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Registration Setup

Validation Tables

Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables > select Registration

These validation tables are necessary for CALPADS reporting. You need to make sure that the State Code Equiv columns in these tables have the correct value.

eSchoolPlus Validation Table



Country International Standards Organization

Diploma Type

School Exit Reason

Education Level

Highest Education Level


Name Suffix Preferred



Meal Status

National School Lunch Program


Race Category


Student Exit Category

Phone Types Note

For phone types to print on the Blue Card properly, use the following State Code Equiv values:

  • 13 - Cellular Phone Type
  • 18 - Home Phone Type
  • 32 - Work Phone Type

Curricula Note

If your District is using Curriculum instead of Calendars to separate ADAs by group of students because you don't withdraw them and re-enroll the students when a change occurs, then your Curricula validation table should match the CA Attendance Software Report categories. See the Scheduling Setup section for more information.

Withdrawals Setup Note

Set up at least one Withdrawal Code with a State Code Equiv of CCE. This will be translated to a T160 in the CALPADS SSID Enrollment file. Your staff should use this Withdrawal Code in a situation where a student attends classes in another district during a break and returns to the same building. See the Updating eSchoolPlus to Fix CALPADS CCEs section for more information.


Administration > Registration Setup > Setup > Grades 

Make sure that the State Equivalency Code column has the correct value.

Withdrawal Code for Reconciliation Process


Administration > General Setup > District District Defined > Withdrawal Code for Reconciliation process

Use this page to indicate which Withdrawal Codes should indicate continuous enrollment for the CALPADS SSID file.

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