File Layout for Pre-ID (2013-2014)
Data Field | CALPADS File Spec Field Name/Code Set Name | eSchoolPlus | Beg Col | End Col | Size Field | STAR | CELDT |
Test Program ID | N/A | From prompt for Test Program Id | 1 | 1 | 1 | X | X |
District Name | N/A | | 2 | 21 | 20 | X | X |
County / District Code | CFS Field Name: 1.04 Reporting LEA | reg_building.state_code_equiv (first 7 characters) | 22 | 28 | 7 | X | X |
Student will also be assessed with the STS | N/A | Calculated for students who have primary language of Spanish (165-166) and english proficiency of English Learner (EL) (69) and enrolled a year or less. | 29 | 29 | 1 | X |
Filler | N/A |
| 30 | 30 | 1 |
School Name | N/A | | 31 | 50 | 20 | X | X |
School Code | CFS Field Name: 1.05 School of Attendance | reg_building.state_code_equiv (last 7 characters) | 51 | 57 | 7 | X | X |
Test Purpose | N/A | From prompt for CELDT Test Purpose | 58 | 58 | 1 |
| X |
Filler | N/A |
| 59 | 60 | 2 |
Delivery Name | N/A | From prompt for Delivery Name. | 61 | 80 | 20 | X | X |
Delivery Code | N/A | From prompt for Delivery Code. | 81 | 90 | 10 | X | X |
Grade in which student is enrolled | CFS Field Name: 1.25 Grade Level Code | reg.grade – reg_grade.state_code_equiv | 91 | 92 | 2 | X | X |
Student's Last Name | CFS Field Name: 1.12 Student Legal Last Name | reg.last_name | 93 | 103 | 11 | X | X |
Student's First Name | CFS Field Name: 1.10 Student Legal First Name | reg.first_name | 104 | 112 | 9 | X | X |
Student's Middle Initial | CFS Field Name: 1.11 Student Legal Middle Name | reg.middle_name | 113 | 113 | 1 | X | X |
Student ID Number (Locally Assigned) | CFS Field Name: 1.09 Local Student ID | reg.student _id | 114 | 123 | 10 | X | X |
Date of Birth (Month) | CFS Field Name: 1.17 Student Birth Date | reg.birthdate Month part of date. | 124 | 125 | 2 | X | X |
Date of Birth (Day) | CFS Field Name: 1.17 Student Birth Date | reg.birthdate Day part of date. | 126 | 127 | 2 | X | X |
Date of Birth (Year) | CFS Field Name: 1.17 Student Birth Date | reg.birthdate Year part of date. | 128 | 131 | 4 | X | X |
Gender | CFS Field Name: 1.18 Student Gender Code | reg.gender | 132 | 132 | 1 | X | X |
Statewide Student Identifier (SSID) | CFS Field Name: 1.08 SSID | reg_personal.state_report_id | 133 | 142 | 10 | X | X |
Hispanic or Latino? | CFS Field Name: 2.24 Student Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator | reg_personal.hispanic | 143 | 143 | 1 | X | X |
Filler | N/A | N/A | 144 | 145 | 2 |
Race | N/A | reg_ethnicity.ethnic_code – regtb_ethnicity.state_code_equiv equals the appropriate State Race code | 146 | 163 | 18 | X | X |
Race – Black or African American | CFS Field Name: 2.26 – 2.30 Student Race Code | state code equiv = 600 | 146 | 146 | 1 | X | X |
Race - American Indian or Alaskan Native | CFS Field Name: 2.26 – 2.30 Student Race Code | state code equiv = 100 | 147 | 147 | 1 | X | X |
Race - Chinese | CFS Field Name: 2.26 – 2.30 Student Race Code | state code equiv = 201 | 148 | 148 | 1 | X | X |
Race - Japanese | CFS Field Name: 2.26 – 2.30 Student Race Code | state code equiv = 202 | 149 | 149 | 1 | X | X |
Race - Korean | CFS Field Name: 2.26 – 2.30 Student Race Code | state code equiv = 203 | 150 | 150 | 1 | X | X |
Race - Vietnamese | CFS Field Name: 2.26 – 2.30 Student Race Code | state code equiv = 204 | 151 | 151 | 1 | X | X |
Race - Asian Indian | CFS Field Name: 2.26 – 2.30 Student Race Code | state code equiv = 205 | 152 | 152 | 1 | X | X |
Race - Laotian | CFS Field Name: 2.26 – 2.30 Student Race Code | state code equiv = 206 | 153 | 153 | 1 | X | X |
