of a pair of courses between which passing time should be counted (Scheduling > Courses > Course Sections > Master Schedule or Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses > Building Course Catalog). Verify the Include in Passing Time box is checked. You may also use the Course Catlog (Scheduling > Courses > District Courses > District Course Catalog or Scheduling > Courses > Building Courses > Building Course Catalog) to verify the Include in Passing Time Calculation box is checked.
  2. Verify that the Include Passing Time box is checked on the Attendance View (Administration > Attendance Setup > Setup > Attendance View Setup). The Attendance View must also be set to Calculate totals as 'M-Minutes' for the Passing Time fields to be accessible. Also enter a value for the Max Passing Time field to indicate the maximum allowable passing time between classes.
  3. Verify that Timetable is set up correctly (Administration > Scheduling Setup > Setup > Scheduling Timetables)  

When the Include Passing Time prompt is checked in the Attendance View, passing time cannot be included within each Timeslot's Start Time and End Time.

Community Day School Setup and Processing

To ensure that Mandatory Expelled students in a Community Da y School building have attendance and membership data reported correctly, make sure that you have done the following:  

  1. Set up a Calendar for Mandatory Expelled students. When a Mandatory Expelled student enrolls in your Community Day School (CDS), make sure you select this calendar on the Entry/Withdrawal page.
  2. Make sure that you have a CDS Attendance View set up for the building. See the Community Day School Building Attendance View section for information).
  3. Because the attendance for these students must be period attendance, you must schedule the students into courses.
  4. Prior to running any Attendance report that shows Membership information for a Community Day school, you must run the Day Totals Calculation for the CDS View.

Day Totals Calculation Notes for Districts with Community Day Schools

The Day Totals Calculation (Attendance > All > Utilities > Day Totals Calculation) has been modified for California districts to update membership numbers in Attenance Views with the values that are calculated in the CDS Attendance View.  

  1. You must run the Day Totals Calculation for the CDS View Type for the Entire Year one time before you run the Day Totals Calculation on a regular basis for any other View Types.
  2. If your District has set up tasks to run the Day Totals Calculation periodically, make sure that for the Community Day School building that you add the CDS View in the View Types field.

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