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Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > CALPADS Setup



Diploma Type State Grades

Used in the CALPADS SSID Enrollment file processing. Enter the State Code Equivs for Grades that require a Diploma Type when a student has a Withdrawal State Code Equiv (CALPADS Student Exit Category) of E230. For students in grades that are not listed here that have a Withdrawal Code with a State Code Equiv of E230, the diploma type will default to 480.

Certica Validation

Checked if your District is using Certica to validate your CALPADS data and bypass the eSchoolPlus CALPADS Extract error checking. When checked, eSchoolPlus will insert all records that match the Prompt/Filter criteria into the download tables. When unchecked, the standard eSchoolPlus processing will ensue—if an error is encountered when running the CALPADS Extract, records with errors will not be inserted into the download tables.

Summer School Grad/Dropout

Checked if you want to include Summer School Graduates and Dropouts in the CALPADS SSID Enrollment file. If this is unchecked, the SSID Enrollment file will not look at Summer School vectors.

Entry With Calendar Exclude

Used in the CALPADS SSID Enrollment file processing. If you have entire Calendars that you want to exclude from the CALPADS SSID Enrollment file, enter the value(s) here, separated by commas. For example, if you have a student with an Entry/Withdrawal vector with a calendar of "P" as shown in the page shot above, all information in that vector will be ignored.

Withdrawal Code Exclude

Used in the CALPADS SSID Enrollment file processing. If you want to exclude Entry/Withdrawal vectors with particular Withdrawal Codes from the CALPADS SSID Enrollment file, enter the value(s) here, separated by commas. For example, if you have a student with an Entry/Withdrawal vector with a Withdrawal Code of NS as shown in the page shot above, all information in that vector will be ignored. .

There are several setups for buildings that are necessary for both CALPADS Reporting as well as some of the California reports.

Building Configuration

Make sure that all buildings that you want to report to the State have the correct State Equivalency Code. Go to the Building Definition page to do this (Administration > Registration Setup > Building > Building Definition > Preferences panel). In addition to setting up the buildings in your district that have CDS numbers, you must also set up a "District Building" in order for your CBED ORA Reporting and CALPADS Fall 2 submission to work correctly. In California the State Equivalency Code is 14 characters long. The first 7 characters indicate the County and District and the last 7 indicate the school building. 

Prior to CALPADS, the State Equivalency Code for the District Building had to end in 7 zeroes. In CALPADS, the last 7 characters of the State Equivalency Code for the District Building must be the same as the County/District Number. If your County/District number is 1234567, then the entire CDS number (State Equivalency Code) would be 12345671234567 for the District Building.

CA Institution

Verify that the CA Institution Building-Defined page (Administration > Registration Setup > Building District Defined > CA Institution) is set up properly for buildings that you are reporting to the State.



School of Enrollment Country


Institution ID Type


Institution Type 2


Legal Status of Agency


Congressional District Number


Secondary Enrollment Calendar

If you want to report students to CALPADS with an enrollment status of Secondary Enrollment (20), enter the Calendar(s) that indicate Secondary Enrollment.

Marking Period for Extract

For the CALPADS Fall 2 submission, indicate which marking period the system should use to get appropriate Student Course records.  Enter the Marking Period for the Census Date.

Charter School

Checked if the building is a Charter School.  This is used in the CALPADS files. 

Short Term Enrollment Calendar

If you want to report students to CALPADS with an enrollment status of Short Term Enrollment (30), enter the Calendar(s) that indicate Short Term Enrollment.

Special Services Calendar

If you want to report students to CALPADS with an enrollment status of Special Services Enrollment (40), enter the Calendar(s) that indicate Special Services Enrollment.

Alternative School

Checked if this building is an Alternative School.  If a building is an Alternative School, you will get an error in the CALPADs Student Information log file if you do not enter a value on the CAREC – Receiver Schools After Alternate Ed program line.

Grades for Homeroom Course

Enter the grades that are not scheduled in this building.  The CALPADS Extract processing will create course records on the fly for the grades in this list.

SBE Charter School


Note: Students with Entry/Withdrawal Calendars that are not in the Secondary, Short Tem and Special Services Enrollment Calendar fields will be submitted to CALPADS with a Primary Enrollment Status (10).

