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CA Time-Based Daily Attendance Report

Regulatory > Reports > Reports > CA Time-Based Daily Attendance Report
This report can be used to verify that the information on the CA Time-Based Attendance Register is correct. It will show four weeks worth of daily data.


Field Description

Building List

Select ALL or Selected. If Selected, the user may either use drop-down to select multiple buildings or enter a comma-separated list of building numbers.

View Type

Select the attendance view type to use for gathering the Time-Based attendance information. This should be a minutes Attendance View that you use for your Continutaion Schools.


Choose to run either by Attendance Interval or by Date Range:

Attendance Interval

Select from the defined attendance intervals the month for which the report should be run.

Start Date & End Date

Start Date – enter the first date to be used to determine enrollment.
End Date – enter the last date that will be used to determine enrollment.

Log Statistics

If you check this option, it will include the prompts you entered as the first page of the report. The second page will include your register report.

Save Report Data For Attendance Software

Checked if you want to save the Year to Date calculated ADA to use it for calculating the Continuation Education (A-6) value when running the CA Attendance Software Report.


If you want to print the report for students enrolled in a particular program, select the appropriate program and field. Enter the values that you want to include on the report in the Value field. Note: the Report Only checkbox should be checked when you want to run the report by the program information you have entered. Having this checkbox here allows us to save the program information you have entered, but you don't have to use it each time you print the report.

NOTE: the Day Totals Calculation must be run for every building and attendance interval covering the date range desired to report on the CA Time-Based Daily Attendance Report.

Sample Reports:
This sample report shows a student that is not under his/her apportionment value.

This sample report shows a student that is under his/her apportionment value.

The description of the data in the columns in the detail section of the report follow:

Column Heading

Column Description

Week Total

Hours and minutes that the student was in attendance for the week.

Days Not Elg

Total membership days that the student was in the building but in a different curriculum or calendar OR the grouping from the first line of your Sort.

Days Not Enr

Total membership days minus total number of membership days attended

Poss Num

Total possible membership days for the week.

Total Periods

The value of Week Total in decimal format.

App Periods

Apportionment Periods: possible Number value multiplied by 3.

App Hours

Apportionment Hours: the lower value of Total Periods and App Periods.

App Days

Apportionment Days: Apportionment Hours divided by 3.

Hours Over

Hours Over Apportionment: Total Periods minus Apportionment Periods.

The totals at the bottom of each group are described in the following table:



Previous Month End Count

How many students were enrolled in the last Date Range

Current Gain

How many students enrolled in this Date Range.

Students Enrolled

End Count plus (plus) Gain

Students Withdrawn Before Last Day

Number of students who withdrew in this Date Range except on the last day.

Month End Active

Total enrolled minus loss

Students Withdrawn Last Day

Number of student with a Withdrawal Date that matches the last day in the Date Range.

Next Period Start

Current End Count minus Left Last Day

Days Taught

Total number of membership days (total students enrolled x days in Date Range)

Days Not Enrolled

Total membership days minus total number of membership days attended

Days Not Eligible

Total membership days that students were in the building but in a different curriculum or calendar OR the grouping from the first line of your Sort.

Possible Membership

Number of membership days in Date Range

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