Race - Cambodian | CFS Field Name: 2.26 – 2.30 Student Race Code | state code equiv = 207 | 154 | 154 | 1 | X | X |
Race - Other Asian | CFS Field Name: 2.26 – 2.30 Student Race Code | state code equiv = 299 | 155 | 155 | 1 | X | X |
Race - Hmong | CFS Field Name: 2.26 – 2.30 Student Race Code | state code equiv = 208 | 156 | 156 | 1 | X | X |
Race - Filipino | CFS Field Name: 2.26 – 2.30 Student Race Code | state code equiv = 400 | 157 | 157 | 1 | X | X |
Race - Native Hawaiian | CFS Field Name: 2.26 – 2.30 Student Race Code | state code equiv = 301 | 158 | 158 | 1 | X | X |
Race - Guamanian | CFS Field Name: 2.26 – 2.30 Student Race Code | state code equiv = 302 | 159 | 159 | 1 | X | X |
Race - Samoan | CFS Field Name: 2.26 – 2.30 Student Race Code | state code equiv = 303 | 160 | 160 | 1 | X | X |
Race - Tahitian | CFS Field Name: 2.26 – 2.30 Student Race Code | state code equiv = 304 | 161 | 161 | 1 | X | X |
Race - Other Pacific Islander | CFS Field Name: 2.26 – 2.30 Student Race Code | state code equiv = 399 | 162 | 162 | 1 | X | X |
Race - White | CFS Field Name: 2.26 – 2.30 Student Race Code | state code equiv = 700 | 163 | 163 | 1 | X | X |
Filler | N/A |
| 164 | 164 | 1 |
Student's Primary Language | CFS Field Name: 1.22 Primary Language Code | reg.language – regtb_language.state_code_equiv | 165 | 166 | 2 | X | X |
Parent Education Level | CFS Field Name: 2.50 Parent Guardian Highest Education Level Code | reg_contact.education_level --regtb_edu_level.state_code_equiv for guardians. If multiple guardian records, the highest education level is used. | 167 | 168 | 2 | X |
Filler | N/A |
| 169 | 169 | 1 |
Country of Origin | CFS Field Name: 1.21 Student Birth Country Code | reg_personal.birth_country | 170 | 171 | 2 | X |
Student's English Proficiency | CFS Field Name: 2.41 English Language Acquisition Status Code | reg_programs.value | 172 | 175 | 4 | X |
Post-Grade 12 Student | N/A | reg_user.field_value | 176 | 176 | 1 |
Migrant Education | CFS Field Name: 3.13 Education Program Code | reg_programs.value | 177 | 177 | 1 | X | X |
Filler | N/A | N/A | 178 | 178 | 1 |
Gifted and Talented | CFS Field Name: 3.13 Education Program Code | reg_programs.value | 179 | 179 | 1 | X | X |
English Learner Services | CFS Field Name: 9.20 Education Service Code | reg_programs.value | 180 | 180 | 1 | X | X |
Filler | N/A |
| 181 | 184 | 4 |
N.S.L.P. (Identified as Eligible) | CFS Field Name: 3.13 Education Program Code | reg_programs.value | 185 | 185 | 1 | X |
Other – CDE Use Only (#1) – Reserved for possible use | N/A |
| 186 | 186 | 1 | X | X |
Other – CDE Use Only (#2) – Reserved for possible use | N/A |
| 187 | 187 | 1 | X | X |
Filler | N/A |
| 188 | 188 | 1 |
Special Education-Primary Disability | CFS Field Name: 3.21 Primary Disability Code | reg_programs.value | 189 | 191 | 3 | X | X |
English Learner Date First Enrolled (USA) | CFS Field Name: 2.45 Student Initial US School Enrollment Date | reg.us_enroll_date | 192 | 199 | 8 | X | X |
R – FEP Date Reclassified | CFS Field Name: 2.42 English Language Acquisition Status Start Date | reg_programs.start_date | 200 | 207 | 8 | X |
R-FEP Student Scored Proficient or Advanced 3 years on ELA CST and/or CMA | CFS Field Name: 2.43 Student Proficient or Advanced for ELA Code | reg_user.field_value | 208 | 208 | 1 | X |
English Learner in school in the U.S. less than 12 months (cumulative) | N/A | Calculated using reg.us_enroll_date | 209 | 209 | 1 | X |
Filler | N/A |
| 210 | 210 | 1 |
Student with significant disability will be assessed with CAPA | N/A | From prompt for Primary Disability Asses with CAPA. | 211 | 211 | 1 | X |
