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CA Demographics

Registration > Entry & Reports > Student District Defined > CA Demographics

Use this page to update and review California specific demographic information for students. 




Schooling in the United States

This field is date tracked and should be used as an override for immigrant students who have not reached the cumulative three years of schooling in the US when the US Enrollment Date is greater than 3 years from today. Once a student has three cumulative years, you will close the program vector.


English Proficiency

The value in this field indicates the student's English Proficiency level. Click on the link to update any of the information in the CA120 – English Proficiency program—this includes English Learner information as well. The start date for this date-tracked field will be used for the English Proficiency Status Date and RFEP Date Reclassified Date.


Eng Proficiency Status Date

Start date associated with the student's ELA Proficiency Status. This field shows the most recent Start Date for the English Proficiency program.

Typically, this is a read-only field. However, the following Security resource can grant you Read/Write access: CA – MAINT – ENPROFDATE.


Residential Status

Select the student's residential status. If you leave this field blank, the CALPADS Extract/State Files process will default a value of 200 – Permanent Housing.


Interdistrict Transfer

If a student is attending your District but lives in another Distict, click the hyperlink to enter the reason and what district he/she lives in.


Special Needs

If appropriate, select a value from the Special Needs validation table on California State Reporting (Administration > General Setup > District > Validation Tables).


Foreign Language Competency

Select the student's level of foreign language competency.



Checked to indicate that the student is a veteran of the armed forces.


Dropout Indicator

If the student has dropped out of school, select the appropriate value from the lookup.


School Mobility Grade Level

This field stores the student's mobility grade level for the school.


District Mobility Grade Level

This field stores the student's mobility grade level for the district.


Funding Group

If the student is attending summer school, select the appropriate Funding Group for summer school classes. This is used in the CA Summer School Attendance report.


Alias First Name

If the student has an Alias, enter the First Name here. This will update the CA Alias Page.


Alias Middle Name

If the student has an Alias, enter the First Name here. This will update the CA Alias Page.


Alias Last Name

If the student has an Alias, enter the First Name here. This will update the CA Alias Page.


Alias Generation

If the student has an Alias, enter the First Name here. This will update the CA Alias Page.


Highest Parental Education

Shows the highest education level earned by a guardian (Contact Type of Guardian) for this student. This is updated automatically in eSchoolPlus based on the student's Contact records, looking at the General panel's Education Level field.

The value displayed here gets reported in the Student Information file.



Indicates when a student identified as homeless is eligible for homeless services. This is the value that shows on the Student Personal page.


Unaccompanied Youth

Indication of whether a student identified as homeless also is not in the direct care of a parent or guardian,



Indication of whether a student identified as homeless meets the following additional characteristics:

  • Less than 18 years of age.
  • Left home without parental/caregiver permission.
  • Has stayed away from hom for one or more nights.



This is not currently tracked by CALPADS. It may be implemented in the future at the state's discretion.



English Language Acquisition status code that is on record for the student in CALPADS. You will see a value here if you uploaded the student's CALPADS data in the SSID.txt file through the State ID Upload option.

The eSchoolPlus CALPADS Extract uses this value to validate against the student's stored English Proficiency program value (program with State Code Equiv of ca120_prof). If the values differ, the Extract logs a warning for the ELA file. If you have not uploaded the CALPADS value, the Extract ignores this validation.

This is typically a read-only field showing the uploaded CALPADS value. However, there is a Security resource that can grant Read/Write access: CA – MAINT – ELASTATUS.


CALPADS Status ELA Start Date

ELA Status Start Date that is on record for the student in CALPADS. You will see a value here if you uploaded the student's CALPADS data in the SSID.txt file through the State ID Upload option.

The eSchoolPlus CALPADS Extract uses this value to validate against the student's stored English Proficiency program Start Date (program with State Code Equiv of ca120_prof). If the values differ, the Extract logs a warning for the ELA file. If you have not uploaded the CALPADS value, the Extract ignores this validation.

This is typically a read-only field showing the uploaded CALPADS value. However, there is a Security resource that can grant Read/Write access: CA – MAINT – ELASTATUS.


CALPADS Status ELA Language

Primary language that is on record for the student in CALPADS. You will see a value here if you uploaded the student's CALPADS data in the SSID.txt file through the State ID Upload option.

The eSchoolPlus CALPADS Extract uses this value to validate against the student's stored Home Language from the Registration page. If the values differ, the Extract logs a warning for the ELA file. If you have not uploaded the CALPADS value, the Extract ignores this validation.

This is typically a read-only field showing the uploaded CALPADS value. However, there is a Security resource that can grant Read/Write access: CA – MAINT – ELASTATUS.


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