CA Absence

Administration > Registration Setup > Building District Defined > CA Absence
Use this page to identify how a building identifies students educated in a home or hospital setting, whether by Calendar or Curriculum code. The CALPADS Student Absence download includes home/hospital students but does not track their attendance totals.



Home/Instructional Setting By

Select the way the building identifies students in a home or hospital instructional setting, whether by Calendar code in the Entry/Withdrawal record or Curriculum code from the Academic page.

Home/Instructional Setting

Comma-delimited list identifying the code or codes the Student Absence download will use to say the student is in the home/hospital instructional setting.

A student identified this way gets included in the Student Absence file, but the download does not report attendance in that record.

CA Building Groups

If you want to group buildings together in order to select them easier for State Reporting purposes, you should set up building groups. You could create a building groups for Active and Obsolete buildings, or if you have buildings in more than one district in eSchoolPlus, you should create two Building Groups based on the district.

  1. First, create your Building Groups. Go to Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select California State Reporting. Select Building Groups.
  2. Go to Administration > Registration Setup > Building District Defined > CA Building Groups to put a building into a building group.
  3. Use the Building Group on many of the CA submission creation pages.

CA Building Group Note for CA Course Information Page

For the CA Course Information page to work properly for your District and if you have more than one Building Group that you want the values on that page to be used for (this page is used for scheduled elementary courses that you don't want to update the CA Course Information page for at a course level), then you will need to create a Building Group for this.

For example, if you have Building Groups with Buildings in them like this:















And you want to combine ELEM1 and ELEM2 buildings into one group called COURSE, your Building Group Setup would look like this:


Building Group1

Building   Group2



















Marking Periods Setup for EOY 1 Submission

The End-of-Year 1 submission includes records in the Student Courses file showing final grades for each completed marking period you set up with a State Code Equivalent in Administration > Registration Setup > Calendars > Marking Periods. Use codes designated in the most current CALPADS Code Sets spreadsheet available on the CALPADS System Documentation site.

To determine the Mark Type for final grades, you will select the appropriate Mark Type on the Create CALPADS Extract/State Files page.

CALPADS Academic Term Code Set

Following is a list of the codes you should use for reporting State Code Equivalent values in the Marking Periods setup. Associate as appropriate.

Coded Value




Full Year

A session that lasts the full academic year.


First Hexmester

The first of six hexmesters in an Academic Year.


Second Hexmester

The second of six hexmesters in an Academic Year.


Third Hexmester

The third of six hexmesters in an Academic Year.


Fourth Hexmester

The fourth of six hexmesters in an Academic Year.


Fifth Hexmester

The fifth of six hexmesters in an Academic Year.


Sixth Hexmester

The sixth of six hexmesters in an Academic Year.



An academic session that occurs during a short break during the academic year (not necessarily a longer, summer break), typical of year-round schools.


First Quarter

The first of four quarters of an Academic Year.


Second Quarter

The second of four quarters of an Academic Year.


Third Quarter

The third of four quarters of an Academic Year.


Fourth Quarter

The fourth and final quarter of an Academic Year.


First Semester

The first of two semesters in an Academic Year.


Second Semester

The Second of two semesters in an Academic Year.


Supplemental Session

A session that occurs on evenings, after school, or weekends.


Summer Session

An academic session that occurs during the summer break.


First Trimester

The first of three trimesters in an Academic Year.


Second Trimester

The second of three trimesters in an Academic Year.


Third Trimester

The third of three trimesters in an Academic Year.


Other First Term

The first term in a set of terms not otherwise defined in this code set.


Other Second Term

The second term in a set of terms not otherwise defined in this code set.


Other Third Term

The third term in a set of terms not otherwise defined in this code set.


Other Fourth Term

The fourth term in a set of terms not otherwise defined in this code set.


Other Fifth Term

The fifth term in a set of terms not otherwise defined in this code set.


Other Sixth Term

The sixth term in a set of terms not otherwise defined in this code set.


Other Seventh Term

The seventh term in a set of terms not otherwise defined in this code set.


Other Eighth Term

The eighth term in a set of terms not otherwise defined in this code set.


Other Ninth Term

The ninth term in a set of terms not otherwise defined in this code set.

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