Filler | N/A |
| 212 | 213 | 2 |
Multiple Choice Test Administration Period | N/A | From prompt for Test Administration Period or Default Value. | 214 | 215 | 2 | X |
Writing Test Date | N/A | From prompt for Writing Test Date. | 216 | 217 | 2 | X |
Student will be assessed with CMA - ELA | N/A | From prompt for CMA ELA (including students in grades 3-11 starting in 2011 School Year) | 218 | 218 | 1 | X |
Student will be assessed with CMA - Math | N/A | From prompt for CMA Math (including students in grades 8 - 11 starting in 2010 School Year) | 219 | 219 | 1 | X |
Student will be assessed with CMA - Science | N/A | From prompt for CMA Science (including students in 10th grade starting in 2010 School Year) | 220 | 220 | 1 | X |
Filler | N/A |
| 221 | 230 | 10 |
Student Receives Spec Ed Services at Nonpublic Nonsectarian School (NPS) | N/A | reg_programs.value | 231 | 231 | 1 | X | X |
Nonpublic, Nonsectarian School (NPS) CDS School Code | CFS Field Name: 1.06 School of Attendance NPS | reg_programs.value | 232 | 238 | 7 | X | X |
Exit Date from Special Education Services (YYYYMMDD) | CFS Field Name: 3.16 Education Program Membership End Date | reg_programs.withdrawal_date | 239 | 246 | 8 | X |
County / District Code of Residence for Students with IEPs | CFS Field Name: 3.22 District of Special Education Accountability | reg.building – reg_building.state_code_equiv First 7 characters | 247 | 253 | 7 | X | X |
Most Recent Previous CELDT Administration (MMYYYY) | N/A | From prompt for Student Grade during Previous CELDT Administration. | 254 | 259 | 6 |
| X |
Student's Grade during Most Recent Previous CELDT Administration | CFS Field Name: 2.32 Grade Level Code | From prompt for Student Grade during Previous CELDT Administration. | 260 | 261 | 2 |
| X |
Most Recent Previous Listening Scale Score | N/A | From prompt for CELDT Previous Listening Scale Score. | 262 | 264 | 3 |
| X |
Most Recent Previous Speaking Scale Score | N/A | From prompt for CELDT Previous Speaking Scale Score. | 265 | 267 | 3 |
| X |
Most Recent Previous Reading Scale Score | N/A | From prompt for CELDT Previous Reading Scale Score. | 268 | 270 | 3 |
| X |
Most Recent Previous Writing Scale Score | N/A | From prompt for CELDT Previous Writing Scale Score. | 271 | 273 | 3 |
| X |
Most Recent Previous Overall Scale Score | N/A | From prompt for CELDT Previous Overall Scale Score. | 274 | 276 | 3 |
| X |
Filler | N/A |
| 277 | 280 | 4 |
Local Use | N/A | From prompt for Local Use Field. | 281 | 290 | 10 | X | X |
Filler |
| 291 | 330 | 40 |
Student's Street Address-First Line | CFS Field Name: 2.36 Residential Address Line 1 | reg_contact.street_number, reg_contact.street_prefix, reg_contact.street_name, reg_contact.street_suffix, reg_contact.street_type | 331 | 360 | 30 | X | X |
Student's Street Address-Second Line | 2.37 Residential Address Line 2 | reg_contact.apartment reg_contact.complex | 361 | 390 | 30 | X | X |
Student's City Name | CFS Field Name: 2.38 Residential Address City Name | | 391 | 410 | 20 | X | X |
State | CFS Field Name: 2.39 Residential Address State Province Code | reg_contact.state | 411 | 412 | 2 | X | X |
Student's Zip Code | CFS Field Name: 2.40 Residential Address Zip Code | | 413 | 421 | 9 | X | X |
Customer Pre-ID Data Field | N/A | From prompt for Customer Data. | 422 | 500 | 79 | X |
Student English Teacher SEID | N/A | N/A | 501 | 510 | 10 | X |
Student Math Teacher SEID | N/A | N/A | 511 | 520 | 10 | X |
Reserved for Future Use | N/A | N/A | 521 | 600 | 80 |