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California Utilities

This section of the user guide reviews pages on the Utilities menu that have not been discussed in other sections.



Create Pre-id File

Used to create file for testing companies

Calculate UC/CSU Course Requirements

Used to determine if students have met the requirements for University of California/California State University. If a student has met the requirements, the UC/CSU Course Requirements Met field on the CA Graduation page is checked.

Update Student District Defined Field

This is used in the Pre-ID process. Teacher information is linked to students by this utility. Districts must set up their own District-Defined page to track this information.

Create Teacher Assignments

This process updates the Highly Qualified District Defined Staff Page and the Staff Assignment District-Defined page from the information on the CA Course District-Defined page from the Master Schedule.

Create Physical Fitness Pre-id File

Used to create file for testing companies

Create CBEDS ORA File

This utility is used to create a file of non-teacher and student data for CBEDS ORA submission.

Create CALPADS Extract/State Files

Used to extract data for CALPADS and to create the files for the State once the data has been corrected.

Upload CALPADS ODS Files

This utility is used to upload data from the CALPADS ODS (Operational Data Store) for comparison to the data in eSchoolPlus.

Create Physical Fitness Test (PFT) File

This utility will create the Student file with Physical Fitness test results for each student and also the School file with summary information for each district's buildings.

Increment Staff Education Years

This utility will update the Years in District and Years in Education fields on the CA Demographics page.

Create Carl Perkins Grant-Link File

This utility will create a file with annual enrollment and program completion data for Carl Perkins reporting through Grant-Link. The fil will contain demographic and course data for Career Technical Education students.

Staff Program Mass Update

Used to update the CA Staff Programs values that are necessary for reporting Staff Demographics data to CALPADS. If you need to update the start date of a program vector for a group of staff, you will use this utility. More examples are explained in the section for the utilty.

Create Carl Perkins File

Used to create a file for the Carl Perkins report. This report captures CTE related courses and groups them based on ethnicities.

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